East Middle School Friday Update
October 25th, 2024
Happy Friday, Rocket families. Another amazing week has come and gone here at East Middle School. This Friday update will fill you in on everything that is going at East and around the district.
Important Dates
Monday, October 28: NJHS Induction Ceremony - 6:30
Wednesday, October 30: Volleyball Scrimmage @ Liberty - 4:00
Friday, November 1: Picture Retake Day
Tuesday, November 5: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development Day
Picture Re-Take Day Is Coming!
School Pictures were sent home last week. If you did not purchase school pictures but would like to, your student should bring home a packet with a sample picture in it and a personalized student code that you can use to purchase pictures online. To order your picture packet online - please go to https://vando.imagequix.com/g1001131920. Anyone who has ordered pictures and would like a retake or if your student has not had their picture taken yet, Picture Retake Day will be on Friday, Nov. 1st.
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found is OVERFLOWING with coats, jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. Please encourage your student to take a look through the items if they are missing something. The lost and found is located in the cafeteria against the right wall as soon as you enter the main doors from the red hall. Any items still in the Lost and Found after November 8 will be thrown out or donated to charity. Please check out the two videos below to see if you recognize anything.
MiStar Check For Quarter One
It may be hard to believe but we are approaching the end of the first marking period. This weekend may be a good time to check MiStar for any late, missing, or incomplete assignments. Encourage your child to get them turned in as soon as possible. The first day of the second marking period begins on Monday, November 4. As a reminder, final grades are based on their semester grade, but it is always good practice to check MiStar periodically to monitor your child's progress.
Rocket Pantry
The last few years have been very difficult for many of our Rocket families. Each day we are finding out about more of our families that are in need. As a result, East Middle School will be starting the “Rocket Pantry”. The purpose of the pantry is to have a collection of food, hygiene products, and school supplies for any student that may be in need. If you are in a position to help out, we would greatly appreciate it. We are looking for donations for some of the most frequently requested items.
Protein/breakfast/granola bars, single serving pretzels/crackers/chips
Juice bags/Gatorade/water
Quick make foods for home: mac and cheese, flavored pastas or rice, pasta/sauce, peanut butter/jelly, kid friendly cereal, etc.
Deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, lotion, hand soap, etc.
Gift cards to grocery or multipurpose stores (Kroger, Meijer, Walmart), gas cards, Uber, etc.
school supplies such as single subject notebooks, lined paper, binders, index cards, pencils, etc.
Entering East Middle School
With construction going on throughout the year, we have had to make a few adjustments to how students enter the building. If you drop off your student in the morning, students will enter through door 5. This is the doorway that is near the gym. Door 5 will be open from 7:55 - 8:15 each morning. For safety reasons, this door will lock at 8:15. If you drop your student off after 8:15, we ask that they enter the building through door 26.
Door 26 would also be the door that you would come to if you needed to pick your child up early from school. The main office has been moved to just inside door 26 during the construction. We apologize for the inconvenience. As I tell staff and students, the short term inconvenience will pay off when we have a beautiful new addition next year!
EPTC Update
Are you looking for a way to get involved at East? Please consider joining the East Parent Teacher Council (EPTC). It is a great way to take an active role at East Middle School. Please click the link below to find out the latest news from the EPTC...
District Update
Please click HERE to view the most recent district updates
I know that was a lot of information, and I apologize. I just want to wrap it up by thanking all of you for allowing us the opportunity to work with your children. I am continually amazed by our students each and every single day. Have a safe and restful weekend. As always, I am proud to serve as the Principal of East Middle School.
Go Rockets!
Ted Younglas