New Announcements
School News
- Principal's Message
- Student Led Conference Portfolios
- RMS Parents at Roosevelt, Anxious Generation Book Club
- Helping All People (HAP) Fundraiser
- Oregon Health Survey
- Update from PAR
- Incoming Freshman News
Community Activities + Events
- Share Your Thoughts on 24th Ave
- Eugene Youth Ballet Presents: Nutcracker Short and Suite
- Ophelia's Place Early 2025 Calendar
Roosevelt Important Dates
This Week:
- Helping All People (HAP) Fundraiser kicks-off
- 6:30 - 7:30 PM, Orchestra Concert
- Early Release - 2:35 PM
- 6:30 - 7:30 PM, PAR Meeting and Anxious Generation Book Club parts 1 & 2
Next Week:
- Early Release - 2:35 PM
- 6:30 PM, 7/8 Drama Showcase
- 6:30 PM, 7/8 Drama Showcase
School News
Principal's Message
Hello Roosevelt Families,
I hope this message finds you well!
It’s week thirteen. This week, I’d like to direct your attention to five important items:
Parents At Roosevelt meeting and Anxious Generation Book Club meeting is this Thursday, 12/5 at 6:30pm. The book club will start about 7, following the Parents At Roosevelt meeting. The book club portion of the meeting will not be available online.
Student Led Conference portfolios for students who did not participate in their conference are coming home with students next week so students can present their portfolios to their parents/guardians.
Our Helping All People program, HAP, starts up in earnest this week. RMS is doing a food drive for Food for Lane County, and asking for donations of gift cards or monetary donations to directly support families in our community.
The Oregon Student Health Survey will be administered in House to 6th and 8th graders the week before Winter Break.
Our direct drive fundraiser is continuing through December 31.
Please see below for more detailed information on all of five of these items below….
Have a great week, all, and, as always, please reach out if there’s anything we can support with!
Mike Yocum
Interim Principal | Roosevelt Middle School
Eugene School District 4J
yocum_m@4j.lane.edu | 541.790.8500
Student Led Conference Portfolios
Our desire with last month’s Student Led Conferences was for students to take ownership of their learning, engage with their families about their areas of strengths and challenges, and show off the hard work they do at middle school. Throughout November, students worked to assemble portfolios of their school work in all of their classes, including reflections on their progress and areas of growth in each class, and at conferences, students had the opportunity to share their work with their parents/guardians.
Unfortunately, not all students were able to participate in their conference, and we want all students to have the opportunity to share their learning with their parents/guardians. Next week, we are sending portfolios home so that students can present them to their parents/guardians. Each portfolio should include a table of contents, work samples that demonstrate student learning and achievements, and reflections on student progress, challenges, and growth.
Your involvement in this process is invaluable. We’re requesting that parents/guardians ask their students to present their portfolio to them. This process should take 25 minutes or less. By reviewing the portfolio together, parents/guardians reinforce the importance of self-reflection and gain insights into their student’s learning and school experience. We’ll be asking all students who did not participate in Student Led Conferences in person to have their parents/guardians indicate via signature that they presented their portfolio to them.
RMS Parent At Roosevelt, Anxious Generation Book Club
Helping our young people negotiate phones, social media, and internet content in a healthy way is super important. At school, we see how these devices, when not stored off and away in lockers, can create off ramps from learning that distract students from their studies. With that in mind, our Parents At Roosevelt (PAR) group is hosting a book club focused on The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. Our first meeting will be on 12/5 following our Parents At Roosevelt meeting, which begins at 6:30pm. Our format will be to hold a roughly 30 minute PAR meeting followed by a roughly 30 minute book club discussion. For the 12/5 book club meeting, we’ll be discussing the first two parts of the book, The Tidal Wave and The Decline of the Play-Based Childhood. All are welcome to attend and having read the book is not a requirement. Please reach out to Mike or Skye if you need a copy of the book. The book club portion of the meeting will not be on Google Meet. We will be streaming the Parents At Roosevelt part of the meeting on Google Meet at this link: meet.google.com/oxf-mtbg-pjs
Helping All People (HAP) Fundraiser
For close to thirty years, families at Roosevelt have shown their generous spirit by donating food, clothing and other supplies to Eugene-area families during November and December. As we’ve done the past three years, we are opting for collecting pre-paid gift cards and cash donations to distribute to families in our school community. This year, we're also going to be doing a non-perishable food drive to support Food For Lane County. We’ll be collecting food each week in House. Students can begin bringing non-perishable food items in beginning Tuesday, 12/3. Non-perishable food items that Food For Lane County recommends are:
- High-protein, shelf-stable foods such as canned meats and fish, stews, chilis, broths, and peanut butter
- Low-sugar dried fruit, apple sauce and canned fruit without syrup
- Pasta, rice, cereal, corn meal, dried beans, and oatmeal
- Cooking oil and healthy fats such as olive oil or coconut oil
- Masa, mole, chiles, and other specialty spices
- Canned vegetables and beans
- Baking mixes (premade pancake, waffle, and muffin mixes)
- Brown rice
- Coffee
- Flour
- Granola
- Juice
- Lentils
- Milk alternatives (oak milk, almond milk, soy milk, etc.)
- Nuts
- Mac'n cheese
- Protein bars/granola bars
- Protein shakes
- Shelf-stable milk
- Soups
- Pasta Sauce
If your family is able to support, your donation will be greatly appreciated and benefit families here in Lane County.
In addition, to support a positive and caring environment at school, all December students making good choices at school can receive raffle tickets to enter to win for prizes for their House and in some cases, individual prizes. Some examples include the opportunity for their House to throw water balloons at staff as they run around the field, the opportunity to earn a breakfast party for their House, and the opportunity to be principal for the day.
Oregon Student Health Survey
Our school, like all 4j middle schools, is participating in the Student Health Survey (SHS), a survey sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division and the Oregon Department of Education. The survey asks about health risk behaviors of students in grades 6, 8 and 11. The survey will be conducted online in the classroom and includes questions about student health and safety, mental and behavioral health, school climate and culture, and risk and protective factors.
Taking the Student Health Survey poses minimal risk to your child, who may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable answering some of the questions. Survey procedures have been designed to protect your child's privacy and allow for anonymous participation. If your child is not comfortable answering a question, he or she can leave it blank. While we encourage all students to participate, the decision to participate is voluntary. You may opt to send a refusal for your child’s participation. Your child will have the chance to refuse at the time of the survey. There will be no action against you or your child if your child does not participate.
If you do not wish your child to take this survey, return the attached opt out form to the front office before the survey date of Tuesday, December 17, 2024. You only need to return this form if you do not wish your child to participate. Please see the other side of this form for more information. You can review the survey document at the front office before the survey date. The survey is also available on the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Public Health Student Health Survey website for you to review before the survey date at: healthoregon.org/shs
Please see the attached documents for more information. Thank you!
Our RMS Direct Drive
Much of our success as a school is directly attributable to our community’s ability to collaborate, coming together in crucial efforts to support RMS programs and classes. Our students have significant needs as young ones in our system and our teachers always need additional support, given large class sizes.
In order to do our work, we need to be able to reduce class sizes next year and add adult supervision hours to support our unique programs. To have additional staffing– teachers in classrooms and supervision support– comes with a significant cost. To reach the equivalent of one classroom teacher, if we raised an average of $200 per RMS student, we would achieve our goal.
With this reality, and in this season of giving, we hope you will consider a generous donation to Roosevelt this year. We will not ask you to participate in any other whole-scale school fundraiser aside from our silent auction during Showcase; our direct drive is the only avenue through which we will ask specifically for your support.
For your reference, our tax ID number is 93-6000566. Your tax-deductible donation can be made before December 31, 2024 in several ways:
US Mail: Send a check to Roosevelt Middle School at 500 E. 24th Ave. Eugene, OR 97405.
Your contribution ensures an outstanding experience for every student at Roosevelt. We recognize not every family is comfortable contributing to a direct drive and know our families give in myriad ways. We are incredibly grateful for the time family members spend volunteering at school and organizing community events. All types of support add up in our school!
Every day, we are grateful to be a part of our remarkable Roosevelt community and can clearly see just how our approach benefits students. Many thanks for your ongoing support!
Updates from PAR
We look forward to seeing you at our second bi-monthly PAR meeting this Thursday, 12/5, at 6:30-7:00 pm in person in the Roosevelt Library or on Google meet. It will be directly followed by an in-person book club meeting.
We will be introducing the parents who have joined the PAR board, appreciation days, staff grants, showcase committees and will hear what each have been working on. We welcome your ideas and participation in the upcoming year and hope you will attend.
The Google meet link is here: meet.google.com/oxf-mtbg-pjs
Casey McGuire-Turcotte, Julie Kim and Chris Binstadt
PAR Committee
A Thank You
Dear RMS Families and Friends,
We would like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity, kindness and time in providing the delicious soup dinner for the Roosevelt Middle School staff during the student-led conferences last week. It was greatly appreciated by all and not a drop nor a crumb went to waste!
Our next appreciation event will be on Monday, January 13 when we will be providing salad lunch. Keep an eye on your email for details!
Thank you again,
Livia Fremouw and the appreciation committee at PAR.
Incoming Freshman News
Eugene International High School (Eugene IHS) is a choice school for students in grades 9-12 offering a 4-year interdisciplinary humanities curriculum focused on international studies. Students are dual enrolled in both Eugene IHS and their host school. ANY student can enroll. They must go through the online 4J School Choice Lottery, regardless of attendance area: 4j.lane.edu/schoolchoice. The in-district deadline is January 31, 2025.
IMPORTANT DATES for the 2025-2026 School Year:
January 1……Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for in-district students
January 31…..Deadline to submit in-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
March 1…...Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for out-of-district students
March 31……..Deadline to submit out-of-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
Spanish and French Immersion students from Monroe and Roosevelt will be enrolled in Eugene IHS without the lottery process because they entered immersion through the lottery in elementary or middle school. However, immersion students do need to submit the Eugene IHS Enrollment Form to the Eugene IHS office at South or Sheldon by the January 31st deadline. This form will be included in a special mailing to immersion families.
We hope you will consider becoming a part of our Eugene IHS community!
For more information contact one of the Eugene IHS offices below, or visit the Eugene IHS website at ihs.4j.lane.edu
Eugene IHS @ Churchill: 541-790-5225
Eugene IHS @ Sheldon: 541-790-6636
Eugene IHS @ South Eugene: 541-790-8030
Community Activities + Events
Share Your Thoughts on 24th Avenue!
The City of Eugene is exploring adding protected bike lanes to 24th Avenue from Amazon Path to Agate Street. Protected bike lanes would add more space and physical protection between people biking and people driving. This project would require removing the on-street parking between Hilyard Street and Agate Street.
To share your thoughts, please:
- Take the online survey (open through December 20th): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VWN7D7W
- Or attend a community meeting at Roosevelt Middle School on Tuesday, December 10 from 6-7pm. City staff will give a presentation followed by time for discussion and questions.
For more details, click here.
Eugene Youth Ballet Presents: Nutcracker Short and Suite
Ophelia's Place Winter Calendar
We’re thrilled to announce that the Ophelia's Place Winter 2025 calendar is now available! It’s packed with exciting events, activities, and opportunities to get involved. We’re looking forward to sharing this season with you. You can also explore more about Ophelia’s Place and stay updated by visiting their website.
Community Resources
Lane County's Winter Holiday Resource Guide
Students Ride Free with LTD
Free LTD Transit Passes for students!
All students in 4J schools can get a student pass to ride Lane Transit District (LTD) buses for free. Student transit passes can be used to travel anywhere within the LTD service area. Student passes can be used at any time—after school, weekends and during school breaks, as well as to get to and from school each day. To get a free LTD student transit pass middle school students can request their own passes at the front office. Passes are valid through September 30 and renew annually.
LTD free student bus passes should work throughout students’ time at 4j. If you try to use your pass and it doesn’t work, please go to the front office right away with your pass to get it renewed. If you lose your pass or it is stolen, the front office at your school can replace it for you.
Mental Health Support
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources
Please click here to find an updated list of community resources for families.
Free Access to Care Solace
4J families, does your student or a family member need help with mental health care? Eugene School District 4J is providing students, staff and their families’ free access to Care Solace, a confidential care coordination service, to help provide an additional layer of care and address the growing need for mental health care and substance abuse treatment.
Care Solace will connect you to verified community care providers matched to your needs, including providers that accept your medical insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, or sliding scale options for those without insurance. Their care companion team is always available. Get help finding care providers that meet your needs at caresolace.com/eugene or call 888-515-0595 anytime, day or night, in any language. (Note, Care Solace is not a mental health service provider or emergency response service. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 or the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255.)
Learn more: 4j.lane.edu/2022/03/care-solace-mental-health-care-coordination-service/
Helping Out Our Teens in Schools
HOOTS offers mental health support by phone for students, families, and staff of 4J high schools during school closures. The phone line is accessible from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday and is staffed by crisis counselors who normally work HOOTS clinic or work on CAHOOTS. Video support is available from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on weekdays and is accessed by emailing hoots@whitebirdclinic.org with your name and preferred time. HOOTS is able to provide short term counseling and mental health support, resource referrals and OHP sign up. Students, families and staff of 4J please call (541)246-2342.Earn Free Money for Roosevelt!
Oregon's Bottle Drop Program! Blue bags and tags are available for pick up in the front office.
You can help Roosevelt earn money for our school by registering your credit card with eScrip. Earn money for Roosevelt every time you shop at Market of Choice & other local restaurants. Register your credit/debit cards, designating Roosevelt Middle School—Recipient ID #6723045. Click on the link above to get started.
Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Roosevelt. You can search by our name or by our non-profit number GB554.
Download the Box Top for Education App in Google Play or the App Store, sign up (or sign in) and take a picture of your receipt within 14 days of purchase. It will automatically credit the school for each product. For more information, click on the link above.