The Panther
Patrick Henry Middle School
Mission: To educate and prepare each student to succeed in a changing world.
Newsletter Date:
August 1, 2024
Principal's Corner
Summer Greetings!
The start of another school year is on the horizon! August always brings about a sense of excitement as we look forward to seeing all of our returning students, as well as meeting new students and families!
If you have been in or around the building this summer, you have seen many preparations taking place as we ensure Patrick Henry continues to be a fantastic learning environment for all students! We want to especially thank our custodians for all of their hard work over the summer, our teachers who led our summer Running Start program for our incoming 6th grade students, our clerical who have continued to take care of all of the necessary details, and our WEB Leaders and Coordinators for helping to welcome all of our incoming 6th graders at their upcoming WEB day on August 7th!
On behalf of administration and all of the staff at Patrick Henry, we welcome everyone to the new school year!
In this edition of our newsletter you will find a wealth of information pertaining to all our back-to-school activities. We want to draw particular attention to our Panther Preview Day on Monday, August 19th. We invite all students and families to join us on this day to get their new class schedule, meet their teachers, locate their locker, take school pictures, get bus information, and more. The doors open at noon, and teachers will be available in their classrooms from 1:00 – 8:00 p.m. Please review the Panther Preview Day Information located in this newsletter regarding specific times and details. We hope to see everyone there!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Mrs. Sharping,
PHMS Principal
Panther Preview Day (Open House)
Mark your calendars: Monday, August 19th, Patrick Henry Middle School invites all students and families to join us for our annual Panther Preview Event. This is an open house for students to pick up their new schedule, take their school picture, meet their teachers, find their new classes, practice their locker, get bus information, put money in their lunch accounts, and more! All families are invited to attend this back to school event. In order to allow for parking, and to spread out the traffic throughout the school, it is recommended that families attend open house during the suggested times below:
Student Last Names: A - G: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Student Last Names: H - N: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Student Last Names: O - Z: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Any family who is unable to attend at their designated time is invited to come: 7:00-8:00 p.m. Also, all 7th and 8th grade students who are NEW to Patrick Henry, are invited to come from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. There will be students/staff available for tours at that time.
Remember students, come ready to take your school photo that day!
School pictures can be pre-ordered Here:
We look forward to seeing you on August 19th!
W.E.B. Day
6th Grade Orientation
W.E.B. (Where Everyone Belongs) 6th Grade Orientation Day is coming on Wednesday, August 7th from 8:30 - 12:00 p.m!
WEB Orientation is an optional, but highly recommended experience for ALL 6th grade students. WEB is only for students. Parents will have an opportunity to get acquainted with Patrick Henry during our Panther Preview Day on August 19th (see additional details about this event included in this newsletter).
Parents/guardians should have their students at the front doors (closest to the flag pole) at 8:25 a.m. on Wednesday, August 7th. The 8th grade WEB Leaders will open the front doors to usher students in as they arrive and escort them to their assigned areas. Students will have the opportunity to meet other incoming 6th graders and become more familiar with the building. The orientation will be finished at 12:00 p.m.
Parents/guardians should pick their student up out front of the building at that time. There will be over 300 students exiting the building at that time so it may be best to arrange a meeting spot ahead of time.
WEB Orientation will be a welcoming, safe, and exciting start for our new 6th graders! We look forward to seeing our newest Panther students at that time!
*Students needing special accommodations while attending WEB should contact the school office no later than Monday, August 5th at 367-7639.
Calling All 8th Grade WEB Leaders
Monday, August 5: WEB leader training 7:30 am-12:30 pm in the main gym
Tuesday, August 6: WEB leader training 7:30 am-12:30 pm in the main gym
Wednesday, August 7: WEB Day - WEB leaders report to the main gym 7:30 a.m. -12:45 p.m.
Annual Student Update
It’s time to update information!
Parents/Guardians of students currently enrolled in the Sioux Falls School District should complete the Annual Information Update (Online Registration) for each one of their students through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
After logging into the Parent Portal, a link for Annual Information Update can be found under the left menu. If you have forgotten your password, please call your school or Central Services at 367-8432 to reset your password.
If you have changed addresses over the summer, proof of residency must be supplied. Documents that are acceptable for proof of residency are: lease agreement, mortgage documents, utility bill, property tax payment/receipt, homeowners insurance policy, or state/government agency mail.
The updates must be done through parent/guardian accounts only. Household information for ALL students must be updated prior to the start of the school year.
Parents who are new to the SFSD can access the Online Registration through the SFSD website. ( - Select the icon “New Family Information” from the left side of the page - Under School Registration and Enrollment, select the red Online Registration System link - Enter the requested information, select the Registration Year as 24-25, and enter the letters and/or numbers seen in the captcha box. - Select “Begin Registration”. - It is always helpful to write the application number down.
Any student in grades 7-12 who intends to participate in activities at the high school level MUST have their information completed online before the first day of practice.
If you do not have access to a computer, one is currently available at IPC, 201 E. 38th Street, or at middle and high school offices.
School Supplies
Suggested School Supply List
Suggested Supplies
- 3+ inch zippered binder/trapper-keeper
- 1 Subject Spiral Notebook, wide-ruled
- 3-pronged 2 pocket folder
- 3 pocket folders with 3 hole punches to put in binder
- Highlighter
- #2 Pencils
- Pens
- Loose leaf paper
- 3 hole zippered pouch
- Colored pencils
- Ear buds or headphones
- water bottle (without a spray/squeezable top)
Suggested Supplies
- 3+ inch zippered binder/trapper-keeper
- 1 Subject Spiral Notebook, wide-ruled
- 3-pronged 2 pocket folder
- Durable 2 pocket folder with three hole punch
- Highlighter
- #2 Pencils
- Pens
- Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)
- 3 hole zippered pouch
- Colored pencils
- Ear buds or headphones
- water bottle (without a spray/squeezable top)
Suggested Supplies
- 3+ inch zippered binder/ trapper-keeper
- Pens, #2 pencils, and erasers
- highlighter
- Loose leaf paper
- 3-hole zippered pencil pouch
- Colored pencils
- Two spiral notebooks
- Composition notebook
- 2 folders, one with prongs
- Basic calculator
- Ear buds or headphones
- Water bottle (without a spray/squeezable top)
Athletic Info
Fall Sports:
Girls Volleyball
Coed Football
Boys and Girls Cross Country
Fall Sport Sign Ups-
We are currently transitioning to a new website. Because of that, sign ups for sports will not be taking place until Thursday, August 8th. For further information such as practice schedules, game schedules, as well as what sports are offered at Patrick Henry, you can find that information by clicking here.
Forms Needed to Participate in Athletics
Complete the Activity Participation Packet. This needs to be completed prior to each school year.
Please login to your Parent Infinite Campus account and complete the “Annual Student Information Update.” After signing into Infinite Campus, click on “More” in the left hand margin to get to the Annual Student Information Update.
When completing the Annual Information Update, you must complete ALL children linked to your Parent ID.
Be aware that a green check mark by your student’s name does NOT mean that the information has been submitted. You must click “Save and Continue” all the way to the end of the program and then click “Submit”.
Complete the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form.
Your student will need a Preparticipation Physical Evaluation dated after April 1st of Students 5th Grade year and prior to participation.
This paper copy needs to be turned into the school office and it is valid through the end of students 8th grade school year.
Note: Your student will not be able to practice without these two required forms being completed
If you have any type of barrier or cannot afford a student physical, see me tonight.
Athletes must have insurance to participate.
If you have any questions, please email me at
Performing Arts
Chorus News
Click on link below message for more choir news.
Band News
Orchestra News
Dalton Petersen and Rachel Bozonie
Parent Teacher Organization
Parent and Family News from the PTO
The Patrick Henry PTO is a parent, teacher, staff, organization. The PTO provides an opportunity for the school and community to work together to improve the school experience for all involved.
The PHMS PTO uses its donations, fundraising money, and volunteer time of a variety of events and services to directly benefit students and staff. Some of the events and services provided by the PTO include:
· Host an annual school-wide “Panther Party” free for all students
· Provide meals for teachers and staff during parent-teacher conferences twice a year
· Provide and organize donations to support the Panther Caring Closet at PHMS
· Support Student Recognition Awards and Events (such as student of the month, team celebrations, and the end of the year awards ceremony)
· Provide opportunities to promote and sell PHMS Spirit Wear
· Celebrate Staff Appreciation Week
· Promote the student-adult mentoring program
· Host an end of year 8th grade party
All are welcome to attend the monthly PTO meetings held in the PHMS conference room from 12:00-1:00 p.m. on the following Wednesdays throughout the 2024-25 school year:
August 13
September 18
October 16
November 20
January 15
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 14
For more information regarding how to get involved in the PHMS PTO, please email the PTO Co-Chairs, Tracy Weiss and Amber Edelen at .
Thank you for supporting the PHMS PTO!
"No Fundraiser, Fundraiser."
Please click on the link below to make your $10 donation, or scan the QR code. We appreciate your support to make PHMS a great place for students and staff!
Please let us know if you would like to get involved!
Tracy Weiss and Amber Edelen, Co-Presidents
Order Your PHMS Spirit Wear Now
PHMS Spirit wear
Order Your 24-25 Yearbook Now!
24-25 Parent Calendar
Counseling Services at PHMS
Counselors Corner
We have three professional school counselors at Patrick Henry who are all here to help guide your student through middle school! Please click on the "Counselor Corner" button below to view the counselor's newsletter for this month that houses many helpful resources, social, emotional learning information and much more. This information is provided to help both students and parents navigate the middle school years!
Mrs. Hannah Serck - 6th Grade
Mrs. Briana Nelsen - 7th Grade
Mrs. Chelsea Timm - 8th Grade
*Click on your counselor's name and you'll be directed to their email address.*
Check out our website for resources and much more!
Phone: (605) 367-8443
Student Chromebook Insurance
News From the Nurse
Child Nutrition
Student Attendance
If your child is going to be absent, please call the school (367-7639) prior to 8:40am. An absence must be reported either by note or phone in the day of the absence, or before if you know ahead of time. Absences can also be reported via voicemail outside of regular office hours. Students leaving during the day need to pick up a pass in the office by 9:00am and also check out with a parent/guardian at the office when leaving. If they come back during the school day, a pass from the front office needs to be issued in order for them to get back into the classroom.
After attendance is taken each morning, an automated call will go out to any family who has not notified the school regarding a student’s absence. Student safety is the main concern and this procedure provides another check on a student’s absence.
Sioux Falls Schools will be going cashless at its athletic and fine arts events
For all information regarding digital student passes and single game tickets, click the link for information or scan the QR to purchase.
More Information 👉
For K-12 Athletic Passes, click on the Patrick Henry Store Link below:
Contact us
Location: 2200 South 5th Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Phone: 605-367-7639
Twitter: @PanthersSF