Framingham High Course Selection
Welcome Class of 2029
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Welcome Class of 2029!
The School Counseling Department welcomes the incoming Class of 2029 to Framingham High School. All students are assigned a school counselor who will work with them all four years of high school. We are here for your academic, personal, and post-secondary planning needs. Throughout the four years, the Counseling Department will provide students with guidance on course selection, postsecondary planning, and navigating the interpersonal challenges of high school. We look forward to getting to know the students and families of the Class of 2029!
Elective Selection Deadline: March 20, 2025
Course Selection Process
1. Core Academic Class Recommendations will be available by mid-March 2025. Recommendations are available in your Aspen X2 Portal. Each student receives recommendations from their current 8th grade teachers for their core academic courses for 9th grade. Your teachers know you well and we encourage you to take their recommendations seriously and have conversations with them regarding any concerns or questions you may have. Incoming 9th graders will not be permitted to override a course recommendation to a higher leveled course. If you are looking to move to lower leveled course, please speak with your teacher. Students can initiate a level change after 1st Term Progress Reports if the student is earning a B or higher in the 9th grade subject.
*For more information, please see the Process for Schedule Change Requests.
2. Elective Courses
Elective courses are courses you take in addition to your core academic classes. To see all of your choices for elective courses, please see the FHS 9th Grade Elective Options / ESPAŇOL / PORTUGUÊS. Staffing and scheduling decisions are made based on the course selection of students in the spring. We will work hard to create a master schedule that serves all students based on their requests. We strive to give students their choices but it is possible that due to schedule limitations and numbers that students will be placed in other elective classes that will serve to fulfill graduation requirements.
March 20th: Deadline to selective electives: Elective course selections should be done through this GoogleForm.
End of August: Schedules for the 2025-2026 academic school year will be made available through your Aspen X2 Portal.
Some important considerations:
The transition to high school is exciting and challenging. We encourage you to think about the balance of your schedule (including extracurricular activities and out-of-school commitments) when selecting your courses and levels. For example, even if you are recommended for all Honors level courses, it may not be balanced to take all of them at once when you consider your other interests and commitments. We find that having a mixture of levels is often a good way to make the adjustment from middle to high school. Additionally, study skills such as time management, organization, and homework will be essential elements for success.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Erikson , Interim School Counseling Department Head, with any questions (rerikson@framingham.k12.ma.us).
The FHS School Counseling Department is here to help students and families with:
- academic planning and counseling
- post-secondary planning
- navigating the challenges of high school in and out of school
- social and personal challenges
We connect to students through:
- individual meetings
- small group workshops
- classroom lessons
- night events for students and families
For more information, we encourage you to check out our website, which has upcoming events, resources from past events, and more.
Meet the FHS Counselors
What does a high schooler's schedule look like?
A sample 9th grade schedule
7.0 credits can fit in a year's schedule (full year course = 1 credit; half year course = 0.5 credit)
- English 1
- Geometry
- Modern World History
- Biology
- World Language (such as Spanish)
- Fitness for Life
- 3 electives (such as Painting & Drawing, Foods, and/or Clothing 1)
For students with an IEP, final courses will be determined in the student's Team Meeting this spring.
FHS Course Level Descriptions
FHS Graduation Requirements
1 Full Year Course = 1.0 credit 1 Half Year Course = 0.5 credit
- English: 4 years/4.0 credits
- Mathematics: 3 years/3.0 credits
- Science: 3 years/3.0 credits
- Social Studies: 3 years/3.0 credits
- World Languages: 2 years/2.0 credits
- Practical Arts: 1 year/1.0 credit
- Fine Arts: 1 year/1.0 credit
- Physical Education: 2 years*/2.0 credits
- Additional Courses: 3.0 credits
Total: 22 credits
* All students must enroll in at least 1 Physical Education/Health course each year.
Additional Information
Framingham High School School Counseling
Ms. Erikson, Interim School Counseling Department Head
Email: rerikson@framingham.k12.ma.us
Website: https://fhs.framingham.k12.ma.us/82678_2
Location: 115 A Street, Framingham, MA, USA
Phone: (508)782.7498
Facebook: facebook.com/framinghamhighschool
Twitter: @FHSFlyers