Cougar Roaring News
October 2024

We want to highlight the importance of regular school attendance for your child’s success:
1. **Academic Achievement**: Daily lessons build on each other. Regular attendance prevents missed instruction and helps your child stay aligned with their peers.
2. **Skill Development**: Consistent presence supports daily practice of crucial skills like reading, writing, and social interaction.
3. **Social Growth**: School is a key place for developing social skills and relationships. Regular attendance helps maintain these interactions.
4. **Building Habits**: Regular attendance fosters responsibility and commitment, essential traits for future success.
While unavoidable absences are sometimes necessary, please strive for consistent attendance to support your child’s educational progress. Your cooperation is greatly valued.
Instructional Hours
8:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
- Cafeteria doors open at 7:15
- Hot Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:50. After 7:50, students may get a cold breakfast which consists of cereal.
- All students arriving prior to 7:35 should report to the cafeteria.
- Doors to the main building open at 7:35.
- Instruction begins promptly at 8:00.
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated in the United States from September 15 to October 15 to honor the contributions of Hispanic Americans to our history and culture.
At Crain Elementary, our mission is to "inspire lifelong learners who positively contribute to our multicultural community through rigorous blended learning and strong relationships in a safe and nurturing environment." To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we invite students to participate in a "Cultural Dress-Up" day, where they can wear traditional clothing from Hispanic cultures.
On Tuesday, October 15 at 2:00 pm, we will showcase this celebration with a campus parade and parents are welcome to join!
More information will be shared on the Crain Elementary Facebook page and through a flyer sent home.
KONA ICE is coming on Friday, October 11, 2024
We are seeking DONATIONS for our Fall Festival
Fall Festival/Student Led Conferences
Save the DATE! On Friday, October 18th from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. we will have our 2nd annual Fall Festival and Student-Led Conferences. The event will include time for student-led conferences, different outdoor games/booths, trick-or-treating for the family and information from various community partners in attendance. We look forward to seeing all of you there!
The student led report card conference window is from 10/11/24-10/25/24.
Crain Spirit Shirt Order due by Friday, October 11!
You can pay Cash, Check, or through MySchoolBucks!
Calling all VISD ECSE, Pre-K & 3K Famililes!
Victoria ISD proudly presents The Spectacular School Race, an engaging event designed for our ECSE, Pre-K, and 3K students and their families. Join us on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Victoria Public Library, and experience a world of emergent reading activities that support early childhood school readiness.
G/T Referral Window Open Until October 11
Dyslexia Family Night
Red Ribbon Week
👟Crain Kickball
Crain Kickball is Back for the 2024-2025 season! Come cheer and support the Crain Kickball team! The schedule for October is below:
- October 3: Aloe @ Crain
- October 10: Crain @ Schorlemmer
- October 17: Crain @ Hopkins
- October 24: Shields @ Crain
- October 30: Crain @ Vickers
📆 Upcoming Events
📆 Upcoming Events
11/20 - Thanksgiving Luncheon
11/22 - Early Dismissal
11/25-11/29 - Fall Break