HJH Parent Newsletter
April 2024

HJH is looking to wrap up an amazing school year...
It is amazing to think that we are almost at the end of the school year. We appreciate the support and enthusiasm you have shown over the past ten months. HJH couldn't have asked for a better year as a campus!
National Teacher Appreciation Week will take place next week. Our teachers have done an outstanding job challenging our students academically this year in the classrooms. They've developed relationships with our students and have made memories that will last a lifetime. Several of them could be seen amongst the fans cheering them on at their extra-curricular events. A simple way to express your appreciation is letting them know by email, note or even speaking to them in person. We are very proud of the hard work our teachers have shown this year. They have poured their hearts and souls into their classrooms, and for that we are truly thankful.
As we come to the end of this school year, I would like to reiterate the crucial role that parents play in their students' success. The education of your student relies heavily on your support and partnership with us. Throughout the past year, our students have shown growth and we are looking forward to a successful year-end. Please continue to support your child these next few weeks as we prepare them for a smooth finish. Please take a moment to look at this month's events and all the great things happening on our campus. Go Cats!
Clayton Farrell
Principal Hallsville Junior High
May Events
2nd KONA Ice
2nd Tennis vs Longview
2nd Spring Pictures
2nd UIL Math/Science Award Ceremony
3rd Athletics Trip to Six Flags
3rd-4th Auxiliary Line Spring Show
3rd-5th KYKX Big Bass Tournament
7th Honor Society Induction
7th Club & Organizations Pictures
7th Color Battle Rally Kickoff
9th 8th Girls Athletics Trip to REO Skate
9th Theatre Trip to Medieval Times
9th Choir Spring Show
14th Yearbook, Cheer & Honor Society Trip to Stillwater RV and Resort
16th FFA Banquet
16th UIL Trip to Splash Kingdom
17th Color Battle Celebration
17th Band Spring Show
18th Band Trip to Six Flags
18th Ultimate High School Fishing Classic Championship
20th Fire Drill
20th Choir Trip to Rocky Point
20th UIL Math/Science Trip to Splash Kingdom
20th Site Based Decision Meeting (Open)
20th HISD Board Meeting
21st STUCO Trip to Rocky Point
22nd Powder Puff Game
22nd IReady Incentive
23rd 8th Grade Celebration
23rd Last Day of School (Early Release)
24th Hallsville High School Graduation (Bobcat Stadium)
27th Memorial Day
*Only events on HJH campus are listed. Please check with SportYou or program sponsors for more information and complete schedules.
*Students are NOT allowed to stay after school on campus to wait for an event. Students must be accompanied by an adult to attend all home events. More information on these events provided below.
Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6th-10th)
Teacher appreciation week is next week! We are planning on serving our wonderful teachers a meal on Friday, May 10th. We will serve several varieties of pasta, salad, bread, tea, and dessert. If you would like to donate as an end of the year gift for your child's teacher, please click the link below. Any amount helps and is much appreciated by the teachers and staff. Let's show our teachers how much we appreciate them! Please click here to help donate.
- JH Parent Support Group
COMING SOON! Our Apex HJH fundraiser is coming to our school from Tuesday, May 7th to Friday, May 17th. We are so excited to tell you about our only major fundraiser this year, Apex Color Games! Students who raise a minimum of $30 will be able to participate in an Epic Color Battle! Apex is a local company and will be on campus for TWO weeks bringing excitement and energy to our school. During the Apex Fundraiser, students will be challenged to get donations to raise money for our school. Funds raised this year will be used to put back into our classroom and student incentives! Be looking for more info about the program and ways to support our school as we get closer to the event.
UIL Math/Science - STATE Bound
The HJH & HIS Bobcat Math & Science Team (MST) traveled to San Antonio on April 13th, to compete in the 2024 Texas Middle School State Championship. Out of 42 5A schools, the Bobcats came away with a 2nd place finish! This put them in the top 95% of all 5A schools in the state! This team spent countless hours and worked very hard to get to this point. The entire school and staff are proud of their success.
Sweepstakes Award:
2nd Place overall
Event finishes:
3rd place Number Sense Team: Chandler Emerine, Emma Davis, Paisley Starks and Makenna Smead
3rd place Calculator Team: Emma Davis, Chandler Emerine, Garrett Simmons and Liam Oney
6th place Math Team: Chandler Emerine, Garrett Simmons, Emma Davis and Paisley Starks
5th place Science Team: Garrett Simmons, Colton Butcher, Avery Orr and Jacob Whitehurst
Individual top 20 finishes:
8th grade Number Sense: 3rd place Chandler Emerine, 9th place Emma Davis
8th grade Calculator: 5th place Emma Davis, 9th place Chandler Emerine, 20th place Garrett Simmons
8th grade Math: 8th place Chandler Emerine, 13th place Garrett Simmons, 14th place Emma Davis
8th grade Science: 1st place Garrett Simmons, 18th place Avery Orr
Every student on the team worked hard all year and saw tremendous growth both individually and as a team. Last year’s team did extremely well, finishing 7th in the state which shows you the amount of work that the students have put into this program over the past year. When you see a member of the HJH & HIS Math & Science Team, shake their hand, give them a high five or dab them up and congratulate them for a job well done!A huge thank you to the district and campus leaders as well as all of the parents and local businesses that have supported these students and the entire team throughout the year. Without you, this team would not be as successful as it is.
Our end of the year ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 2nd in the HJH Auditorium at 6:30pm.
HJH Tennis
The HJH Tennis team is off to a great start this spring. The Cats are coming off big wins against Bullard (28-17), Pine Tree (26-4), Jacksonville (23-12) and White Oak (37-1) to extend their win column to 4-0. The tennis team is back in action on Thursday, May 2nd against the Longview Lobos at home (HHS). Come out and support the Cats!
HJH Band
HJH Choir
On Saturday, April 13th several of HJH our art students went to Tyler, Tx to compete in the Jr VASE art event. Our students represented the Bobcats in exemplary fashion! Out of our 16 students who attended, we were awarded 12 gold medals and 2 platinum medals! However, everyone who participated in the event did a fantastic job!
Gold Medalists:
Harper Brown, Kirra Cox, J'hana Felder, Madison Hopper, Olivia Jackson, Edyn Johnston, Ava Jordan, Jocelyn Lopez, Natalie Mclaine, Bella Mitchelle, Mckenzie Smith, Lilah Tyson
Platinum Medalists:
Olivia Jackson & Mckenzie Smith
HJH Soccer
The HJH Soccer teams wrapped up a great spring season. The girls went undefeated on the season and the boys side picked up some big wins over East Texas schools. We look forward to watching our 8th graders continue to grow into our HS soccer programs. Go Cats.
HJH Theatre
HJH’s theatre department opened and closed their production of Matilda Jr two weeks ago! Everyone on and offstage did an amazing job! Hopefully you got the chance to see this wonderful performance. If you see one of the cast or crew today make sure to congratulate them!
Spring Pictures
Organization & Group Photos
4th 9 Week Reward
FFA Banquet
Join us on Thursday, May 16th in the Hallsville High School cafeteria for our End of the Year FFA banquet. The banquet starts at 6:00pm. Dinner plates are $10 at the door, but all FFA members are free. Please scan the QR code provided in the graphic to RSVP by Friday, May 10th. We hope to see you there.
HJH Library
As the school year swiftly approaches its end, it is crucial to begin preparing for the return of all library books. Please note that all books are required to be returned by Wednesday, May 1st. We kindly ask that you engage in conversations with your child to ensure they are aware of the whereabouts of their library books. If your child requires assistance in identifying the books they need to return, they are welcome to visit the library, and we will be more than happy to assist them. A gentle reminder that fines for lost or damaged books will carry over to their high school records and must be resolved prior to graduation. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the timely return of all library materials.
2024 Summer School
We are preparing to continue to grow students and strengthen skills this summer at Hallsville Junior High. Be on the lookout for invitations to attend. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Nicole Williams at nwilliams@hisd.com
In an effort to make Hallsville ISD Athletic Events enjoyable and safer for all spectators, the following guidelines for spectators in attendance at all home events are as follows;
Gates will open approximately 45-60 Minutes prior to the start of the event.
No outside food or drinks are allowed into the stadium/coliseum.
State laws and school district policies will be in effect concerning alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, and tobacco products (including e-cigs).
Spectators will not be allowed to leave the stadium and return without purchasing another ticket.
Students in Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade WILL NOT BE ADMITTED to athletic events without adult supervision.
Elementary Students (Pre-K through 5th grade) are to remain within the presence of parents/guardians at all times including trips to the restroom and concession stand.
Jr. High & High School Students may be asked to present their district ID’s to district personnel.
Spectators will be required to sit in the bleachers except when they are purchasing items from the concession stand or using the restrooms.
Athletic items such as Frisbees, balls, bats, skateboards, bicycles, noise makers, etc. are not allowed.
Running, tackling, and other horseplay is not allowed as it causes a safety hazard to others in attendance.
Large bags, coolers/ice chests are prohibited. All bags and purses may be inspected for security purposes.
Students/spectators, who throw food, drink, or other items will be escorted from the stadium, will not be allowed re-admittance, and may be banned from the stadium for the remainder of the school year.
Students are expected to be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the end of the event. Failure to pick up students within this timeframe may result in being restricted from attending future events.
By entering this facility, spectators agree to abide by the following Rules of Conduct set forth in the University Interscholastic, League, Constitution and Contest Rules:
No insults or personal comments of any kind are to be directed towards game officials, referees, coaching staff or game workers;
Inappropriate language or profanity will not be tolerated and will result in immediate ejection from the game;
Taunting or ridiculing of either team or team members is not allowed;
Spectators may not enter the court/field during a game.
Spectators further understand that failure to comply with the above rules will result in the offending spectator being ejected from the game. Game officials and school district personnel are authorized to eject spectators from the stadium/coliseum. Spectators who are ejected from the game will not receive a refund nor be allowed to return for the semester.
TSI Testing
THIS IS FOR ALL THE CURRENT 8TH GRADERS THAT WILL BE ON THE ASSOCIATE DEGREE PATHWAY STARTING NEXT YEAR (9TH GRADE). Testing Dates: Wednesday, May 8th, at Noon for students Last Name J-Z and Wednesday, May 15th, at Noon for students Last Name (A-H). *Students will need to take a pre-assessment on the Monday prior to their testing date this will be held in the HJH library. TSI Testing on Wednesday(s) will take place at the Training Facility located at the HISD Admin building. Students will report to the HJH cafeteria to eat lunch at 11:11am on their testing day. Once lunch is over, students will load a bus to transport to the location. Parents will need to pick up their child at the Training Facility once they complete testing. Testing normally lasts 3-4 hours, so it should end around 4pm. Students MUST test in order to continue the Dual Credit process.
Any questions or concerns, please contact:
Crystal Walker
HHS Dual Credit Coordinator
8th Grade Award/Celebration
Please join us on Thursday, May 23rd to celebrate the success of our 8th graders in the HJH Auditorium. The award ceremony will begin at 8:30am. Your child will be given information on any awards they will be receiving. At the conclusion of the ceremony, 8th grade students will participate in an exciting celebration. Parents are welcomed to the award ceremony only. We hope to see you there.
We look forward to having Kona Day on campus Thursday, May 2nd! If you would like to prepay for your child, please visit here.
Google Classroom
Parent Notes
Parent notes must be turned in within 3 days of the absence. Per our handbook, early pick-ups are unexcused unless our nurse sends your student home or we receive documentation from a doctor's office for that date. Any documentation needing to be turned in can be done so through the reception desk or attendance office, or emailed directly to Mrs. Magallanes at emagallanes@hisd.com
School Safety Drills
In an effort to practice our safety protocols, HJH will regularly perform safety drills to ensure our students and staff know how to respond in a crisis situation. Safety is our number one priority and we will continue to practice all state mandated drills throughout the school year so that our students and staff are prepared. In the event of an actual emergency, HJH will communicate to our families in a timely manner to keep you informed.
If your child is struggling in a classroom we have opportunities for them to receive extra support outside the school day. Teachers are available before and after school for tutorials. Even if the day you can bring your child early or pick them up late doesn't match with their teacher, someone in that department can help. Please contact your teacher if you feel your child needs the extra support to be successful this school year.
Texas Education Agency states that a student must attend a class 90% of the time it is offered to earn credit for that class. Students with less than 90% attendance will not earn credit and cannot be promoted to the next grade level. Both excused and unexcused absences count toward time missed in a class. The state will allow us to place a student in the next grade level if that student has completed a principal approved plan to recover attendance. You will be notified if your student falls below 90% attendance and requires credit recovery. We will only have 3 more credit recovery classes, if you have been notified, please make plans to attend one of the provided dates.
Dates: May 4th, 11th, 18th
HJH Stuco
Student Council applications for upcoming 6th and 7th graders are due on Friday, May 10th. 7th graders will turn in their applications to Ms. Slaten in room 108 or Mrs. Williams in room 122. If you have any questions, please email aslaten@hisd.com or kwilliams2@hisd.com.
HJH College Day
Every 2nd Thursday of the month, students and staff are encouraged to wear college shirts to endorse education beyond high school. This month will be Thursday, May 9th. On this day, we can come together regardless of our college mascot and cheer on our students as they begin to prepare for their future.
HISD Community News
8th Grade Dance Info
The Class of 2028 8th Grade Dance Committee is excited to host "A Starry Night" themed dance for our students. Please see the attached invitation. This dance is only offered for current HJH 8th grade students. The waiver must be completed before admission into the dance. (On most phones, if you press a finger on the QR code, it will open the website for you.) The dress is semi-formal. We look forward to a wonderful night!
How to stay motivated for the rest of the school year!
How can you stay motivated? Here’s some tips on how to stay motivated so you can finish off the school year strong!
1. Participate in class
It’s important to try your best and put in some effort to participate and join class discussions. When you engage in the classroom, it helps you stay focused and interested in learning the material. Participating in class will also help in forming better relationships with your teachers and classmates! It also makes your learning experience that much better!!
2. Keep positive & practice positive self-talk
When you think positively, it will result in positive actions and outcomes. Try to surround yourself with positive people who support you and make you happy. Practicing positive self-talk will help with reducing any stress and anxiety!
3. Practice self-care
Make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night, engaging in healthy eating habits, and drinking enough water! Try to include some physical activity in your everyday routine. Most importantly, take care of yourself and do things that make you happy!!
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month
As we near the end of the year, we hope you’ll reflect on all that we have accomplished this school year. This school year has brought about changes and new experiences for all of us. In recent years, concerns regarding students’ mental health has become a bigger concern than ever. We are here to be a support and resource.
Our mental health determines how we think, feel, and act. Good mental health is when you feel positive about yourself and cope well with the everyday pressures. If you experience issues dealing with everyday problems, it could be a sign you need support and should be addressed ASAP. Please do not hesitate to reach out; we are here to help!
Mental health encompasses our emotional health, cognitive health, and relationships. It includes taking care of and protecting ourselves so we can succeed in everyday life, taking care of others when they need us the most and overcoming obstacles. In other words, mental health is essential, and worth advocating for. If we want to be advocates for those who are struggling with their mental health, we must first learn to be advocates for ourselves. This means being true to ourselves, loving ourselves and honoring ourselves, regardless of what our struggles are.
How Can I Become A Mental Health Advocate? #NotAlone
You do not have to share your deepest darkest secrets on social media to become an advocate. You can stand up for others by sharing your story privately with a friend, neighbor or loved one. You also don’t have to share your story if you’re not yet ready.
You can also:
● Support someone who needs help
● Volunteer for a local mental health organization
● Attend an awareness walk or other event benefiting the mental health movement
● Encourage your local politicians to prioritize mental health
● Correct those who use stigmatizing language
Together, we can change how the world views mental health. We can continue the mental health movement by speaking out, sharing our stories and showing others that they are not alone. Our societal perception of mental health, including mental illness, will not change if we do not take action to change it ourselves.
Tips for talking with your child about their mental health:
● Choose a time to talk when your child feels safe and comfortable. Maybe involve an activity, like going out to lunch, when you are done.
● Communicate in a calm and straightforward way, prepare to do more listening than talking
● Speak at a level that’s appropriate to your child’s age and development level
● Watch your child’s reactions and slow down or restate if your child becomes confused or looks upset
● Listen and openly and let your child tell you about their feelings and worries
Mental Health Common Signs:
● Excessive worrying or fear
● Feeling excessively sad or low
● Confused thinking or problems concentrating and learning
● Extreme mood changes, including uncontrollable “highs” or feelings of euphoria
● Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger
● Avoiding friends and social activities
● Difficulties understanding or relating to other people
● Changes in sleeping habits or feeling tired and low energy
● Changes in eating habits such as increased hunger or lack of appetite
● Difficulty perceiving reality
● Inability to perceive changes in one’s own feelings, behavior or personality (”lack of insight” or anosognosia)
● Multiple physical ailments without obvious causes (such as headaches, stomach aches, vague and ongoing “aches and pains”)
● Thinking about suicide
● Inability to carry out daily activities or handle daily problems and stress
● An intense fear of weight gain or concern with appearance
Happy Spring/Almost Summer Break!
Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Roberts
Need additional support?
*Call Teen Link: 206-461-4922, 6:00-10:00 pm nightly, staffed by teens
*Text Teen Link: 866-833-6546, 6pm-9:30pm
*24-hour Crisis Line: 1-866-427-4747, to speak with an adult crisis expert
*National suicide prevention crisis line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
*Dial 988 for the suicide and crisis hotline
*Dial 911 if you have an emergency and need help
Nurse Monthly Newsletter–May
A few reminders as we wrap up the school year:
If your student has school permission to carry their own emergency medications-–rescue inhalers, Epi Pens or diabetic supplies-–please ensure those are with your student during off campus events.
All student medications must be picked up from the nurse office by dismissal on the last day of school. Any medications that remain after this will be thrown away.
Doctor notes, parent notes, medication permission forms, nurse/restroom passes, and Care Plans all expire at dismissal on the last day of school. Please make arrangements with your student’s physician over the summer break to renew any documents for the next school year.
If your student is attending HISD summer school and will have medical needs, please email me before the end of the semester.
Immunizations and Waivers must be up to date before the start of the next school year. Any student out of compliance will be unenrolled from school, following the Texas Department of Health guidelines.
Online Skyward registration will be sent out over summer break. Please know that the health information portion does not carry over. It is important to complete this information with the student’s most current medical information each year.
Always reach out with any questions or concerns.
Nurse Holt
Email: aholt@hisd.com
Phone: 903-668-5990, ext 2042
Any medication to be administered to a student must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian in the new, original container. Please do not put medicine in a sandwich bag with a note and send it to school with your child or expect that your child can keep medication in their backpack. You may come to school and administer medication directly to your student if you do not wish to leave any in the nurse's office. The “Medication Consent” form must be completed and signed by the parent and physician for any prescription medicine to be administered during school hours.
Student Pick-Up
With the onset of allergy/cold/flu season, please make prompt arrangements to pick up your child when the school notifies you that your child is ill. Pick-up should be in less than one hour. We completely understand when there are times when a parent is out of town, is not allowed to leave work, etc., but please make sure there is someone who can pick up your student when you are not available. Any person who is allowed to pick up your student should be added to their nurse contacts in Skyward. If your contact information changes, or anyone else's on file, remember to change it in Skyward.
Contact Info
We look forward to the many opportunities this new year will bring to further interact with you and care for your children as needed. We understand this time of year can get hectic and children begin to see symptoms of various illnesses. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me here at Junior High by phone or email.
–Nurse Holt
Email: aholt@hisd.com
Phone: 903-668-5990, ext 2042
Important Information
Parent Drop Off
In order to cut down on heavy traffic, please drop your student off and exit the campus through the stadium home parking lot to Rob Street. This will ensure that our vehicle overflow can efficiently move into the gym parking lot and all buses can move quicker in and out of Bobcat Lane to get students to their campus. Most of our bus drivers are campus teachers or support staff. This also ensures they can arrive at their campus quicker to prepare for their school day. Thanks for your support.
Restroom Policy
Tardy Policy
Tardies will be tracked cumulatively each 9 week grading period, with the following consequences in place for repeated tardies:
3rd tardy - 1 day of Lunch Detention
6th tardy - 2 days of Lunch Detention
9th tardy - 1 day of After School Detention
12th tardy - 2 days of After School Detention
15th tardy - 1 day of ISS
18th tardy - 2 days of ISS
19+ - Discretion of Campus Administration
Please discuss with your child the importance of punctuality as we are preparing students to be responsible with their time.
Click on the School Bus for HISD Transportation Services Information
House Bill 114 (HB 114)
Parents and Guardians,
We are reaching out to bring your attention to an important new policy change that has been passed by the 88th Texas Legislature and will be taking effect immediately in our district.
House Bill 114 (HB 114) has been enacted to respond to the increasing concerns around e-cigarettes, vaping, marijuana, and THC related products amongst our youth. The Bill mandates that any student found in possession of, under the influence of, selling, gifting, or delivering these substances within a 300-feet radius of any school premises, will be immediately removed and placed in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP).
You can access the full version of the Bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/HB00114F.pdf
Please take a moment to discuss the implications of this new law with your children, emphasizing the importance of adhering to school policies and laws for their own welfare and for the betterment of the school community as a whole.
Thank you,
HISD Administration