Wildcat news
July 19, 2024

December 6, 2024
From the Principal...
Dear Western Valley Middle School Community,
As we approach the end of the semester and prepare for winter break, we have an exciting lineup of events to celebrate and support our Wildcats! Here's what's happening over the next two weeks:
- Our boys and girls basketball teams, flag football team, and cheerleaders have games on December 9, 10, 11, 16, and 18. We encourage everyone to come out and cheer on our Wildcats! Please note: Students may only attend these games if accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entire game.
- On Monday, December 11, at 6:00 PM, we are hosting a Parent Education Night from notMYkid on Teen Substance Use. This important session will provide valuable information and resources for parents and guardians. We hope to see many of you there!
- We are excited for our first school dance of the year! Join us on Wednesday, December 13, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM for an evening of fun and music. More details about this event are shown below.
- On December 17 at 6pm, our WVMS band and orchestra will have a Winter Music Concert.
Winter break begins on Thursday, December 21, and classes will resume on Saturday, January 6, 2024. We hope everyone has a restful and joyful holiday season!
Thank you for your continued support and for helping us finish the semester strong. We look forward to seeing you at these events and wish you all a safe and happy winter break.
Dr. Stephanie Nardi
Principal, Western Valley Middle School
Evento de EducaciĆ³n para Padres: Uso de Sustancias en Adolescentes
11 de diciembre a las 6 p.m. en Western Valley Middle School.
Se invita a todos los padres de FESD.
Dear WVMS Parents and Guardians,
The Student Leadership Club is excited to announce the first school dance of the year! The Winter Wonderland dance will be held on December 13th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Holiday attire is encouraged, but not required.
Students DO NOT need to purchase a ticket for this event; entry will be through their school ID. There will be snacks available for purchase from Ms. Hunt and the PTO. DJ Black Shawd will be providing music, emceeing the event, and offering a 360-degree photo booth for the students to enjoy.
Please note, participation in dances and other school events is a privilege that reflects our school values of being respectful, responsible, and safe. Students who have served a suspension or participated in BEATS will not be eligible to attend this dance. These guidelines emphasize the importance of maintaining positive behavior and making choices that contribute to a safe and welcoming school community. If you have any questions regarding eligibility, please reach out to Ms. Vasquez.
We look forward to a fun and festive evening! If you are interested in helping with set-up or clean-up, we welcome and encourage your support. Please reach out to Mrs. France at mfrance@fesd.org to volunteer.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing your child at the dance!
Melissa France
Student Leadership Club Advisor
Dr. Stephanie Nardi
WVMS Principal
Vaping Prevention Education at WVMS
We are excited to share that our students will be learning about the risks of vaping through a grant from notMYkid. As part of our commitment to meeting the needs of our students, we are implementing the CATCH My Breath Youth E-Cigarette Prevention Program.
CATCH My Breath is a research-based program designed to prevent e-cigarette use among students in grades 5-12. Each grade level will participate in four lessons led by notMYkid presenters during their regular science classes. The schedule is as follows:
- 6th Grade: Week of November 18
- 7th Grade: Week of February 3
- 8th Grade: Week of February 10
For more information about this program, please visit www.catchmybreath.org.
Did you know?
Student ID, Lanyard, and ID Pouch Replacement
Student ID replacement is $5.00. Students will also be charged $1.00 for any extra lanyards and 50 cents for plastic ID pouches. Thank you.
Important Cell Phone Policy Information...
FESD Policy:
Electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, handheld devices, media players, watches, earbuds, or other similar gadgets are not allowed to be used or displayed during the school day, from the beginning to the end, unless a staff member specifically instructs or permits their use for educational purposes. It is important that these devices do not disrupt the learning
environment, compromise safety, or affect the well-being of others. Please note that the school district cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of such devices, and students bringing such devices to school or a school event do so at their own risk.
To maintain a focused and respectful learning environment at Western Valley Middle School, we have a clear policy regarding cell phones and wearable tech:
- All cell phones must be turned off and kept in backpacks throughout the school day. This includes lunch, recess, and passing periods.
- If a cell phone is seen out during the school day, it will be confiscated. The phone can be picked up by a parent or guardian (not the student) in the office after school or before school the following day. This policy will apply to each offense.
- Wearable technology, such as smartwatches, will be subject to the same policy if they become a distraction.