Cavalier Newsflash
Work HARD! Dream BIG! Believe in YOURSELF! Never GIVE UP!
Volume 2 - Issue 24 - February 10, 2020
Message from the Principal
Good morning Cavaliers,
As we begin the fifth week of our Spring Semester, it is important for each member of our Learning Community to reflect on our purpose and role that we each have in making this the best educational experience for each of our students.
From our faculty planning engaging lessons for our students, planning amazing SCPA performances, Club TC coaches and staff organizing before and after school activities, CVM counselors, librarian, custodians, support staff and administrators providing services to each of our students, and families, it really takes a village to raise a Cavalier! But although our CVM staff works diligently to prepare each student for a successful transition to high school, we realize that we can't do it alone. Our Cavalier parents and guardians are an integral part of our TEAM!
As parents/guardians we ask you to be informed and involved in your student's education. Use tools like CANVAS and Infinite Campus to stay connected with the school community. Advocate for your student, and at the same time, help us to teach them about responsibility and being accountable for their actions.
Being a parent/guardian is not easy, we understand that, as many of us are parenting our own children and dealing with some of the same issues each one of our Cavalier parents/guardians face themselves. This is why we must work as a TEAM if we want the best outcomes for each of our students. It's important for parents/guardians to know that you do NOT have to do this alone, we are here to help.
As a school community we have access to resources to help! From our teachers, counselors, staff, district programs and personnel, as well as community based organizations like the Chula Vista Collaborative Beacon Family Resource Center, South Bay Community Services, San Ysidro Health Center and the McAlister Institute, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If you need assistance with your student, please reach out to our teachers, counselors or administrators. Together WE CAN do this!
Thank you for your hard work, dedication and remember;
At CVM we work HARD, we dream BIG, we believe in OURSELVES and we never, ever , GIVE UP!
Julio C. Alcalá
Chula Vista Middle School
February is National African-American History Month
This week we will profile Rosa Parks. Check out the link below and the short video highlighting her contributions to the Civil Rights Movement in America.
Wednesday is GSA Spirit Day!
Congratulations to the 2020 CVM Sweethearts Ball Court!
2020 SUHSD STEM Research Fair!
Attached is a list of all the individual results.
Great job Cavaliers!
Boy's Soccer Moves on to the Championship Game!
Good luck to the players and coaches!
Assistant Principal's Corner
Nutrition Break Supervision - TEAM 2!
Team 2 please be at your supervision posts this week during nutrition break.
Thank you!
Mr. Casas
- CVM Group Photo Day - MPB
- ELPAC Testing Continued
- FAC Meeting after school in room 108
Tuesday 2/11
- RP Circles during Advisory
- ELPAC Testing Continued
- Sweetheart's Ball Finalists Voting during lunch.
- School Site Council Meeting 3:30 pm in the Parent Center.
- Velo-Youth Cycling Program 3:10 pm - 6:00 pm at the Velodrome
Wednesday 2/12
- ELPAC Testing Continued
- GSA Spirit Day
- Velo-Youth Cycling Program 3:10 pm - 6:00 pm at the Velodrome
Thursday 2/13
- RP Achieve 3000 Article during Advisory
- ELPAC Testing Continued
- Career Presentations in ELA/ELD Classes
- Sweethearts Ball in the MPB 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Friday 2/14
- No School - President's Day
Saturday 2/15
- NO Saturday Academies
Monday 2/17
- NO School - President's Day
Focus on our Mission
Three Pillars to Support Success
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- ELD Strategies Across the Curriculum
- Purposeful PLC Collaboration
For the Common Good
We Are CVM!
Chula Vista Middle School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: www.cvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 415 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 498-6800
Twitter: @CVM_Principal