Edgewood News
An e-newsletter from Edgewood Middle School
May 31, 2024
Important Reminders!
- Friday, May 31 - Locker Clean-out/Library Books are DUE!
- Wednesday, June 5 - Chromebook Collection/Grade Level Celebration Day
- Thursday, June 6 - Last Day of School
Edgewood Year Book
Just a reminder, if you did not order a yearbook online for your student, we will have extras for sale during celebration day (June 5) on a first come, first serve basis. If your student would like one, they need to bring $20 on celebration day to purchase. See below for times for purchase by grade level. Any questions, please contact Shannon at Shannon.mildenberger@mvpschools.org.
- 8th Grade - Performance Gym (During Period 2)
- 7th Grade - Cafeteria (During Lunch)
- 6th Grade - Activities Entrance (During Period 7)
Please Check Lost and Found Area
Medications in Health Office
The end of the school year is fast approaching. If your student has medications in the Health Office (daily medications, inhalers, EpiPens, etc.), please make arrangements with the Health Office if you haven't already done so to get them home. Medications, with the exception of controlled substances, can go home in your student's backpack, if preferred. Controlled substances must be picked up if any remain on the last day of school on Thursday, June 6. We need a new Medication Authorization for medications given in school every school year. Any medication remaining in the Health Office after June 6th will be properly disposed of. For questions, please call the Health Office @651-621-6604.
Celebration Day Information
For celebration day, below are our destinations for each grade level. Below are the locations/times where each grade level will be:
6th Grade - Silver View Park 9:30-2:10 pm
7th Grade - Mermaid Bowling Alley 9:00-11:15 am/Edgewood Activities 11:15 am-2:25 pm
8th Grade - Talent Show at Edgewood 8:15 am/Wabun Park 9:45 am-2:00 pm
Attention 6th Grade Families!
Before entering 7th grade, students are required to have a Tdap booster and a Meningococcal immunization -or- documentation of medical or conscientious exemption. Students who were enrolled at Edgewood in 6th grade and in need of immunizations will also receive a letter with information specific to your student. Updated immunization information will be required for your student to receive his or her class schedule in the fall.
Of important note, there has been an increase in reported cases of pertussis (also known as 'whooping cough') in adolescents in MN this Spring. The Tdap booster shot provides a pertussis booster shot (that's the 'p' in Tdap!). Pertussis can be a very serious illness for infants especially, and being immunized helps to minimize the spread to more vulnerable populations, as well as protecting the shot receiver.
Please submit the needed immunization information to the Edgewood Main Office by August 21, 2024. For further information regarding these requirements, or to document a medical or conscientious exemption, follow the links below:
Are Your Kids Ready? Minnesota Immunization Law
Summer STEAM Donations
Our Summer STEAM staff has communicated the need for some recyclable materials to build their stock for fun STEAM projects this summer.
Over the next few weeks, they are looking for the following recyclables:
- Paper towel rolls
- Cereal boxes
- Popsicle sticks
- 2 liter soda/drink bottles
- Milk cartons(large or small)
- Plastic bottles of water
- Scrap paper
- Plastic peanut butter jars
OR any crafting supplies in general you have left over, they would really appreciate any donation. Please drop donation bags of materials off in the front office. Thank you in advance!
Please Update Your Student's Information for 2024-25 School Year!
Parents, to ensure we have all information needed for the upcoming 2024-25 school year, please log into your ParentVUE account and complete the Online Data Verification for your student/s. This needs to be done prior to getting your student’s fall schedule at the Welcome Back Event. Doing the online registration beforehand will save you much time from having to stand in line to complete it that evening.
To complete the process, log into ParentVUE and click on the "Online Data Verification" button in the upper right-hand corner. Be sure your contact information is correct, current address (please attach proof of residence if you have a new address or you are new to Edgewood), and you have emergency contacts listed for your student. If you do not have a ParentVUE account set up, please contact Shannon at Shannon.mildenberger@mvpschools.org for an activation code. Thank you for your help in this matter!
PLEASE NOTE: This process needs to be done each school year.
Bus Registration
If your child is entering kindergarten through 12th grade next year and will be a bus rider, you should have received an email about busing for the 2024-25 school year. Please read the email(s) carefully, as you will receive a personalized email for each student in your family with specific instructions. Detailed instructions for registration are also available at mvpschools.org/transportation.
If you did not receive an email or have any questions, contact the Transportation Department at 651-621-6027 or transportation@mvpschools.org.
Requests for Refunds of Meal Account Money
If your student is graduating, leaving the school district, or you would like a refund for the funds in your students meal account, please fill out this Meal Account Request form by June 14, 2024.
Please indicate on the form if you would like a refund check
mailed to you, the funds transferred to a sibling or donated to the Angel Fund.If your student's fund balance is less than $5 and you would like a refund, please email nutritionservices@mvpschools.org
Turn off Auto-Pay in your LINQ Connect account if you set-up Auto-Pay for your students meal account.
Free Summer Meals for Students
Thanks to a federal program, free lunch meals for all students 18 years and under will be available July 8 through August 1, Mondays through Thursdays, at the following locations. Meal needs to be consumed on-site.
Edgewood Middle School, 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Pinewood Elementary School, 12:45 -1:15 p.m.
Pike Lake Education Center, 12:00-12:30 p.m.
Are you in need of food resources this summer?
Visit the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf.
Use the food maps provided by Ramsey County
Call the Minnesota Food Helpline at 888-711-1151
Summer Funds for Groceries
Beginning this summer, the state of Minnesota will provide grocery benefits to help families with eligible school-age children buy groceries during the summer. Learn more about this new Summer EBT program.
2024-25 Classroom Supply List
See below for the supplies needed for each grade level next fall.
After-School Busing
PLEASE NOTE: The last day for activity buses will be Thursday, May 30.
Student Activity Bulletin
The the after-school student bulletin here for next week.
PLEASE NOTE: All after-school activities and zones have ended for the year.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health is all around us - it affects how we think, feel and act every day. However, mental health is often misunderstood. Mental Health Awareness Month provides a dedicated time to help demystify what is meant by “mental health,” how to talk about it and why mental health matters. Supporting mental health is always in season in Mounds View Public Schools and there are ongoing efforts year round to lift up student mental health across the District. Please reach out to the dean at your student’s school or a member of the district student support and engagement team to learn more. Check out this month’s blog for more support and resources!
Free Pre-Season Sports Physicals
Promoting student health and well-being is a priority in our district. In keeping with this goal, it's recommended that all students have a complete physical exam each year. Well-child preventive care allows parents/guardians and healthcare providers to check children's growth and development, identify any concerns, and treat them early to prevent bigger problems later on. A complete physical examination also meets the requirements of the Minnesota State High School League and is required for students who plan to participate in sports through Mounds View Public Schools.
Please have your licensed healthcare provider complete the attached form at the time of your student’s examination. Students who plan to participate in Fall Sports at Irondale High School should submit a completed physical exam form to the Activities Office at their school.
Options for submitting the completed physical exam form:
- Scan & email: sue.weber@mvpschools.org
- Fax: 651-621-6843
- Drop off or mail:
Irondale High School Activities Office
2425 Long Lake Road
New Brighton, MN 55112
If you need any assistance, please contact Sue Weber, Irondale High School Activities Admin Assistant at 651-621-6822 or sue.weber@moundsviewschools.org.
Fall Sports will start on August 12, 2024 and registration will open on July 22, 2024.
Middle School Consent Form for High School Activities
Seventh & eighth grade athletes that wish to participate on a high school team will also register online. Before you begin your online registration, approval must be obtained from the middle school principal or dean, the high school activities director, and coach. In addition, signatures from both student & parent/guardian are also required. You can get a copy of the middle school consent form in the front office or print out a copy.
Girls Basketball 2024 Summer Opportunities
Interested in polishing your skills for the upcoming winter season?! Irondale High School Girls Basketball would like to invite you to participate in our summer Breakfast Club and Shooting Camp open to grades 6-12. For more information on Breakfast Club and Shooting Club and to sign up please go HERE
This camp is for all skill levels where we will focus on individual player development and skills.
Please see YOUTH CAMP for more information and to sign up. Open to Girls in grades 1-7.
Contact Coach Swann with questions at mswann.irondale@gmail.com.
Irondale Youth Football
REGISTRATION IS OPEN APRIL 24 - July 3, 2024! To register or find out more information on ways to support your player in the off season, visit our website.
• 3rd - 8th Grade for 2024-2025 School Year
• No experience necessary
• Scholarships Available
• Payment Plan Option
• Early Registration/ Family Discounts
Other events available: Irondale High School Summer Camp, Out of District Camps, and Season Kick-off Mini Camp during the first week of August
Any registration questions, contact us at iyfootballregister@gmail.com. General questions can be directed to contactiyfa@gmail.com.
Summer Day Camp Registration Open
Registration for summer day camps are now open. Camps run from June to August, offering full and half-day options starting at just $99! Create a full-day and full-week experience with lunch and Friday field trip options. NEW this year, we're thrilled to offer camps for grades 6+ at Chippewa and Highview locations. Flip through the electronic catalog and register at mvpschools.org/registercommunityed.