St.Isidore School
603 West Broad Street Quakertown, PA 18951
Happy Birthday!
March 28th Lucy Outland
March 29th Natasha Avoulou
March 30th Mr. Miller
April 1st Jonas Leach
5 more DAYS until Enrollment/Re-Enrollment Price Increases!
Let the competition begin!
The class that has the highest percentage of students who have either completed re-enrollment (or hits 100% first) or communicated they are not enrolling for 2025-2026 school year will win. Deadline is March 31st, 2025. The enrollment fee will increase from $125 to $200 on April 1st, 2025. Make sure to complete ASAP. You are not fully enrolled until the enrollment packet is submitted!
First Grade has WON!
PreK A is in the lead right now for Early Childhood! Preschool A is close behind!
If you are not enrolling for the 25-26 school year please log onto the FACTS Family Portal and click on Enroll on the left hand side. Once there, please click the "will not enroll" button.
K-7th Grade will win a free dress down day and an extra 20 min. of recess
Preschool/PreK: Will win an ice cream party on the day of their choice.
If you are planning to return, please complete the re-enrollment process. If you are considering other options, please consider reaching out to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. If you have decided on another option, please choose that option on FACTS.
We value your family's presence in our school community, and hope to continue to support your child's spiritual, academic, and personal growth in the coming year. Please don't hesitate to contact the school office if you need assistance or have any questions.
Non-Hub Day for Quakertown Bus Riders 3/28/25
Tomorrow Friday 3/28/2025 there will be a non-hub day for Quakertown bus riders. Please make sure your child(ren) know the new bus number. Bus sheets were sent home.
Spring Uniform
Spring Uniforms begins on April 1st, 2025. Students who are out of dress code will receive a dress code violation.
Terra Nova Testing
Terra Nova testing has begun, please be on time. Testing will be from 3/21-3/28. Please make sure the students get good rest and a full breakfast!
Daddy Daughter Dance
This is the next event which will be held on April 5th after the First Communion Retreat. Due to the 2 events we need HELP to flip the Gym. Please sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A044DABA92CA7F94-54365035-daddy
TD Bank Checking and Savings
Visit TD Bank, see a banker (the ones at desks) and ask about joining the Affinity Program. The school receives funding for every savings/checking account at no cost to you. Any additional questions please reach out to Mr. Craig Fraser, Business Manager: business@stisidores.org
St. Isidore Information:
St. Isidore School/Church
Spring Spirit Wear Sale
The final Grizzly Gear Sale of the year is going on now! Don't miss your chance to grab some gear for the next spirit wear day in May. Sale closes April 7 at 11:59. See attached flyer for more info.
2025 Vacation Bible School
Register online here: https://www.stizzyvbs.org/
If you'd like to volunteer (adults or kids in 5th grade or older), please see the website(www.stizzyvbs.org/volunteer) to sign up and for information on the volunteer meetings.
Thank you!
Blessings, Paula
Paula Clifford, VBS Director on behalf of the St. Isidore's Mom's Group
St. Isidore Vacation Bible School
2nd Annual St. Izzy Skate Night
4/11/25 5:30-7:30 at Inline 309
Don't miss an evening of fun for the whole family! Get your tickets in advance today! Please see attached flyer and SIGN UP HERE !
Skate Night Sign Up Genius
Spring Concert Preparation
Boys- solid spring color shirt and shorts
Girls- Spring dresses or spring colored shirt with shorts
Please no high heels or princess type dresses with girls. For shoes comfortable. If wearing dresses you can wear flats.
1st grade- Boys and Girls- school skirt or school short with white t- shirt( no prints please) white socks, school shoes
2nd grade- Boys and Girls- solid or small print Pajama sets. Please no cartoon characters or superheroes. If not pajama sets then a solid colored shorts, and a light blue t-shirt. ( Again please no prints) comfortable shoes
3rd grade- Boys and Girls- khaki or tan shorts with yellow solid colored T- shirt( no prints please) white socks, school shoes
4th grade- Boys- black shorts, ( appropriate length please) short sleeve , lightweight black t-shirts, black socks, black shoes
Girls- white t- shirt, light colored shorts, ( appropriate length please) , white socks, school shoes, white headband
5th grade- Boys- Navy blue shorts( appropriate length), light green t- shirt (no prints)
Girls- Navy blue shorts or skirt( appropriate length) , light green t- shirt( no prints) Both boys and girls white socks, school shoes
6th and 7th grade- Boys- Dress shirt solid spring color with dark colored dress shorts( appropriate length) Black socks and black shoes) Girls dress flats (no heels) or school shoes
8th grade- Boys- Black shorts, solid white t- shirt black socks and black shoes
Girls- Black long skirt, white t- shirt, black socks and black shoes
Please keep in mind that clothing should be light weight but also appropriate in length and moving about the stage. The costumes were chosen based on the scene they appear in and also displaying variety of style and color. Some accessories will be provided by our costume designer/ director ( Mrs. Berces) if your child has a specific role they will be given instructions on to what to wear coming to school that night and what they may need to get or provide on their own. This will be given in a few weeks. You may feel free to email me at any time with questions or if you are not receiving any information from your child regarding what they were given. Thank you Mrs. Pieninck
Stations of the Cross
Just a note that during Lent we participate each Friday doing the Stations of the Cross with the children. For the first week and last week our 2nd graders join us. All students in grades 3-8 participate.
Uniform Closet
Come shop the uniform closet! We are stocked up and all items are only $1 piece! We even have some Grizzly Gear in there for dress down days!
Hershey Park Discounted Tickets
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is working with Hersheypark®
to offer tickets at a substantial discount to parishioners and their families.
If you would like to order tickets for the 2025 Hersheypark season (valid any ONE public operating day),
complete and submit this ORDER FORM along with full payment, checks made payable to your parish, by
Friday, April 25, 2025
Iron Pigs Game
St. Isidore Parish has teamed up with the Lehigh Valley IronPigs for a Faith Night Out on Friday, June 13th! The Lehigh Valley IronPigs are the AAA affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies located in Allentown, PA. This event has sold out in previous years.
· Each ticket purchased through the link below is $13.00 and includes $2.00 ballpark credit.
· Faith music played throughout the night.
· Players and coaches sharing what their faith means to them on the scoreboard throughout the night.
· After the game, the team chaplain and players will come out and have a question-and-answer session.
· Fireworks after the game!
· Game time is 7:05 p.m., with gates opening at 5:45 p.m.
To purchase tickets please use this link:
Consider bringing the family out for a fun, faith filled night of baseball! Everyone is welcome to come-just simply share the link above with whoever you would like to invite! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Jeffrey Daley (dre@stisidoreprep.com) and I will be happy to assist! Hope to see you there! God Bless & Play Ball.
Field Trips
Paperwork is due by April 1. It will not be accepted the day of the trip. 2 of the forms are attached
- Criminal: Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp
- child Abuse: Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance https://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS
- FBI or Disclosure if you have lived in PA for 10+yrs. Federal Fingerprint Background Check (FBI) https://uenroll.identogo.com
- If not Pennsylvania resident for 10 continuous years The following are service codes needed to register for all current and/or prospective parish/school volunteers: 1KG6Y3 is the code for (PDE) Pennsylvania Department of Education/School Volunteers
- Mandated reporter form.
2025-2026 Calendar
2025-2026 School Calendar is completed!
We will begin school after Labor Day due to obligations of the faculty in August.
Please note that dates are subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.
Calendar of Events
Mar. 21-28 Terra Nova gr. 2-7
Mar. 31: Spirit Day
April 4: First Friday Mass/Honor Roll recognition
April 5: 1st Communion retreat/Daddy-Daughter dance
April 11: gr 5 field trip/Lenten Project/Skate Night
April 17-21: Easter Break
April 22: Earth Day
April 27: Open House/book fair week-bogo
April 28: Spring Pictures-students may dress up
April 29: Grade 7 to Bethlehem Catholic (field day)
May 1: Progress reports come home
**NOTE: Stations gr. 3-8 Mar. 28, April 4. April 11 last Stations gr. 2-8.
Class Mass Schedule in the Chapel
Mar. 28- Gr. 1 & 2
April 11- Gr. 3 & 4