Weekly Waddle
Pattengill Elementary School
March 22, 2024
Principal's Message
Happy Spring Pattengill!
What a great week to kick off Spring at Pattengill (besides the snow)! We have had a full week of learning, celebration, and fun. On Monday, Superintendent Francis and his cabinet visited Pattengill to recognize Resource Room teacher Sarah Lazorka for being named Pattengill's Teacher of the Year and Berkley Schools' Elementary Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Lazorka is also in the running for Oakland Schools' Elementary Teacher of the Year award.
On Wednesday, our 4th and 5th grade students competed in our annual Battle of the Books competition. Our students (and coaches) have worked for several weeks studying 6 novels and preparing to answer questions. 40 students participated on seven teams with 13 parent coaches supporting them. Our winning team was Booking, Yeah. Battle of the Pattengill Bookworms came in 2nd place and Bandana Readers came in third place. The following students read all six books: Ellary Buchner, Giselle Ouvry, Evie Rouan, Maxwell Huyghe, Liam Lovell, and Nolan Zimmer. We are so proud of all of our students for working so hard and a huge thank you to our many coaches who volunteered their time to coach our students. We appreciate you!
Thursday was our Leader in Me student-led assembly where we celebrated March is Reading Month. On Thursday evening, our families joined us for Family Reading Night. Ms. Baker, Mrs. Bahelda, and their team worked very hard to transform Pattengill into a Camping adventure.
Thank you to the many families who joined us this week.
I wish each of you a safe and memorable Spring Break with your loved ones. See you in April!
Proud to be your principal!
Pattengill Weekly Video Announcements
Leader in Me March is Reading Month Habit Huddle and Lighthouse Assembly
For March is Reading Month, our school focused on Habit 6: Synergize and Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. We spent time sharing our favorite books and reminded each other to continue reading over Spring Break.
Leader in Me Parent University Coming Soon!
Please join us Tuesday, April 2, at 6:30 in the Learning Lab to learn more about our Leader in Me program at Pattengill. We will briefly go over what the program entails and what it looks like in our classrooms.
There will be babysitting available. And please stay for our monthly PTA meeting, starting at 7pm.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Joan Lynch: joan.lynch@berkleyschools.org.
April is Inclusion Month at Pattengill
Beginning on Monday, April 1st, Pattengill will celebrate Inclusion Month. Join us on April 1-5 for Autism Acceptance Spirit Week.
Congratulations Mrs. Lazorka!
Congratulations Mrs. Lazorka on being named Pattengill and Berkley Schools' Elementary Teacher of the Year!
Battle of the Books
Booking, Yeah, 1st Place Team
Battle of the Pattengill Bookworms, 2nd Place Team
Bandana Readers, 3rd Place Team
Family Reading Night at Pattengill
1st and 2nd Grade Music Concerts
Reading Month Challenge
Students should color in the four-leaf clover once they have completed the task for that day. All tasks do not need to be completed for students to turn in the Reading Month Challenge Tracker sheet. Please have students turn in their four-leaf clover tracker sheet when they return from spring break on April 1st. The class that has the most participation at the end of March will receive a special prize from Mrs. B and Ms. Baker.
2023-24 Meals Information
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students for the 2023-24 school year. We encourage everyone to participate. You are still welcome to send your child with a lunch from home if you would prefer. 1% Milk, white or chocolate, may be purchased for home lunches for 75¢.
Breakfast begins at 7:45 each morning in the Media Center. Students who would like breakfast should enter through the Main Entrance. Students are dismissed from the Media Center when the bell rings. TK - 1st Grade students are escorted to class by an aide. Breakfast is milk, juice, cereal or a breakfast bar/muffin.
Volunteer at Pattengill!
Parents must annually complete the Volunteer Release Form to volunteer at Pattengill. Please complete the form found HERE and turn it into the Main Office along with a Driver's License to volunteer in our building. We would love to have you!
Order Your Pattengill Spiritwear!
A portion of our spirit wear sales comes back to the PTA! Happy Shopping!
- 20% off Glidan Hoodies
10% off Ladies Stripe Double Hood
- 10% off Ladies Fanatics
- 15% off Cyclone Tie Dyes
- 15% off Crystal Tie Dye Tees
- 15% off Backpacks
Join the PTA!
We have a great opportunity for someone looking to take on a bigger role within the Pattengill community. There is an opening for a Co-Vice President spot on our PTA executive board starting with the 2024-2025 school year. This is a two year commitment. You will work with the other VP to plan our Fall Fest and Ice Cream Social events in addition to many other volunteer opportunities.
If you are interested in the position or have any questions, please contact our elections committee chair at ashley.d.watkins@gmail.com or notify a PTA member
Join the PTA Budget Committee!
PTA Donation Days
Get ready for upcoming Pattengill PTA theme days, $1 suggest donation to the PTA
- April 5th - Tigers Opening Day - Show your Tiger Pride
- April 25th - NFL Draft - Bring out the Honolulu Blue
Pattengill PTA Renaissance Committee
Are you passionate about advocacy, diversity, and inclusion? Join our committee!
The Pattengill Renaissance PTA committee is excited to welcome interested PTA members to join our committee as we celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion in our school community.
3/25-3/29 - Spring Break!
About Us
Email: shamika.womble@berkleyschools.org
Website: https://www.berkleyschools.org/schools/pattengill/
Location: 3540 Morrison Avenue, Berkley, MI, USA
Phone: 248-837-8700
PTA Facebook: facebook.com/PattengillPTA
Twitter: @PattengillEl