BFA Elementary Newsletter
August 29th, 2024
Let's Welcome Mr. Peterson to BFA!
My name is Michael Peterson, and I’m the new Elementary Assistant Principal. I am entering my 7th year as a school administrator, and prior to that, I supported Denver Public Schools for 3 years as a Gifted and Talented Teacher/Coordinator. My passion for student success and building relationships with families is what keeps me excited about my work every day, and I pride myself in doing everything in my power to ensure an equitable education for each and every student.
In my free time, you can find me playing basketball and spending time with my wife and two children who also attend BFA. I truly enjoy getting to know the parents and families, so please don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation with me or reach out to me. I couldn’t be more excited for this school year and to get to know all of you on a more personal level.
I look forward to meeting you tonight at Back to School Night. Go Bolts!
Michael Peterson
Assistant Principal K-4
Ben Franklin Academy
Faculty Highlight
Ms. Haylee Barta
You can find her Favorites Here.
Staff Highlight
Ms. Mika Hurd
We want to point the spotlight on our very impressive 1st grade aide, Mika Hurd. She recently took the initiative to fix a scheduling issue between two grade levels to ensure a teacher was able to get a more favorable schedule. We watched her run back and forth between two grade level teams frantically as it was time sensitive and got everything worked out (she was on a mission). This is actually just one example of the many impressive things she does to help others. She comes to work everyday with a beaming smile and positive energy, and I know for myself, that's really infectious. She truly embodies what it means to be a champion for students. We are all lucky to call you a teammate.
Science Lab
This week in Science Lab, Mrs. Flint was teaching our 3rd Graders how to be engineers. They had to design their names on a piece of paper and then map out using different materials. What great STEM instruction and a fun and creative way to teach engineering.
Library Lane
Basil, our Honorary Librarian
Basil is our beloved honorary librarian. She comes to school almost everyday and helps the students during reading time. She started coming this week and all the students can't get enough of this fluffy fixture in our library.
We are so lucky to have Basil at our school.
Kindergarten Practice Their ABCs
Mrs. Murray's A.M. class decided to practice their ABC's while in the library. They all did a great job. Thank you, Ms. Williams for having an interactive library!
Find More Books at Your Fingertips
Check out our Principal newsletter for information about SORA! So many books just waiting for your student.
How to find Teacher Pages
Our Elementary Website can be found here.
It has wonderful information for parents and students. Each grade level has their own webpages also. You can find lots of information on homework, what your student is doing in class, what the upcoming week looks like and so much more.
Community Events
Cops and Bobbers
Join Douglas County Sheriff’s Office deputies and Highlands Ranch Metro District park rangers to learn the basics or advance your angling skills. Colorado Parks and Wildlife will provide fishing rods for each participant to use and take home. This is a catch and release event.
Saturday, Sept. 28
8-11 a.m.
Fly’n B Park
$15 ($18 for nonresidents)
Discounted group rate available for registrations of 3 or more.
BFA 13 Virtues
September's Virtues are...
Silence – There is a time and place to speak up and a time to listen. You learn more by listening than speaking.
Justice – Be respectful. Give everyone a chance to work or play. Give others a chance to express themselves. Share. Remember that others are counting on you, so live up to your duty.
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Email: info@bfacademy.org
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
Email: attendance@bfacademy.org