Maungatapere School
Newsletter 2 May 2024
From our Principal
Kia ora koutou,
Welcome back to a new term.
- Student Led Powhiri
- Staff Only Day – the code
- Attendance – toileting
- Building Update
Student Led Powhiri
On Wednesday, at morning assembly, we ran a student led powhiri to welcome new students to school. This was our first go at doing it all by ourselves to build confidence and knowledge. Thank
you to our School Ambassadors Alexa and Ayla for looking after the manuhiri (visitors/new students), particularly from R12, Lachlan for being our lead speaker, and Arabella for karakia. The kapahaka group supported the school with waiata and led with confidence. Now that we have our new student leadership groups, we are rolling out the opportunities to develop leadership. During the holidays our ambassadors, some kapa haka members and Maungatapere students attended the ANZAC service at the local hall. They all made us proud. Well done.
Staff Only Day – the code
On Monday are whole staff had a fantastic staff only day of professional development with ‘the code’. Liz Kane. Over the years I have explored many different approaches to teaching spelling,
grammar and writing. It has been a passion of mine. The staff of Maungatapere School have also
had a wide variance in experience in regards to reading, spelling and writing. There is a move within
NZ Education towards ‘Structured Literacy’. Our management team has visited other schools last
year to inform our practise, and Mrs Goodison has explored ‘the code’ with a small group of staff
last year. From my notes I wrote… the code gives an order for words and sounds. The code gives a
scope and sequence for teachers to teach, but importantly a ‘consistent approach across the school’. I believe in school wide consistency with curriculum and learning. It ticks the boxes for me. This professional development has really challenged mine and our staff’s understanding of how students learn to spelling and write. Over this year we are focusing on incorporating ‘the code’ within the class literacy programmes.
Liz Kane Literacy is dedicated to bridging the gap between evidence-based research and the teaching of reading, spelling and writing.
Structured Literacy focuses on both How we teach: explicitly, systematically and cumulatively, and What we teach: Phonemic Awareness, Orthography (the spelling system), Morphology, Vocabulary, Syntax and Grammar, giving children the skills they need to read, spell and write with confidence.
Attendance – toileting
The current government and the Ministry of Education have indicated their desire to address school
attendance rates. Our school generally has good attendance rates, BUT…
The BUT is toileting routines. We will be focussing in tightening up expectations with the teachers
and students around toileting during class time. Last term, we noted too many students out of the
classroom heading to the toilets. Obviously, when you need to go you need to go, but students can
use toileting as an avoidance of work. Most students (not all) can improve their routines for using
the bathroom during break times. Teachers will be asking students to try to hold on a bit longer
during class times, but go if they really need to. Teachers will be aware of any students in their class who require a different approach (medical related). They understand the need to moderate this
approach dependent on the age of the child.
Building Update
The building safety fences go up this weekend, and next week the site will be prepared for workers
and the planning of the digger access for the front of R1 to 3.
School Term Dates
15th May WPSSA Year 7/8 Winter Sports
27th May Year 7/8 Science Road Show at TAS
29th May WPSSA Year 5/6 Winter Sports
3rd June Kings Birthday
5th June School Photos
28th June Matariki
5th July Last Day Term 2
Isla Attwood Rm 1 For being an excellent student who takes responsibility for her own learning and is a great role model in Rm1. She upholds and demonstrates all of the values of our school.
Herbie Dunham Rm 1 For a great start to the year, leading by example and providing positive support and encouragement for other students.
Jordyn Leigh Rm 1 For making fabulous progress and for being a responsible and eager learner. A great role model in Rm1.
Rosie Watts Rm 1 For pushing yourself in your learning at school and at home, making your learning happen.
Millie Taylor Rm 7 For always pushing herself in all learning areas and making amazing progress happen. You are a true role model.
Nathan Watts Rm 7 For applying himself in his learning and finishing tasks on time. You are on a roll Nathan, keep it up.
Harvey Fidler Rm 10 For always doing your best and making your learning happen.
Shayla Walker Rm 6 For making her learning happen through initiative and focussed work.
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool