Mid Week Announcements- Important
Parking, Drop-off, and Testing
August 22, 2024
Good morning....I hope that this email finds you well. I appreciate all of your response to yesterday's incident and your cooperation in order to ensure that all remain safe on our campus. We continue to push for a process in the mornings and afternoons that is efficient and most importantly safe. We have a few issues we really need your assistance with on this:
1. We have parents dropping off students at the student entrance. This is incredibly unsafe, I watched a parent perform a three point turn in the space between the street and the fence this morning nearly causing an accident. The drop off for students needs to come through the entrance on Trekell Road. Remember, it is Right Turn Only into our parking lot on Trekell and Right Turn only out of our parking lot on Trekell. I need your help with this, we ask and expect students to comply with reasonable requests on our campus and we really need the help of adults doing the same. I understand that the wait is annoying, I understand that the traffic is annoying....the design of our campus does not help us in this regard. We are doing the absolute best that we can with the priority of keeping our students and community safe. The other thing that I can say with tremendous confidence and accuracy is that most days the parking lot is clear within 15-20 minutes. We move about 500 cars through our lot in a very short period of time. On average, it takes parents 2 minutes from the time that they enter our gates to the time that they leave school property. Please, be kind to our staff that is directing traffic and follow their requests, we are doing the absolute best that we can to help you and all of our neighbors to get out of the parking lot and on with your day safely and efficiently. Here is a video representation / explanation to assist you all.
2. Student parking. Students need to purchase parking tags and park in assigned spaces. We still have a number of students who are parking on the parent drop-off side of the parking lot. Students, if you drive to campus you must purchase a parking sticker and park in your assigned spots. We will start putting notices on vehicles and charging a fine for parking in undesignated / unassigned spots. We do not want to have to do this, but again, student and community safety is paramount, and we need your compliance with our requests in order to assure that.
3. The past 2 weeks we have been doing Benchmark testing in our 2.5 classes. This test is an effort to best determine where students are academically now and how we can most effectively help them to grow. We have a number of students who for whatever reason have refused to engage and take the test. Parents and students, we need your help with this. For students who are struggling in Reading or Math we are setting up classes to help them be more successful. If we do not have the data on a student, we cannot determine where the needs are and how to most effectively help them to grow. We appreciate any assistance you may be able to give in this endeavor. Students, we expect that you will put your best foot forward and complete the test to the best of your ability.
These are similar to the cones that we have in place in our lot. Please do not run over, maneuver around, or move the cones out of the way. We have placed them there intentionally to promote safe and efficient entry and exit on our campus.