CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
January 17, 2025
Information from Principal Santa
Monday, January 20th: No School for Students
Monday, January 20th, is Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, a holiday honoring the achievements of Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister and civil rights leader who advocated for nonviolent resistance against racial segregation. It is celebrated on the third Monday of January, and it is a day to celebrate his life and legacy and honor his memory and ideals. There is no school that day for students, and the staff will be participating in a full Professional Development Day.
Grade 5 Language Arts: MLK, Jr.
The fifth graders took a moment to reflect on Dr. King’s dream for a more just and loving world. As they listened to Ben Harper and Jack Johnson's collaborative song, "With My Own Two Hands," students brainstormed ways they could use their own two hands to build a positive, supportive community. From organizing a neighborhood clean-up and starting a kindness campaign at school, to creating donation drives and planting trees, each student came up with simple but meaningful actions to make a difference. By thinking of ways to serve others, they learned that even small acts of kindness and responsibility can have a big impact, helping to shape a brighter future for everyone.
Driving Near a Bus Safety Reminders
Flashing yellow lights
- Slow down and prepare to stop
- Flashing yellow lights indicate the bus is approaching a stop
Flashing red lights
- Stop at least 25 feet away from the bus
- Flashing red lights indicate the bus has stopped
- Remain stopped until the bus's flashing red lights have been turned off
Chromebook Use Reminders
- Please remind your child(ren) to charge his/her Chromebook each night/morning before school.
- Please remind your child(ren) to keep his/her case on the Chromebook at all times.
- If your child(ren) forgets his/her Chromebook, each classroom has loaner Chromebooks that the students can borrow. Chromebooks do not need to be dropped off.
Knightly Chronicles
Please see the updates from the Knightly Chronicles writers using the link to the online newspaper HERE.
CDW Choir: New Members Welcome!
The CDW Knights Chorus is starting a new season! New members are welcome to join through February 27th. The group is open to students in Grades 5-8. Students should see Ms. Osbahr with any questions.
CDW Musical: Items Needed
The CDW Musical needs donations of all suits of all sizes! They will take any 2-piece or 3-piece suits that resemble the style of 1950's time period! Thank you in advance for your support.
Library Books Due!
Mrs. Melillo is requesting all students return their library books before marking period 3 begins on January 30th. Students who do not return their book(s) before the end of the week will get an overdue slip. If students are still reading the book, they may fill out the new renewal form on their Language Arts teacher's Google Classroom.
Grade 8 Social Studies Review
CDW Debate Team
On Wednesday, January 15th, the CDW Debate Team participated in their third tournament of the year, held at Tenafly. Debaters presented cases for and against the United States federal government significantly strengthening U.S. protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks. Teammates Katie Jung and Sophie Bergelson won their Affirmative against Northvale with 25 points, while Teyla Nguyen and Elaine Lee scored 25 points against Cresskill to win their Negative round. The next debate will be on February 5th at BCA!
NVOT Physics Club Visits CDW!
The NVOT Physics Club came to visit CDW on Wednesday, January 15th. Grade 8 students interactively learned about many different aspects of physics including, but not limited to, the study of matter and its motion and related concepts such as energy and force.
Grade 7 and Grade 8 Volunteer Opportunity
The Borough Hall needs help stuffing envelopes. They will be at the Borough Hall (227 Old Tappan Road) on Thursday, January 23rd from 3:00 PM-6:00 PM. If your child(ren) can help at all during that time, please have them sign up with Ms. Egan in Room 205. Grade 8 students can also sign up via the NJHS Google Classroom.
NVOT Presents Peter Pan
Tickets are now on sale for the 2025 production:
Friday, February 28th at 7 pm
Saturday, March 1st at 2 pm
Saturday, March 1st at 7 pm
Sunday, March 2nd at 2 pm
Join NVOT for a Magical Adventure to Neverland!
Peter Pan is based on the beloved play by Sir James M. Barrie! Fly with Peter, Wendy, and the Lost Boys as they take on Captain Hook on a journey filled with adventure, laughter, and a little bit of pixie dust. With dazzling performances, stunning visuals, and toe-tapping music, this production is perfect for audiences of all ages.
8th Grade NEW Information
Today, during Science, Ms. Adamo met with the 8th graders to review the following:
Elective options available for 9th graders: Students received their “reflective elective sheets” that they completed after their October tour of NVOT along with a review of each elective offered.
World Language options available for 9th graders: Students can choose a different World Language, instead of Spanish.
Criteria and expectations for Honors Classes, along with the expectations for the other levels of classes offered in high school: Enriched and College Prep.
On or around January 21st, your child(ren)’s recommendations will be posted to your parent portal; an email will be sent notifying you once they are uploaded. If you haven’t signed up for your child(ren)’s high school scheduling conference, which takes place at CDW, please do so by following the directions here.
Ms. Adamo will continue to post information regarding NVOT on her Google Classroom. This way, students and families can locate the information easily. Please encourage your child(ren) to check Google Classroom regularly.
Grade 5
On Thursday, January 16th, Ms. Adamo taught another character education lesson to the fifth grade. This month’s lesson was on understanding the differences between teasing, conflict, and bullying. This lesson is a continuation of what Ms. Adamo taught the students when they were in the fourth grade. As the fifth graders are starting to make new friends, a reminder about how best to handle upsetting social situations/conflicts is warranted. Time was spent discussing typical situations to help teach students how best to handle a problem or conflict should they be faced with one.
All Grades
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s academic, social or emotional needs, please contact me at adamoj@nvnet.org or 201-664-1475 ext. 2203.
Boys Basketball
On Tuesday, the boys basketball team picked up their 10th win of the season against Haworth, winning by a total score of 69-35. The team came out firing with 19 points in the first quarter. The high scoring continued as the team welcomed Tommaso Scaduto back to the lineup. He was the offensive spark, leading the team with 20 points, including 4-three pointers. The team finished the game with 22 points in the 4th quarter while holding Haworth to only 3 points.
Girls Basketball
On Tuesday, the girls basketball team defeated Haworth to improve to 10-0 on the season. Adriana D'Andrea led the team with 8 points and Skylar Park had 7 points. Overall, Old Tappan fought hard and collected multiple rebounds, steals, and assists to help secure the win.
Thank you to Avery Kang as she continues to support and assist Coach Brancatelli and the players as the team manager.
Schedules and Game Locations
Click HERE for the Northern Valley schedules and game locations on the CDW Website.
All games begin at 3:45 PM.
Home Boys and Girls Basketball games are played in the Rossi Gym at CDW.
PTO Updates and Reminders
Parents' Night Out
You're invited to the Old Tappan's PTO Parents' Night Out on February 27, 2025 from 7-11 PM at the Florentine Gardens! See specific information below!
CDW Class of 2025 Discount Card and Dicks Sporting Goods Coupon Book
If you would like to purchase a 2024-2025 Discount Card and Dicks Sporting Goods Coupon Book, visit the OT PTO website.
The discount card is $20.
The Dicks Sporting Goods Coupon Book is $15.
PTO Meetings and Membership
The schools truly value the partnership we have with the Old Tappan PTO! Please join the PTO and support their organization. Visit OTPTO.org, click "For Sale," and then "Membership."
The PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year are listed below. Babysitting is offered at the night meetings.
Thursday, January 23, 2024 at 9:00 AM in the BOE Conference Room
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 7:30 PM in the CDW Media Center
Thursday, April 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM in the BOE Conference Room
Tuesday, May 27, 2025 at 7:30 PM in the CDW Media Center
Mid-Year Benchmark Assessments
As we quickly approach the middle of the 2024-2025 school year, the teachers are preparing students for Mid-Year Benchmarks in all academic classes. Mid-Year Benchmarks have a variety of purposes for both the teachers and the students.
- Mid-Year Benchmarks assess students on their progress toward end-year goals.
- Mid-Year Benchmarks allow teachers to collect data on student progress and growth to use to prepare for future lessons.
- Mid-Year Benchmarks allow the students a chance to self-reflect on areas of improvement and create personal goals.
- Mid-Year Benchmarks will offer the teachers an opportunity to see what students have mastered and what will need to be re-taught.
How can your child(ren) prepare for Mid-Year Benchmarks?
- Ask questions in class.
- Review notes and previous assessment content.
- Stay positive!
Your child(ren)'s teachers will provide specific information about the benchmarks given in each class.
Science Mid-Year Benchmark Assessment for Grade 7
Grade 7 students will take a Science Assessment on Tuesday, January 21st. This assessment is administered throughout the Northern Valley schools, and it gives the teachers an overview of students' scientific understandings to date. The results from this mid-year Science Assessment will be used to assist with placement decisions next year, when we course plan for our eighth graders going into NVOT.
REMINDER: National Junior Honor Society Information for Current 7th Graders
Membership in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) at Charles DeWolf Middle School is open to any seventh grade student who meets all the membership requirements at the end of the third marking period in 2025.
During the final days of April, eligible students will be identified and invited to apply for admission to the NJHS by email. An email will also be sent to parents of eligible students. The induction ceremony will be held on May 20, 2025 (subject to change).
Delayed Opening Reminders
The forecast is calling for a possibility snow soon. Since that means that there is a possibility of a delayed opening within the next month or so, here are some important reminders to prepare for a possible delayed opening in the future.
Staff will be available for drop off beginning at 9:40 AM.
Homeroom begins at 10:00 AM.
After 10:00 AM, students need to enter through the front door. Please drive around to the front to drop them off since the other doors will be closed.
Students will attend each class but for a shorter period of time.
Students will still have their lunch period. The 5th and 6th grade lunch will start at 11:47 AM, and the 7th and 8th grade lunch will start at 12:18 PM.
Google Classroom
If you or your child(ren) needs a refresher on how to use Google Classroom, he/she can access a variety of videos on Dr. Sullivan's Google Classroom under, "Tools for Organizing Assignments."
Here is a video on How to Use Google Classroom for you to review.
Chromebook Insurance
Have you purchased Chromebook Insurance for your child(ren)'s school-issued device yet?
We highly suggest that you purchase insurance! We have already had to submit many claims! Please refer to the information below, or you may purchase directly from smartechins.com/oldtappan.
HW Club
Homework Club began on Wednesday, October 2nd. Please see the flyer below to sign up!
If your child is not going to attend school, please contact Mrs. McCarthy at 201-664-1475 ext. 2103 or McCarthy@nvnet.org.
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
Lunch at CDW
Students should either bring their lunch from home each day, or parents may order through one of the approved vendors for delivery to CDW. If you order lunch from an approved vendor for delivery, please make sure the vendor knows your child's first and last name and grade level. This will help to ensure your child receives his/her lunch on time. At times, we understand that a parent/guardian may need to drop off lunch at school. All lunches need to be placed on the table with the green tablecloth in the vestibule.
5th/6th Grade Lunch ~ 11:27 AM-12:01 PM
7th/8th Grade Lunch ~ 12:10 PM-12:44 PM
You can find the Lunch Vendors on the Old Tappan School District Website.
Monday, January 20th~ No school for students in observance of MLK, Jr. Day; Professional Development for staff
Tuesday, January 21st~ Grade 7 Science Mid-Year Assessment
Thursday, January 23rd~ AMC 8 Competition (for those who are registered only)
Wednesday, January 29th~ CDW Marking Period 2 Ends
February 3rd~ The BOE Meeting will be in the BOE Conference Room at 8:00 PM.
Tuesday, February 4th-Thursday, February 6th~ Grade 8 CAP Program in Social Studies classes
Tuesday, February 4th~ Marking Period 2 Report Cards released at 12:00 PM.
February 17th-February 21st~ February Recess: School is closed for teachers and students.
February 24th~ The BOE Meeting will be in the Lynch Gym at 8:00 PM.
Thursday, February 27th~ PTO Fundraiser at The Estate at Florentine Gardens
2024-2025 School Calendar
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Email: santaj@nvnet.org
Website: https://cdw.oldtappanschools.org/
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OldTappanSchoolDistrict