WHS November News 2024
November 1, 2024

Important Dates
October 31 and Nov. 1- Mobile Dentist (rescheduled)
November 4 - Fall Athletic Awards
November 5 - Election Day
November 5 - Blood Drive
November 7 - Interims Sent Home
November 8 - 9th and 11th Grade Vision and Hearing Screening
November 11 - Veterans Day
November 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences
November 15- 17 - Fall Theatre Production
November 21 - Read Money, Real World
November 22 - 10th Grade Laurel Oaks Presentations
November 25 - WCS Board Meeting
November 27-29 - Fall Break
November Conferences
Our goal is to meet with each and every family at WHS this school year. What will this look like? Each family will get to meet with a teacher representative at one of the parent teacher conference nights this year. During this time, we want to discuss current academic goals and progress, activity involvement, interests, and plans for after high school. We also want to give you the opportunity to provide us with your feedback and suggestions.
If you have not already had a conference, please anticipate an invitation from a WHS staff member for a conference this year. We look forward to meeting with you on our campus and strengthening the partnerships between the school and home. If you would like to request a conference during the November session, please fill out the following form.
Veterans Day Breakfast
The Wilmington FFA Chapter will be hosting our annual Veterans Day Breakfast on Monday, November 11th at 9:00AM in the WHS Auditorium. Attendees will enter through the WHS Gym entrance. Breakfast will be served, and a program will be completed to highlight the importance of Veterans Day and thank the honored guests for their service. Wilmington High School students are encouraged to invite family members or close friends who have served or are currently serving in the military.
Fall Theatre Production
Theatre at Wilmington High School Presents: William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Performances are Friday and Saturday, November 15 & 16 at 7:00pm and Sunday, November 17 at 2:00pm. All seats are $10.00. Tickets can be reserved through our ticketing site:
Real Money, Real World
Real Money. Real World. (RMRW) is a youth-focused financial literacy program from Ohio State University Extension. It can be used with youth ages 12-18. The curriculum is time-tested and has been highly successful because of the creative community efforts of Extension educators, local school teachers, and community volunteers.
Our 11th graders will be focused on this learning in their Government classes, and have the opportunity to attend this event on November 21st. This will be in the WMS gymnasium.
School Attendance
As we get into colder weather and the winter season, we wanted to share some reminders about attendance.
If your child is ill, a parent or guardian needs to call the school the day of the absence and provide the reason for the absence. Calls must be made to Attendance Hotline (937-382-4669).
For medically excused absences, a doctor’s excuse must be provided to the school within forty-eight (48) hours, i.e. two business days, of the student’s return to school or the absence will be unexcused.
It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work and submit it to the teacher in a timely fashion. Students will have the same number of days as they were absent to make up the missing work.
Parents picking up students during the school day must sign them out in the Main Office.
Closed Lunch Policy
WHS has a closed lunch policy. Below are a few reminders from the student handbook. This information was reviewed with students in class meetings.
Wilmington High School does not have an open lunch policy. Students must remain in the building for lunch.
Outside food should not be delivered or dropped off for any student at the school.
Parents/Guardians are not to call/sign-out students for lunch.
All WCS students are automatically eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch meal at no charge. Please note that the program covers a full breakfast and lunch meal. Extra food or á la carte items will incur a charge.
2nd Quarter Interims
Interim Progress Reports will be sent home on November 7th.
Ohio Election Information
Election Day is just around the corner.
Deadline to Register to Vote: October 7 (Boards open until 9:00 p.m.)
Early In-Person Voting: October 8 and includes the two Saturdays and the two Sundays before Election Day. Visit boe.ohio.gov/clinton/election-info/early-voting-hours/ for the dates/times.
Absentee Voting By Mail: Begins October 8
Election Day: November 5 (Polls Open 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.) If not returned by mail, absentee ballots must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m.
Valid Photo ID is now a mandated requirement for voting in Ohio. Visit ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/id-requirements for identification requirements.
Pedestrian Crossing Construction
The Thorne Avenue/Wilmington High School location is scheduled to begin October 21 and last approximately 2 weeks.
Cane Carryout Food Pantry
Wilmington High School has a Food Pantry done in partnership with the Free Store Food Bank. Any family with a student attending in the Wilmington City School District is eligible for this program. An interested family simply needs to complete the attached form and send it with their student and someone from the WHS Food Pantry will contact them for additional information!
We hope to curb food insecurity in our great community and continue to grow our students into community leaders!
Progress Book Access
Want to see your student's grades and progress in real time? Email Mrs. Gregory or Ms. Looft for your registration key.