August 16, 2024
2024-2025 Membership Dues
Each year the Minnesota State High School League’s Board of Directors approves an annual budget and sets the membership dues for our member schools. Earlier, at the July 30, 2024, MSHSL Board of Directors meeting, the Board reviewed all financial year-end documents and established both the 2024-2025 annual budget and the annual membership dues.
Establishing Membership Dues
The setting of the MSHSL Membership Dues follows the sustainable financial model developed by the Finance Advisory Committee. Membership dues have three components; membership, registered activity fee and per-student fee (based on MSHSL Enrollment). With the annual total dues of $2.25 million determined, the breakdown of per school annual membership dues would be:
- Membership: $100 per school
- Activity Registration Fee: $160 per activity
- Student Fee: $2.25 per student based on MSHSL enrollment
Due to the growth in revenues and contained expenses, the League recognized excess revenues of $2.27 million as of the end of the 2023-2024 fiscal year. As a result of these excess dollars, a carryover membership credit from 2022-2023, and decisions by the Board, member schools will receive a credit on both the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 membership dues and fees. By providing a credit on membership dues and fees for member schools in two successive years, these dues and fees will be less volatile, more predictable and consistently more affordable. In 2024-2025, the credit to member schools totals $1,675,000 and in 2025-2026, $1,517,000 will be credited.
2024-2025 Membership Dues
In May 2024, member schools received information indicating that the projected membership dues would be the amount listed above. In applying the credit explained in this letter and in following the sustainable financial model, the resulting membership dues for this year will be equivalent to:
- Membership: $100 per school
- Activity Registration: $50 per activity
- Student Fees: $0 per student based on MSHSL enrollment
The new membership dues are the lowest membership dues for schools in over 30 years. Schools will receive one invoice from the League in mid-August listing both the school's projected Membership Dues and their resulting credit. The amount paid by schools for 2024-2025 will be the difference between these two amounts.
Ninth Grade Governance: Member School Vote Coming Soon!
The MSHSL Board of Directors has been focused on expanding the Minnesota State High School League from an organization governing grades 10 – 12 to governing grades 9 – 12. Historically, the League allows students in grades 7 through 12 to participate in its governed programs, yet has governed only the levels of participation that includes grades 10 – 12. More directly, students participating in contests that involve exclusively students in grades 9 or below are not subject to the rules of the MSHSL nor are they covered through the Catastrophic Accident and Concussion insurance at higher levels.
In June 2024, the Board of Directors unanimously approved a resolution to hold a member school vote on the proposed amendment to our Constitution to expand the League to cover all activities and athletics in governed programs for grades 9 – 12, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year. This member school vote is scheduled for October 4 – October 18, 2024, and every member school is strongly encouraged to vote. This vote will take place electronically.
The League has engaged with a representative task force to address bylaws and policies that will need to be amended as a result of the potential changes. The League will provide direct communication to Superintendents, Presidents, Principals and Activities Directors related to this potential change. Within our Area Meetings, we will also spend significant time with our Activities Directors and other attendees to provide them with clear information on the implementation for this anticipated change. Look for ongoing communication in future emails and mailings.
MSHSL Foundation: Special NFHS AED Form B Grant Application
Activities Directors recently received the following email regarding the Special NFHS AED Grant B Opportunity. Please connect with your activities administrator or the League Office if you have questions.
The MSHSL Foundation is pleased to inform member schools about a special opportunity available for the 2024-2025 school year. The NFHS Foundation Board of Directors has generously allocated $500,000 to support the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for schools across the nation. Minnesota has been allocated 32 AEDs, with the NFHS Foundation Board covering half the cost of each unit. The MSHSL Foundation approved the purchase of these AEDs and has reserved these AEDs by covering the other half of the purchase price.
The total cost of these AED is $1,176, with $588 covered by the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) Foundation. The AEDs will be distributed directly to member schools from the provider. To qualify for a chance to have your school selected to receive this portable AED, you are required to complete a special Grant B Application process.
To be eligible for this opportunity, the following information is important:
Schools must not have received an AED through the MSHSL Foundation in the past two years.
Only one AED will be granted per school.
Schools with a high percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch (educational benefits) will be given priority consideration.
Schools not selected to receive one of the 32 AEDs will have a second chance to receive funding through the Special Form B Grant process this fall.
Schools that are selected will be considered to have been granted $588 through Form B and will have the opportunity to seek additional funding for other needs during the regular Form B process later this year.
Application Process
Due by: Friday, September 6, 2024.
Click here to submit NFHS AED Grant Application
If your School or School District, is submitting a grant request, please have the following ready to upload to the application:
MSHSL Foundation Board of Director’s Resolution, click here for sample Resolution, requesting funds from the Foundation as identified in your grant request OR a copy of the official minutes from the school board meeting when the grant request was approved (required).
Other documents you may determine to be important for the MSHSL Foundation Board of Directors to review (optional).
About the MSHSL Foundation
The MSHSL Foundation is funded by the collection of state taxes on all postseason tickets. State taxes are required on all postseason tickets and a legislative provision directs these funds to the Foundation. The primary goal of the MSHSL Foundation is to award grants that assist, recognize, promote, and fund extra-curricular participation by high school students in athletic and fine arts programs.
The Form A Grant process allocates funds to schools based on the unduplicated number of participants who qualify for educational benefits including free and reduced meals. Unduplicated means that each student counts only once, regardless of how many sports or activities they participate in.
The Form B Grant process allocates funds to assist member schools, school districts and related conferences or regions with costs in three specific areas including health and safety, leadership initiatives and transportation that reduces barriers to participation.
We encourage all eligible schools to take advantage of this special Form B opportunity to enhance the safety of all who attend your school events.
For additional information or questions, please contact