GMS Newsletter
March 10th-14th
This Week's Reminders:
We have 29 days until the End of year Summative Assessment and EVERY day matters!! Please partner with us in ensuring your student is present and engaged as we embark on the last part of our school year. Due to our snow days, Report Cards will now be going home on March 20th. We will be having RTI sessions on Friday this week and will have our PBIS Reward next week!
🛑Dresscode Reminder: As warmer weather is here (wahoo), please review the dresscode regarding shorts being mid thigh and shirts! Students will be asked to change or call to get a change of clothes if they are out of dresscode. Please help us with this!
- Monday: Home Fast Focus
- Tuesday-Friday: RTI Sessions
- Tuesday and Thursday: VIP After school
- Friday: RTI Sessions
Panther Refuel: Students that participate in panther refuel will be charged the same fee as they would for breakfast. If students decided to get breakfast then it will be $1.50 for refuel.
Students can only have a clear water bottle (no Stanley's or tumblers). All outside drinks must be thrown away before 1st period (coffees/energy drinks). We have several filtered water stations throughout the building and want everyone staying hydrated!!
Help us remind and reinforce student dress code with our students! The dress code requirements are pictured below. We will be reminded students of the policy and expectations throughout this week! If students are caught out of dress code, they will be asked to call home and get different clothes.
Use HAC (Home Access Center) to check your student's grades and attendance.
ICU will continue this week during lunches. This is a time where students come to the library with their lunch to get caught up on missing assignments. We have several teachers and administrators avaliable to help and support students during this time. Parents will recieve a text and email notification when/if their student gets placed on the ICU list. This is not a punishment but a way to communicate that your student has an essential assignment missing.
Students will need their chromebooks and chargers everyday! The library is also open before and after school for book checkouts! We want every student to have a book of their choice by the end of the week!
Parent notes for student absences are due within 5 days of the absence. After 5 days, we do accept notes.
*****Course Requests Info- What classes will you take next year??
ALL course requests packets are DUE!
If your student is a current 7th grader-- please watch the 8th grade video. It is important to understand the new pathways and classes that count as HS credit as an 8th grader.
GMS Vision: Be the turning point in teaching, leading, and learning.
Important Dates:
March 20th: Report Cards
March 18-20th-EAST Conference
March 19th: Spring Picture Day (Forms were sent home last week)
April 1st (Athletic Physicals for current 7th graders in the AM)
April 3rd (Athletic Physicals for current 6th graders in the AM)
April 6th-Arts Fest
April 15th-Military Purple Up Day
March 24th-28th: Spring Break
ATLAS Summative-April 28th-May 1st
*****please do not schedule apps for these days until after 10:30!!
May 1st: School Choice Paperwork Due
ICU Update- "Every student, Every Assignment."
H.E.A.R.T of the Panther Expectations
Greenbrier Schools Secondary Dresscode:
Parents, please help remind our students of the dresscode! Shorts must be to mid thigh!
District Tip Line
"Greenbrier Schools is committed to taking a community approach to school safety and promoting the "see something, say something" approach for all members of our school community. Please use this tip line to provide information to assist us in maintaining safe schools.
As always, if you know of an imminent threat or emergency situation, please dial 911."
Standards Based Grading at GMS:
Standards Based Grading: What does my child's progress report mean?
If you are needing HAC Access, please call the office and get your login and password.
District Calendar and Attendance Policy:
GMS Bell Schedule
Counseling Corner:
Help us celebrate Mrs. Buchanan
We are also #GreenbrierProud to announce that she was nominated and has been selected as the 2024-2025 Arkansas School Counselor Association - Central Region Middle School Counselor of the Year. Congratulations Mrs. Buchanan! We love you! #gmsstory #gmsrootstogrow
Checkout the #GMSstory:
Other Important Information:
Greenbrier Athletic Events:
7th Grade Athletic Schedules:
Contact Us:
Tory Moix, Assistant Principal
Taylor Stone, Dean of Students
Tami Buchanan, Counselor
Susan Bradley, Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.greenbrierschools.org/Domain/10
Location: 13 School Drive, Greenbrier, AR, USA
Phone: 501-679-2113