EDHS Tardy Policy
2023-2024 School Year

Attendance & Punctuality
The El Diamante High School administration and staff firmly believe that classroom attendance is a vital part of learning. Students who attend school daily and report to class on time have been shown to achieve at a higher level than students who do not have regular attendance.
Attendance and punctuality matter at El Diamante.
Classroom Attendance is a Vital Part of Learning
Students who attend school regularly and arrive on time perform better academically. To be considered on time, students must be in the classroom before the bell rings; otherwise, they will be marked tardy (TUN).
Consequences for Tardies:
5 or more tardies (Monday through Friday): Lunch detention.
10 or more tardies:
10th-12th grade: 2 weeks of No Off-Campus Lunch Privilege.
9th grade: Saturday School.
20 or more tardies overall: No Off-Campus Lunch Privilege for the remainder of the semester.
For each tardy (TUN), students will lose PICK points through our 5-Star system.
Students who accumulate 50 or more tardies will lose Off-Campus Lunch Privileges for the next semester