Elementary Math Newsletter
Edition #2
Let's reflect on the contributions of Indigenous communities, recognize their resilience, and acknowledge the challenges that still exist.
CLASSROOM SPOTLIGHT - Turn and Talk - Kwigillingok
This month's spotlight is on the Kindergarteners in Kwigillingok. Watch the video to see them use the turn-and-talk strategy when comparing numbers. BP#1, BP#6
Gina Allena
"I've been teaching half my life and this is my 3rd school year in LKSD. I love teaching little kids. Learning and growing with them is what makes this job fulfilling."
Thank you Gina!
I appreciate the hard work and care you put into your teaching. You create an inspiring learning environment.
Teachers, I invite you to submit your own examples of great teaching - whether it's a hands-on project-based activity that got your students excited, or a video showing implementation of one of the LKSD Best Practices. By sharing your experiences, you not only contribute to our collective knowledge but also inspire and uplift your fellow educators.
Video-3 Minute Multiplication Rap (3-9)
Video-Fractions and Music
Math fluency helps students feel more confident when tackling new and challenging math concepts. Strong math fluency helps students apply their skills in real-world situations. Here's how you can help your students increase their fluency:
1. Use the GradeLevelMathOverview document (click above) to get the fluency requirements for your grade.
2. Provide daily practice (ex: math warm-up, flashcards, Reflex online program, Prodigy online program, use manipulatives, Nearpod, interactive whiteboard, math games in centers, etc.).
3. Involve parents. Have students practice at home.
4. Assess - Use quick quizzes or informal assessments to identify areas of improvement. Analyze errors to gain insight into your students' thought processes. Look for patterns in errors. Provide immediate feedback on fluency assessments, Encourage students to set personal fluency goals.
Here are K-5 recommended lessons as we approach the end of Semester 1.
Thank you for differentiating to meet the needs of our students.
Your approximate week in school 13, 14, or 15
Into math
Module 8 - Represent numbers 6-10 with a written numeral
Module 9 - Use the count sequence to count to 100 or
Module 10 - Compare numbers to 10
Fluency - Count to 100 by ones and tens, Write numbers from 0-20, Add/subtract numbers up to 5
1st Grade
Your approximate week in school 13, 14, or 15
Into math
Module 7 - Understand compare problems
Module 8 - Data
Fluency - Add/subtract using numbers to 10, identify place value in 2 digit numbers, add using numbers up to 100
2nd Grade
Your approximate week in school 13, 14, or 15
Into math
Module 10 - Addition and subtraction counting strategies
Module 11 - Addition and subtraction grouping strategies
Module 12 - Represent and record addition and subtraction
Fluency - Add/subtract up to 20 (know single digit sums from memory), Add/subtract up to 100, tell and write time
3rd Grade
Your approximate week in school 13, 14, or 15
Into math
Module 7 - Relate multiplication and division
Module 8 - Apply multiplication and division
Fluency - Multiply/divide up to 100 (know single-digit products from memory), add/subtract up to 1000, represent fractions with denominators 2,3,4,6,8
4th Grade
Your approximate week in school 13, 14, or 15
Into math
Module 7 - Divide by 1 digit numbers
Module 8 - Multiply by 2 digit numbers
Fluency - add/subtract up to 1,000,000; multiply/divide 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, add/subtract fractions, use decimal notation for fractions
5th Grade
Your approximate week in school 13, 14, or 15
Into math
Module 8 - Understand multiplication of fractions
Module 9 - understand and apply multiplication of mixed numbers
Fluency - multi-digit multiplication, add/subtract fractions, convert measurements within a system (1'=12")
I know being away from loved ones during the holidays can be difficult. To help cope with this, consider reaching out through FaceTime, celebrating with colleagues, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.
I would love to hear what brings you joy at your site during the holiday season. What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate?
I wish you a wonderful and uplifting holiday season!
Are there instructional strategies that you would like help with?
Do you have an elementary math idea?
Remember, I'm always available via email
(suzanne_walters@lksd.org). Feel free to contact me.