September 26th, 2024

Save The Date
- 9/26 Panda Express Restaurant Night - TONIGHT
- 9/27 Fund Run Money Due TOMORROW!
- 10/3 BINGO - 6 - 8pm (doors open at 5:30pm)
- 10/4 - PTO Meeting
School Information
October Pupil Count
Tuesday, October 1st, is the official student count day in the state of Colorado. The attendance data will be collected on October 1st and submitted to the Colorado Department of Education to determine funding eligibility for our school. State funding will be based on the number of students enrolled and in attendance on Tuesday, October 1st, so it is essential for students to be in class. We kindly ask parents to reschedule any existing appointments. If you cannot reschedule an appointment or if your child is sick, call the attendance line at 303-387-6727 to report the absence. Be sure to leave an expected return date. We appreciate your support and attention regarding this important matter.
Vision and Hearing Screening - October 2nd
The District’s Vision and Hearing team will be at school to conduct their annual screening on Wednesday, October 2nd for K - 3rd grade students, 5th grade students, and other identified students.
Please read this letter for detailed information about the screening process.
Our second grader, Blake, is a finalist in the Douglas County Elections student art contest! The K-2 theme is "America the Beautiful," and Blake created a stunning collage landscape inspired by our national parks, influenced by Henri Matisse’s technique of “painting with scissors.” Please take a moment to support Blake by voting through the link below! Voting will close tomorrow on Friday, October 4th.
Cold & flu season is coming...
Fall has arrived, and we typically see an increase in student illnesses this time of year. Students will be sent home from school (and should be kept at home) if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
Undiagnosed skin eruptions / rashes
Nausea / vomiting / diarrhea
Severe abdominal pain
Fever of 100 degrees or higher
Disruptive, persistent cough
Loss of taste and/or smell
The district’s attendance policy outlines other factors considered when determining illness, and provides specifics regarding when your child can return to school. Thank you for partnering with us by keeping students that are sick at home to help prevent the spread of illness in our school.
Heritage yearbooks are now available for pre-order with a 10% discount through September 30th!
Click the flyer above and use Passcode: 1013850739261506 to order now!
News from the Art Room
We have had a wonderful start of the year in the art room! Our first rotation focused on building positive routines in the art studio, then all grades had an olympic themed project. Be sure to check those out in the halls during conferences next week.
Speaking of conferences… Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders will all have a framed piece of their own art on display! You may purchase your child’s framed art using cash, check (made out to Heritage Elementary), or through Square via a QR code you can scan and pay on your credit card. Each work will be $15. Your purchase will go directly back to the art program and will help purchase the consumables we use (paper, markers, paints, canvases, etc)! Thank you so much for supporting your students and their art program.
If you have students in other grades, you will be able to purchase their art later in the year. 3rd and 4th graders will have art to purchase during 2nd semester conferences in January and 5th and 6th sell their own creations (if they choose to), at the Art Market during Morning with Moms in April.
Upcoming Events
Fund Run Prizes
Thanks to all of our donors, the Fund Run has currently raised over $40,000! The students have earned a chance to dunk Heritage Staff in a dunk tank on Friday, September 27th , collect their prizes on Prize Day on Friday, October 4th , and watch a live BMX show at Heritage on Wednesday, October 9th!
Last year we raised just over $46,000 at our Fund Run! Can you help us beat it? We are collecting funds until TOMORROW September 27th!
Last chance to get those donations! Fund Run money is due TOMORROW – September 27th ! Keep up the good work, Explorers!
Bond Initiative
Learn how Heritage would benefit from Bond funding: https://funding.dcsdk12.org/2024-bond/how-my-school-would-benefit
Check out the district's funding website at www.dcsdk12.org/funding if you have any other questions.
PTO Updates
Panda Express Restaurant Night - TONIGHT!
A busy weeknight calls for an easy dinner (or lunch). Grab takeout or dine-in at Panda Express (9563 S University Blvd.) TODAY from 9:30am - 9:30pm. 20% comes back to Heritage!
Ongoing Heritage Fundraisers
Click for more information: https://ptoheritage.org/ongoing-fundraisers.
Heritage Spiritwear!
Did you know that Fridays are Heritage Spirit days? We have lots of new items. Place your order online and have it shipped directly to you or pick it up in the store.
Heritage earns 20% back for every order. Order yours today!
Activities & Enrichment Opportunities
Thanksgiving Meal Box Program
Backpack Society is offering Thanksgiving Family Meal Boxes to our families needing assistance. Click the link below to sign up:
To help Backpack Society reach their goal of providing 200 Thanksgiving Boxes, click the link above to learn more.
Community Events through The Foundation
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools has some great Community Events already lined up for our school community!
Detailed information can be found on the Community Event page of The Foundation's website. All tickets can be purchased directly from that page as well. Current offerings include tickets to the Colorado Rockies, Rapids, Avalanche, Air Force Falcons, Elitch Theme Park, Lone Tree Arts Center, DCPA and more - check back often for new opportunities to be added!
These are fun, discounted opportunities, and a portion of each ticket purchased goes back to DCSD!