SST6 Transition Tips and Updates
January 2025
Charting the LifeCourse Ohio Showcase 2025
Ohio Showcase 2025
Beginners Work Shop:
February 19th, 1:00–4:00 pm
Beginner’s workshop designed for those new to Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC). This session will provide an overview of the CtLC framework, principles, and hands-on experience with some of our most commonly used tools
Ohio Showcase
February 20th, Showcase Day: 8:00AM-4:00PM
Morning sessions will kick off with an inspiring keynote by Dr. Al Condeluci. Dr. Condeluci will dive into themes of culture, community, and social capital, weaving in powerful stories and leading a panel discussion featuring people with disabilities and their family members. Following the keynote, individuals and families will share personal stories about how Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) has shaped their lives.
Click here to register.
Job Coach/Skill Trainer Project Grant Funds Available
Opportunity to increase the number and capacity of job coaches who serve Ohio's students with disabilities ages 14-21 participating in work experiences!
Funds are available for up to 50 Ohio Educational agencies as defined in Rule 3301-51-01-Ohio Administrative Code Ohio Laws (B) (18) to build the capacity of new or current school personnel who are or will be acting as a job coach for a student with a disability while the student is working on a job site. Funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until all 50 slots are filled. The total amount of the project cannot exceed $11,400.00.
Please complete and return the application and scope of work to Amy Szymanski: amy.szymanski@education.ohio.gov and Karrie Calzo: karrie.calzo@education.ohio.gov by 5 PM on Friday, February 7, 2025.
My Next Move
What do you want to do for a living? https://www.mynextmove.org/
Transition to Work: Program Activity Guide for Blind and Low Vision
The Transition to Work: Program Activity Guide was created for community rehabilitation program providers, vocational rehabilitation agencies, and teachers of students with visual impairments (TVIs) working to improve employment outcomes for teens and young adults who are blind or have low vision. Youth with blindness/ low vision belong in competitive integrated jobs during and after high school like their sighted peers. For this to happen, youth with vision loss need to have an edge on the sighted students competing for the same in-demand part-time, after-school, and summer jobs and this edge is only achieved if the youth receive specialized instruction in workplace readiness training no later than age 14. This is especially critical considering across the nation, the age at which youth can begin to work ranges from ages 10 to 14. Overall, if the employment rate of teens and young adults with vision loss in the workforce is going to increase, work-based learning needs to start early, and the implementation of specialized instruction for these teens and young adults needs to be widespread. https://aphconnectcenter.org/careerconnect/transition-age-youth/courses/transition-to-work-program-activity-guide/
Accessible Ohio
Our specialists consult directly with you on accessibility goals regarding planning and awareness, including helping you establish goals and providing information about potential funding resources.
Essential Life Skills for a 21st Century Workforce
Communication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, giving and receiving feedback, self-discipline — every year, skills like these become more sought after by employers and colleges.
Supports and Monitoring Informational Sessions (SAMIS)
The Office for Exceptional Children Supports and Monitoring Team will hold monthly Informational Sessions. These monthly meetings will occur the first Thursday of every month at 1:00 p.m. and will be geared to Special Education Directors. The team will highlight IDEA Monitoring Resources and Tools and frequently asked questions regarding compliance.
Join us for the next SAMIS presentation on January 2, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.
Join the meeting through this link
Upcoming SAMIS dates:
- February 6, 2025
- March 6, 2025
- April 3, 2025
- May 1, 2025
Link to website: IDEA Monitoring Process | Ohio Department of Education and Workforce
Please reach out to Taunya Crumbley with any questions at Taunya.Crumbley@education.ohio.gov.
December 2024
Special Education Profile Release Delayed
Project STIR
Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility
Project STIR™ is advocacy/leadership training designed to provide people with disabilities and their allies with the tools to advocate for themselves, work with others in advocacy and gain leadership experiences.
Project STIR™ includes:
- Knowing Yourself
- Communicating Assertively
- Problem Solving and Negotiating
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination
- Starting a Self-Advocacy Group
- Being Part of the Community
- Introduction to Charting the LifeCourse
Welcome to the Multi-Agency Planning (MAP) Tool
Multi-Agency Planning (MAP) at an agency or county level is systems transformation work. Through our comprehensive MAP Tool, you will work with partner agencies to develop clear, purposeful, and carefully designed processes that promote cross-agency, cross-program, and cross-disciplinary collaborative efforts, leading to tangible transition outcomes for youth and families.
November 2024
Ohio Department of Health Complex Medical Needs Transition Resources
The resources provided on this page are helpful when planning the transition from pediatric/school age supports to those in the adult world for your child with special healthcare needs. Many organizations in Ohio provide education and assistance with some aspect of this transition.
Each resource is assigned a category and a region of the state. Some resources help with many or all transition categories, and some are available statewide. You can filter the list by clicking on a heading to arrange the resources by name, category or region.
Transition Playlist
Updates to SPP Indicators 1 and 2
LEA Special Education Ratings were released in October.
Special Education Profiles will be released in December. Find out how these two indicators' calculations have been updated and begin planning now!
October 2024
Ohio Learning Standards- Extended
The purpose of Ohio’s Learning Standards-Extended is to build a bridge that provides grade-level access to the content of the Ohio Learning Standards and to ensure students with the most significant cognitive disabilities are provided with multiple checkpoints to demonstrate knowledge and skills aligned to the achievement targets within Ohio Learning Standards.
Alternate Assessment for Student's with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Ohio’s Alternate Assessment for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD) is aligned to Ohio’s Learning Standards – Extended (OLS-E) and designed to allow students with significant cognitive disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in an appropriately rigorous assessment.
🔆Family Engagement🔆
Families and Allies
An adult ally can be a parent, teacher, mentor, counselor, community leader, or any adult who actively and genuinely listens to young people, respects their perspectives, and collaborates with them to make decisions regarding their success and happiness.
Charting the Lifecourse
Charting the LifeCourse is designed to be used for your own life, for your family members, or in the work you do. The framework and tools will help you organize your ideas, vision, and goals, as well as problem-solve, navigate, and advocate for supports.
September 2024
Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities PDF version available
The updated Ohio Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities is now in PDF format.
*Note: OAC 3301-51-09 is currently in the rule revision process. Please refer to the current rule in effect until further notice.
The Department wants to ensure that educational agencies, parents, and others have access to the revised sections of the Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities.
College Career Workforce and Military Readiness Component of the Local Report Card
Is your district ready for this addition to your 2024-2025 Local Report Card?
The College, Career, Workforce, and Military Readiness (CCWMR) component measures how prepared the graduating class from a district or building is as they transition to post-secondary education, enter the workforce, or join the armed forces. The readiness of a graduating class is estimated by calculating the number of students who achieve one or more of the component measure goals.
The College, Career, Workforce, and Military Readiness component
WILL NOT be rated or included in the overall rating for schools and districts until the 2024-2025 school year at the earliest.
Computer Science (CS) Promise Course and Provider List Released
Ohio House Bill 33 creates the Ohio Computer Science Promise (CS Promise) program. Ohio law requires the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to develop a list of approved CS Promise program eligible providers and courses that the Department publishes annually.
Under the program, Ohio students in grades 7-12 can enroll, at no cost to the student, in one computer science course not offered by the student's secondary school per academic year and receive high school credit for the course beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. The list of approved CS Promise program providers and courses is now available on the Department’s website for districts, schools, students, and families to review.
Additional information about the CS Promise is available on the Department’s Computer Science Promise webpage. For more information, please email computerscience@education.ohio.gov.
🔆Family Engagement🔆
Building trust with families
How Ohio Schools Can Build Trust with Families
Supporting families to participate in transition meetings
A Parent Quick Guide to Postsecondary Transition
Evaluating your family communication
Healthy Communication with Families: A Reflection Tool