The River Hawk
Rio Norte News - January 24, 2025
A Note From the Principal
Good Morning River Hawk Families,
Oh what a HAPPY Friday it was for our River Hawk and surrounding community! After a stressful mid week for so many of our families and staff, it was wonderful to see our students and staff back on campus today. Being able to greet our River Hawks at the gate and see their smiles carried me through the day! I want to give a HUGE shout out to thank our Rio staff for coming together to help one another, our students and their families on Wednesday. Thank you to all of our parents who were so gracious in a trying time for everyone.
I wanted to take a moment to thank our River Hawks and their families that gave their time to help The New Way last weekend! It was heartwarming to hear from several students and families just how many Rio Norte students were out there giving their time to sort through and organize all the donations. We also appreciate all the families that donated gift cards!
This Tuesday is the LAST day to purchase Winter Dance tickets. We must have a cut-off to ensure food is covered for all attending. Remember Groove Pack students (ASB sticker) must still RSVP by Tuesday to get their dance and food ticket loaded. While tickets will be sold at the door the night of, food will NOT be included unless we happen to have enough at the end. Also, please check out the Sign-up Genius link below to help us with the Winter Dance. We still need donations for water and capri suns. Thank you to those who have already signed up to help us.
In this issue learn more about:
- PTSA Association Meeting
- VHS PAC and CTE Meeting for 8th Grade Families
- Castaic HS Parent Information Meeting
- Yearbook Ads
Repeated in this issue:
- Drink Donations and Parent Volunteers Needed for Winter Dance
- Valentine Grams on sale soon
- A Night in Hollywood Winter Dance
- Winter Dance Dress Code
Mrs. Bennett
Important Dates
January 27th:
- Valentine Grams sale begins
January 28th:
- LAST day to buy ticket for dance due to food RSVP
January 31st:
- A Night in Hollywood - Winter Semi Formal Dance 5:30-7:30 p.m.
February 6th:
- PTSA General Association Meeting, MPR, 8:30 a.m.
February 11th:
- Castaic HS Parent Info Meeting, 6 p.m. @ Rio Norte's MPR
February 13th:
- Valentine Grams distributed in Advisory Class (sales - see flyer below)
- Q1 Progress Report Period ends
February 14th & 17th:
- NO School - President's Weekend
CLICK HERE for a printable copy of the calendar pictured. Please use this calendar for our holidays, minimum days, and Early Release Schedule to plan as many appointments and trips during non-instructional times.
PTSA General Association Meeting
Please join us in the MPR on Thursday, February 6th at 8:30 a.m. for our General Association Meeting. Mrs. Bennett will reveal the special guest in next Saturday's newsletter. Mark your calendar now to save the date and join us! PTSA Agenda Click HERE
Thursday, Feb 6, 2025, 08:30 AM
Rio Norte Junior High School, Rio Norte Drive, Valencia, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Valencia High School CTE and PAC Presentation for 8th Grade Parents
Calling all 8th parents whose student is headed to Valencia High School! Join Valencia High's PAC (Parent Action Committee) for an informational meeting about the Valencia High School CTE (Career Technical Ed) Programs and pathways available to Valencia students. The meeting will be held on February 13th at the Valencia High School Theater - park in the lot at Decoro and Dickason - must enter from Decoro. The PAC meeting begins at 9 a.m. and the CTE presentation will follow at 9:30 a.m.
Castaic HS Parent Info. Meeting for 8th Grade Families
Please join the Castaic High School Principal and his team for an informational meeting about all Castaic HS has to offer high school students. They will discuss their career pathways and their popular iCAN Academy - an academic partnership with COC. The meeting will take place at the Rio Norte Junior High MPR at 6 p.m. on February 11th. Download the PDF below for their two-page informational flyer.
Yearbook Ads on Sale Now
Want to have a lasting message to your student in the 24-25 Rio Norte Yearbook? Here's your chance. Dowload and print the PDF below to fill out your ad and send into the ASB office with your payment. Hurry, as we often sell out. Sales at the ASB Window through February 3rd, unless we sell out sooner!
Be sure to carefully read through all of the instructions on how to properly place your ad in the yearbook.
Valentine Grams On Sale Soon!
Valentine Grams will go on sale this Monday, January 27th through February 12th. The cost is $2 each and we can accept cash only. Each Valentine gram will include an artificial rose and a heart shaped sucker. Sales will take place on the outdoor stage during lunch and will be delivered by ASB students during advisory on Feb. 13th. To avoid long lines, purchase early at lunch on the outdoor stage!
Winter Dance and Dress Code
Winter Semi-Formal Tickets:
Tickets have been on-sale all week and starting Tuesday, the price increases to $30. See details in the flyer above and note tickets for this dance will NOT be on the webstore. DINNER will be served at this special dance. Student's tickets will be automatically loaded to their ID card, so they need that to buy the ticket, enter the dance, and get their food. GROOVE PACK students MUST go to the ASB window to RSVP and have their tickets loaded to their ID card. All of this will help us ensure food for every individual that attends. Due to food count, students MUST purchase by January 28th.
Shonna August, 8th grade Assistant Principal
Lauren Dunn, 7th grade Assistant Principal
ATTENDANCE Needs: Email RNattendance@hartdistrict.org
Email: bjbennett@hartdistrict.org
Website: https://www.rionortejuniorhigh.org/
Location: 28771 Rio Norte Dr, Valencia, CA, USA
Phone: 661-295-3700
Nondiscrimination Statement / Declaración de no discriminación
Nondiscrimination Statement
The William S. Hart Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, military or veteran status, political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer and Section 504 Coordinator Erum Velek, and Title II / Title IX Coordinator, Mark Crawford. Both can be reached at the William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, (661) 259-0033, or by email: UCP@hartdistrict.org.
El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union prohíbe la discriminación, la intimidación, acoso (incluido el acoso sexual) o intimidación basada en la realidad o percepción de una persona raza, color, etnia, origen nacional, estado migratorio, ascendencia, religión, edad, estado civil, embarazo, estado parental, discapacidad física o mental, condición médica, estado militar o veterano, afiliación política, sexo, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, orientación sexual, o asociación con una persona o un grupo con uno o más de estos características percibidas. Para preguntas o quejas, comuníquese con el Oficial de Cumplimiento de Equidad y el coordinador de la Sección 504, Erum Velek, y el coordinador del Título II / Título IX, Mark Crawford. Ambos pueden ser contactado en William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, (661) 259-0033, o por correo electrónico: UCP@hartdistrict.org.