Elm Road Eagles Return to Learn!
August 2020
From the Desk of Dr. Soto Kile
I welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. Although our beginning will be like no other in my 29 years as an employee in Penn-Harris-Madison, I can assure you that our mission of creating opportunities for students to reach their highest academic achievement remains the same. Opening our doors on the first student day will not be the same for any of us, but we are committed to developing amazing learning opportunities for our students digitally each and every day. Our Elm Road Staff is a hard-working staff, and we have developed sound instructional practices to assist us in any learning environment. We are resilient and our students are too. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to communication, collaboration, and our connectedness with one another, whether we are in a virtual or live setting this school year.
I know many of you have been impacted since March with unemployment, sickness and the death of loved ones. Please know we have resources available to our students and families to help in this time of crisis. Mrs. Andrea Shell, our Youth Service Bureau Specialist, is a full time employee at Elm Road and considered a wonderful resource. Please utilize her if you need her valuable assistance.
I look forward to a school year filled with new opportunities. I miss the students and look forward to seeing them virtually very soon! Although we cannot host our annual Back to School Night, look for a video soon! We will introduce our staff to you.
Materials Distribution
August 18th - 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
You are invited to Elm Road to pick up needed books and materials for your child. Please enter our parking lot from the south. If you have any items to return from last spring (i.e. library books, textbooks), please have those ready to return.
1. Put your child's name and grade level on a piece of paper in your front dashboard.
2. A staff member will bring your child's materials to your car. Do NOT exit your vehicle. There are no visitors allowed in the building without an appointment.
3. If you responded on the Google form for a Chromebook, it will also be given to you with the materials.
Who is your child's teacher?
You will learn this information by logging on Skyward on Friday, August 14th by 5:00 p.m.
How Do I Set up Family Access in Skyward?
Penn-Harris-Madison uses Skyward student management software. Skyward features a parent portal called Family Access. Please use this information to create an account for family access to your child(ren)’s information.
Parent Information for Walter Payton
Your username for Canvas and Skyward will be wpayton (FIRST initial followed by the last name)
Hopefully you have already received your Skyward email and have access. But if not, you can follow these steps
Open the Skyward Family Access url at https://skyward.phmschools.org
Click the link "Forgot your Username Password?"
In the following page put in your username (ex. wpayton) and press submit.
You will receive an email with a link to set your password.
You are in! You now have access to your student's profile information.
Having trouble and needing help?
For help logging in to Canvas or Skyward please email familyaccess@phm.k12.in.us and the technology dept will assist you.
If you see some of your students in Canvas and Skyward but not all of them, please email familyaccess@phm.k12.in.us and we can fix that for you.
If you need to update your address and contact information please contact the main office of your student's school and they will update your information.
If other parents or guardians also need access to Canvas or Skyward and did not receive this email or their email address is missing or inaccurate then your student's front office can also assist you with that.
How do I log in on August 19th?
Website Log-in Information for ____________________
(student name)
Virtual lessons will be posted to Google Classroom.
Go to the primary launchpad (primary.phmschools.org) and choose Google. Next choose Google
Classroom; it looks like a chalkboard.
Click sign in and enter your child’s username and password (Login A or Login C). If you don't know your child's password, it will be on a piece of paper we give you on the pick-up day.
How to log on to Google Classroom.
Student Username: ________________________ Student Password:_______________________
Student login is:
Username: First Initial + Last Name + last 3 digits of ID. Example: JSmith456
Password: ID + phm. Example: 123456phm
Login B:
Username: ID + initials ____________________________________________
Password: ID + phm ____________________________________________
Student Username: ________________________ Student Password:_______________________
Student login is:
Username: First Initial + Last Name + last 3 digits of ID @PHM.K12.IN.US.
Example: JSmith456@phm.k12.in.us
Password: First Initial + Last Name + Last 3 digits of ID
Example: JSmith456
THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES ARE ON THE CLEVER LAUNCHPAD at https://clever.com/in/phmschools
Logging into Clever also logs into these sites. They must be accessed from Clever. There are Clever links on every school’s homepage.
Use Login B.
Reading Eggs/EggsPress
Study Island
Typing Agent
Happy Numbers
Education City
The URL is https://launchpad.phmschools.org/. Elementary Launchpad can also be found from the school’s homepage under Resources. See below for which Login to use for each.
ABCya!- Under Reading on the Elementary School Launchpad. No login needed.
The teacher will share login information with you.
Freckle (Front Row) - It is on the Launchpad under Math. The URL is https://student.frontrowed.com/#login
Your child’s log-in information:
Enter student’s first and last name
Enter the class code: _____________
Starfall- Under Reading on the Elementary School LaunchPad.
No login needed. The URL is http://www.starfall.com/
XtraMath- On the Elementary School Launchpad click on Math (left side). Click on XtraMath. The URL is https://xtramath.org/#/home/index
Your child’s log in information:
Click on “Sign in” at the top right of the screen. Click on green “Students” tab. For email, type in TEACHER’S Name@phm.k12.in.us. Students should then type in their first name and their four-digit PIN: ______________ (last three digits of student ID + 0)
Parent's Right to Know
Information from P.T.O.
Website: Elmroadpto.org
Link to Back-to-School PTO Presentation (PDF file also attached).Link to MemberHub tutorial. (PDF file also attached)
New emails:
Group email (preferred email): PTOBoard@elmroadpto.org
President@elmroadpto.org Mrs. Danyell Barkley
Vice_President@elmroadpto.org Mrs. Ashley Kaffenberger
Secretary@elmroadpto.org Mrs. Jamie Barrier
Treasurer@elmroadpto.org Mrs. Kim Hudnall
The following links are included in the PTO presentation slides, but here is a quick-find reference:
- Link to Volunteer Sign-Up form
- MemberHub (must include student information or your registration will be rejected): https://elmroadpto.memberhub.com/join/pf7kkv
- Click HERE for a tutorial on how to register for MemberHub
- Register to contribute to Amazon smile: Elm Road PTO Amazon Smile
- Do you use the Amazon app for purchases? Click HERE for instructions on how to convert your Amazon app to Amazon smile so EVERY Amazon purchase benefits Elm Road PTO!
- Download the Box Tops app HERE
- Join us for our first (virtual) PTO meeting of the 2020-2021 School year on Monday September 14th at 2:30pm. Click HERE to add it to your calendar and save the meeting information (We’re using Google Meet to conduct our virtual PTO Meetings)
1st PTO Meeting Monday September 14 at 2:30 PM
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 650-667-0400
PIN: 491 759 715#
Elm Road's Back-to-School Video 2020
New Staff to Elm Road!
Mr. Brad Marks/Music Teacher-returning to us! Mr. Marks joins us after working at the elementary and middle school level. Many of you remember Mr. Marks as a maternity leave sub when Mrs. Nakayama had her first baby. Welcome back!
Ms. Heather Bogaert/Educational Assistant-Ms. Bogaert transfers to us from Prairie Vista. She will be a great addition to our Exceptional Education Team.
Miss Franca Peluso/Reading Specialist-Miss Peluso will assist students in the area of reading.
In addition, she will help us in many other ways. We look forward to her being an Eagle.
Elm Road Elementary School
Website: https://elmroad.phmschools.org/
Location: 59400 Elm Road, Mishawaka, IN, USA
Phone: 574-259-3743