WOTC 4-H March 2024
Monthly Newsletter

Join the Livestock PDC - March 4th, 11th, 18th
Setting the Stage:
We will be developing the direction and basic structure of the WOTC Livestock PDC.
A Project Development Committee...
- gives leadership to the development of educational programs that meet the needs/wants of 4H members and volunteers per UMN Extension Youth Development guidelines.
- communicates new ideas and spur forward action to 4-H members and volunteers.
- provides recommendations and guidance to the Leaders Council regarding policy.
Monday, Mar 4, 2024, 06:30 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Fruit Distribution - March 14th
Pick-up fruit between 10:00AM - 4:30PM at the address below on March 14th!
Lakes Country Service Co-op
1001 East Mount Faith Avenue
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Jessica and Rachel will be out of the office in order to assist with distribution.
Thank you for attending the County Wide Meeting!
We had 25 WOTC 4-H members/volunteers share strengths they believe our program currently has, give input on opportunities, and discuss what aspirations we want to grow into. 3 takeaways from the evening:
1. Youth VOICES need to be at the forefront of all 4-H events!
2. 4-H should be fun and light-hearted! Our youth would like to see less adult drama and have better examples set for them. Adults should act in a way that reflects values outlined in the 4-H pledge.
3. Youth asked, and volunteers supported, hosting Fitting & Showing Clinics (maybe even a Mock Show!) to be more knowledgeable and better showpeople at the County Fair and thus State Fair.
There were other discussions about providing diverse project learning in club meetings for general project exposure, improving our volunteer systems via organization and communication structures, and hosting/advertising more camp opportunities.
Please watch for more information as we move forward in putting these takeaways into action!
For now, consider how you are incorporating Youth Voice when participating in 4-H programming and reflect if your behavior is adding stress to youths’ environment.
Icebreaker Time!
We took a movement break to build community by guessing cartoon characters taped to our backs!
Am I...?
Carter guessed his character was Scooby-Doo right away! Kellan took awhile longer to figure out his was Tigger.... 😂
Horse PDC Update
A huge THANK YOU to those of you who attended the organizational Horse Project Development Committee meetings in February! Progress Update:
The purpose of the WOTC Horse Project Development Committee is to provide opportunities for 4-H members, families, and leaders to develop life skills through horse-related experiences. The WOTC Horse PDC also acts as an advisory to the WOTC 4-H Leaders Council regarding horse-related topics for the whole county.
Our three youth members on the board for the remainder of the 4-H year have been appointed from the Horse Project Club youth leadership. In the future, there will be an application process to follow. This years youth board representatives are:
- President - Madison Pesek
- Vice President - Natalie Bergem
- Secretary - Taylor Pesek
If you have interest in being an adult on the PDC board for the remainder of the year, please send Jessica & Rachel an email outlining your interest by Monday, March 25th! In the future, there will be an application process to complete.
The PDC, with guidance from Jessica and Rachel, will start establishing various working committees, such as County Fair Horse Show and Outreach & Recognition. There is plenty of opportunity to be involved in the WOTC Horse PDC by being in these subcommittees!
Next meeting date for Horse PDC:
WOTC Horse PDC Meeting
First official meeting after the creation of the PDC!
Monday, Apr 15, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Bowling Tournament Results
Senior Highscorer: Walter
Walter scored 450 points in 3 games for the 4-H Unlimited Senior team!
Junior Highscorer: Weston
Weston scored 398 points in 3 games for the Dane Prairie Junior team!
Cloverbuds having fun!
Dalton Juniors!
Oscar Trondhjem Seniors!
Cloverbud Rule Change
When Cloverbuds and animals are together at a 4-H program, families may now choose one of two acceptable ways to guide and monitor involvement in non-mounted activities which they are most comfortable with:
The responsible person is in control of the animal with the Cloverbud at their side.
The Cloverbud is in control of the animal with the responsible person at their side to assist or take control of the animal when needed or as directed by staff, volunteers, or show managers.
- In the horse project, the second option does not apply to mounted activities. When a Cloverbud is mounted on a horse, the horse must always have a lead line and be under the control of the responsible person.
Livestock PDC Session 2
We will continue developing the structure (who, what, why) of the Livestock PDC.
Monday, Mar 11, 2024, 06:30 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Livestock PDC Session 3
We will be creating working committees and make a plan to move the Livestock PDC forward.
Monday, Mar 18, 2024, 06:30 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
SS&W Leader Certification Training - Wadena, April 20th
In order to be a fully certified 4-H SS&W Instructor (archery, wildlife, rifle/pistol) you must...
- Be a fully screened 4-H Volunteer in your local program.
- Complete SS&W Leader Certification Pre-Work Course. A link will be sent to you to complete a newly designed online course for completion of required information. If you have completed the old steps 1-2, you do not need to complete this updated pre-work.
- Attend a one day in-person discipline training (training fee - $50).
Click the link below to complete registration for the one day in-person discipline training by Sunday, April 7th!
YELLO will be held at...
The University of Minnesota Morris!
YELLO is from June 12th - 15th for 4-H members in 7th grade & up!
Registration opens April 1st and closes May 10th for youth and chaperones!
More information will be coming in the April Newsletter!