Colonial Park Weekly News
September 23 - September 27
Principal's Note
Dear Colonial Park Families -
I hope everyone is having an enjoyable Sunday. Today is officially the first day of fall!
Thank you for making our Back to School Night last week a huge success We were so happy to welcome so many Colonial Park families, and we had an excellent turnout for the evening. If there is a staff member you would like to connect with that was not there, please reach out to me, and I will put you in touch with them. I am also attaching some information that was shared about Safety and Attendance. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Our first Goldie Gathering is scheduled for Thursday, September 26 at 8:45. During our Goldie Gatherings, we come together in the gym as a school community and celebrate each other in a variety of ways. We always end our Goldie Gathering with our Goldie Anthem! All staff and students are encouraged to wear Colonial Park or Stoneham spiritwear, or a favorite blue shirt, on Goldie Gathering days.
Friday, September 27, is an Early Release Day for all Stoneham Public School Students. On Friday, preschool students will be dismissed at 11:40 and students in grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12:00. Lunch will be served for K-4 students, but our preschool friends will not have lunch in school on early release days.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Rosa Flynn
Important Morning Arrival Reminders
I wanted to provide a few reminders about Morning Arrival.
- If you choose to drop your student off, please pull all the way up before having your child exit the car. We recognize that sometimes that means families have to wait; however, the wait is longer if students are exiting at different points along the sidewalk.
- Please do not cut in front of the line of cars. Stay behind the last car when you join the line.
- If your child sits in the back seat, please have your child sit on the side of the curb. We ask that you move car seats, so that your child can safely exit the car onto the sidewalk.
- If there is indoor arrival, you will see a flag outside of Door 8 and at the main entrance. Morning drop-off in front of the building is managed the same way.
- Please do not exit the vehicle if you are doing live drop off. If you would like to help your child out of the car, please park in the parking lot or surrounding streets.
Thank you for helping us keep our Colonial Park families safe.
A Note from Nurse Lapery
This is a reminder to parents and guardians of students who require medications at school such as Epipens, inhalers, Diastat and any other stand by medication. A new doctor's order and action plan is required to be submitted at the beginning of each school year.
There were epipens and inhalers left here at the end of last school year, some of which have expired. Please make sure to check with me regarding if you need to bring in a new medication.
The doctor's offices are welcome to fax the new action plans and orders. The fax number is 781-279-3892.
Thank you,
Katie Lapery
PTO News
*Halloween Committee – October 2nd 7pm! Volunteers Needed! Do you love Spooky Season?! We are beginning to plan our school-wide Halloween celebrations! This usually includes a Trunk or Treat event outside school time and a Pumpkin Patch for all students during school time. We have a great group of volunteers so whether you can commit your time or just want to learn more please join us! meet.google.com/rnd-eixa-zmp
*Colonial Park Pumpkin Patch! -- Our Annual Pumpkin Patch will be held during school hours on Thursday, October 24. We are looking for sponsors to help offset the cost of the pumpkin patch. If you have a business that is interested in sponsoring this fantastic event, please email colonialparkpto@Gmail.com for more details!
*PTO Meeting – Our next meeting will be October 8th at 7pm at Evviva Trattoria! Join us for appetizers, social time, and to learn more about what the PTO is up to. All are welcome and we would love to see some new faces (and who doesn’t love free food?!)
*Would you like to be part of Goldie’s Group? -- Goldie’s Group is an important part of our Colonial Park community. Throughout the year, PTO has a number of volunteer opportunities and we need the help of our community to get things done! Whether you have an hour to spare once a year or once a week, we would love your help! Do what you can, when you can. Tasks may include helping out in a classroom, photocopying papers, helping at an event, setting up for an enrichment activity, and more! As opportunities come up, we’ll send an email with what we need help with, you email us back if you can help. It’s as easy as that! Click here to sign up!