Klein Cain Cheer Tryouts
March 4 - 7
Can you believe it? Klein Cain Cheer tryouts are next week! I am so excited to see each of the candidates and watch their skills transform as the week progresses. I feel that we have an amazing group of candidates that will represent Klein Cain and be great leaders of the school. Here are a couple tips to make your tryout week as successful as possible.
This is so important and I know the candidates often take this for granted. It amazes me how much more you will remember if you actually get some rest.
Please be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and bring water to the clinic and tryouts.
Make sure you are taking care of yourself. Eat healthy meals and bring healthy snacks to the clinic and tryouts. Ensure you are meeting your bodies needs!
Record yourself every night. Watch the video to see areas that you need to improve on and focus on those areas. Run through the entire tryout process each night so that you won't have as many jitters for tryouts.
Please make sure that you are still staying on top of your academics. The end of the grading period is the week after Spring Break! Please remember that academics come first and that we follow the UIL No Pass No Play guidelines.
The new and improved handbook (formerly known as the constitution) is in the link above. Just click on the words and you will be able to view the handbook. Please make sure you read over this by Monday so that you can initial that portion of the packet. Cheerleaders and the mascot will be held to the standards stated in the handbook immediately after the team is announced.
Tryout Week Reminders
Tryout Clinic
Monday, March 4th & Tuesday, March 5th
Check-in 5:00pm
Clinic 5:15 – 6:45pm
No candidate may leave the clinic until released by the sponsor.
Klein Cain Competition Gym
What to Wear:
Candidates must bring the proper attire to work out in. Everyone must wear socks and tennis shoes. Comfortable shirts and shorts are advised and must cover the body. No sports bra tops may be worn without a t-shirt. All jewelry must be removed before the clinic begins. Klein Cain is not responsible for the loss of any personal items.
Bring water to stay hydrated!
Mock Tryouts
Wednesday, March 6th
Varsity, JV & Mascot Times:
Arrival 3:00pm
Warm-up 3:00 – 3:30pm
Mock Tryout 3:30pm
Freshmen Times:
Arrival 4:45pm
Warm-up 4:45 – 5:15pm
Mock Tryout 5:15pm
Candidates may leave once they have competed the individual portion of the mock tryout.
Klein Cain Competition Gym
What to Wear:
Mock tryout attire consists of a plain white shirt, purple shorts, white socks, and tennis shoes. Bows are optional. Clothing must not have any name of a competitive gym, school cheer, or anything related to cheer on them. ALL JEWELRY must be removed before the clinic begins. Bring safety pins for your tryout number and water to stay hydrated. Klein Cain is not responsible for the loss of any personal items.
Tryout Day
Thursday, March 7th
Varsity, JV & Mascot Times:
Arrival 3:00pm
Warm-up 3:00 – 3:30pm
Mock Tryout 3:30pm
Freshmen Times:
Arrival 5:30pm
Warm-up 5:30 – 6:00pm
Mock Tryout 6:00pm
No candidate may leave the tryout until released by the sponsor.
Klein Cain Competition Gym
What to Wear:
Tryout attire consists of a plain white shirt, purple shorts, white socks, and tennis shoes. Bows are optional. Clothing must not have any name of a competitive gym, school cheer, or anything related to cheer on them. ALL JEWELRY must be removed before the clinic begins. Bring safety pins for your tryout number and water to stay hydrated. Klein Cain is not responsible for the loss of any personal items.
Cheer and Chant Words!
Email: arhody1@kleinisd.net
Website: CainCheer.com
Location: 10201 Spring Cypress Road, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 832-375-8400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caincheer/
Twitter: @CainCheer