NSE Family News
Week Nov. 18-22
Tell Us Why You Are Thankful for our Staff!!
More than one form can be filled out if you have multiple staff members you're thankful for! And even if you have already done one!
Absence Policy 4.7
Attendance matters. We need your child here so they can learn!!!
Education is more than the grades students receive in their courses. Important as that is, students’ regular attendance at school is essential to their social and cultural development and helps prepare them to accept responsibilities they will face as an adult. Interactions with other students and participation in the instruction within the classroom enrich the learning environment and promote a continuity of instruction, which results in higher student achievement. In recognition of the need for students to regularly attend school, the district’s policy governing student absences is as follows:
Students shall not be absent, as defined in this policy more than eight (8) days in a semester. When a student has four (4) absences, his/her parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis shall be notified that the student has missed half the allowable days for the semester. Prompt notification shall be by telephone or by regular mail. Any elementary student arriving after 8:45 until 11:45 would be marked as a half day morning absence. Any elementary student leaving after 11:45 and before 3:05 would be marked as a half day afternoon absence. Secondary students accrue absences per class period missed.
Golden Award Winners
PE- Ralph
Library- Wilson
Art- Miley
Computer- Miley
Broom- Wade
Cafeteria- First grade
Heart- Wade
Points Update
K- 480
1st- 408
2nd- 382
3rd- 477
4th- 291
Olympic Points
The grade levels are in a year long competition to earn points. There are many, many ways to earn points. Here are just a few:
- Earn the golden award for the week
- Display behavior matrix behaviors in assembly, cafe, hallways, playgrounds
- Receive a student brag from the teachers
- Go above and beyond in showing the character word of the month
- Complete Parent Center Activities at home
Parent Center Activities
We have TONS of activities working on a wide range of skills for students to check out and take home to do with parents or family. Each time an activity is completed, that child's team will earn Olympic points.
If you'd like to check out an activity, simply email your child's teacher and let them know. You can also reach out to Mrs. Morris or Mrs. Voegele at brittany.morris@cps.k12.ar.us or sherry.voegele@cps.k12.ar.us and let them know your child's name, teacher and if you'd like a reading, math, or social skills activity.
Lunch Procedures
- All visitors must sign in at the office and check out when you leave.
- You must sit at the designated visitor table. Only YOUR child may sit with you.
- Students from other grade levels will not be allowed to eat until their designated lunch time.
- Adult trays: $4.00 Outside food may be brought in for you and your child only- you may not share with other students
- . No visitors are allowed at recess or other areas of the building.
- Adult restrooms are in the workroom. Children must use their normal restroom and get permission from duty para. No adults allowed in student restrooms.
Lunch Schedule
Kinder -10:30- 11:00
Pre K - 10:45-11:15
1st - 11:00-11:30
2nd - 11:30-12:00
3rd - 12:00-12:30
4th - 12:30-1:00