Miller Elementary Weekly Update
December 1, 2023
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families!
I'm not surprised that mother nature greeted us with heavy snow Tuesday morning, frigid temperatures on Wednesday and a warmer sunny day on Thursday! Thank you for pulling out the snow gear and sending it into school with our kindergartners. Please read our important recess update for kindergarten found below so your child can be prepared each day!
We want to thank the many children and families who participated in our Giving Tree Campaign over the past few weeks. We have collected dozens of hats, gloves, scarves, books, crafts and gift cards to donate to the Center of Hope of Portage County. We want to thank all of the families for supporting this great cause. If you have any last items to donate, please send them on Monday morning.
This upcoming week, we also will hold our annual Holiday Shop! This is a special event sponsored by our PTO for your little ones to shop alongside a helper so they can pick out special items and gifts for family members. This allows them to participate in the spirit of giving during the holiday season. Items range in cost from $1.00 to $8.00 and a special envelope will be coming home with your child to list who they will be shopping for and how much your child is allowed to spend. This is an optional activity and we will carefully take our shoppers to the Holiday Shop (in the library) that would like to participate. Preschool and half-day kindergarten will be shopping on Thursday 12/7 and full-day kindergarten will be shopping on Friday 12/8.
Stay Warm and Have a Great Weekend!
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary Principal
Holiday Shop and Winter Party Sign-Ups
Important Dates and Events
- Friday, 12/1 - All Giving Tree Donations are Due
- Thursday 12/7 & Friday 12/8 - The Holiday Shop (More Information Forthcoming)
- Wednesday, 12/20 - Winter Festival Parties
- Thursday 12/21 - Winter Break Begins
- Wednesday 1/3 - School Resumes
Outdoor Recess and Cold Gear Reminders
Can you believe the temperatures are getting cooler and snowflakes are coming! Many families had questions about our outdoor recess policy when it gets cold and the snow starts to fly. Our full-day students will continue to go outside if the feels like temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees or higher. We watch the weather closely as it is important for our children to get outside, run around, and enjoy some fresh air. The playground is a great place to practice social skills such as turn taking, problem solving as well as how to communicate with their friends. Plus, when the snow comes, it provides some fun experiences to build snowmen or use our sleds down our playground hills!
We recommend a warm coat, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots (when necessary). We work with all children to help them learn how to dress themselves independently and in the correct order. (Snow pants, boots, jacket zipped, hat, and gloves are last). Please make sure all your child's items are labeled with their name. It is important that you check their book bag for an extra set of clothes and socks that match the new season. Children would rather wear their change of clothes if an accident occurs. Please have your child practice putting on their snow gear at home too!
Miller Parent Pick-Up & Attendance Reporting 23-24
This is a reminder that we are using our Miller Attendance and Parent Pick-up Form as an easy communication tool to report your child will be absent or you need to pick them up from school early. You still need to use the Alternative Bus Stop Form linked in this newsletter if you need your child's bus to change. You do not need to report if they will not be riding the bus in the morning due to an absence or illness on this form.
If you want to change your child from a bus rider to a parent pick-up, please scan the QR code below or click the button to fill out our Google form. This can be done from any device and your reply will be sent immediately to our secretary, Mrs. Wolf.
If you need an alternative bus stop or a change in busing, we also have attached the transportation forms to change your child's busing information. These forms need to be completed and sent to our transportation department at transportationinfo@aurora-schools.org
Updates From Our School Counselor ~ Mrs. Ambrosia
Greetings Families! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead! The classroom guidance focus this time around has been on solving problems. The Kindergarten students understand now that they’re “big kids,” they can solve small problems. Small problems are defined as problems we can solve when someone or something is bothering or annoying us. Students can use the following strategies: ignore, walk away, take turns, take a break, talk it out, or apologize. I have been hearing the term, problem-solver, quite a bit, and it is music to my ears throughout Miller. Encourage your children to solve small problems at home since they’re showing us they can do so at school!
Mrs. Lindsey Ambrosia
School Counselor
330.562.6199, ext. 5414
Important PTO Information
AEPTO Princess Prom 2024
AEPTO will be hosting Princess Prom on January 27th. Please fill out this survey to help us gauge interest and help our committee finalize details. Thank you!
Below are the AEPTO updates for this week:
1. Our next AEPTO meeting is Wednesday, January 4 at 10:00am. The location has changed and we're excited to announce Lotus Wellness and MedSpa will host our January meeting! 251 West Garfield Road Suite 290 Aurora, OH. We hope to see you there!
2. Giving Tree - Thank you to all our families who participated in our Giving Tree this year! All items must be turned into school by December 1st.
3. Wednesday, December 6 - Crumbl Cookie (Solon) 3:00-9:00pm Dine to Donate/Give Back event! Visit Crumbl on 12/6 between 3-9pm and Crumbl will donate a portion of the proceeds back to the AEPTO.
4. Thursday, December 7 and Friday, December 8 - Miller's Holiday Shop!
Every year the AEPTO hosts the Holiday Shop which gives students the opportunity to do some holiday shopping for parents, siblings, other family members, and friends. The week of the Holiday Shop we'll send home more information and an envelope so you can help your student create a shopping list and budget. Participation is optional. We will accept cash or checks made payable to the Aurora Elementary PTO.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Holiday Shop, please click the link below. Volunteers will help students shop for people on their list and stay on budget.
Miller Holiday Shop Volunteer Sign Up
5. Wednesday, December 20 - Winter Festival classroom parties!
If you are interested in helping plan your child's classroom winter party, please click the link below. The party is winter themed and you will work with your HRP to plan the party.
Miller Winter Festival Volunteer Sign Up
6. Saturday, January 6 - AEPTO Family Night at the Cleveland Monsters Game! See the flyer for more information.
7. Thursday, February 15 - AEPTO Family Night at Kalahari! The deadline to book is 1/15 but this is very popular and will sell out fast! So get your room now! See the flyer for more information.
8. Saturday, January 27, 2024 - AEPTO's Princess Prom! More information to come.
9. Box Tops! Another easy way to help out our schools. Just download the app and then scan your receipts to earn box tops.
Important Upcoming Dates
12/1 - Giving Tree Items Due
12/6 - Give back event at Crumbl Cookie
12/7 & 12/8 - Holiday Shop
12/20 - Winter Festival (classroom parties)
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Aurora Schools Foundation
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199