Lineweaver Newsletter
March 2024 // Issue 8 // Volume 8
We are an OMA Gold & Kind School
March's Character Trait is COOPERATION
Stay Clear of the Bus Bay
Please make sure the bus bay in front of school on Bryant Avenue is CLEAR for busses. By law, this is NOT a student drop off or pickup location during posted hours of arrival and dismissal times. TUSD School Safety department has cited our school as not complying this this; please help do your part!
Author Visit: LW Welcomes Lori ALexander
We are very fortunate to have an author visit from Lori Alexander March 6 and 7. Our Site Council approved this visit through undesignated Tax Credit funds and we look forward to the visit where Lori Alexander will share her publications, her writing process, and engage our students in a fun activity!
TUSD Math Weeks
Please see the following notice from district about the upcoming "TUSD Math Weeks" during March 4-17, 2024. You are invited to have your child(ren) participate and help our school district meet the goal of 3,000 minutes of math!
Join us Spring Campus Beautification Day
Lineweaver hosts our semi-annual beautification work day Saturday 3/23 from 9am-12noon. We've got a large campus with all sorts of projects to tackle. Use the sign-up genius link below to commit to a project. You can also just show up the day of!
Enroll NOW for Next Year (24-25)
Parents and guardians can register for the next school year NOW! Secure your child's space at our A-rated school filled with caring adults and positive learning experiences. Visit the link below to complete registration or connect with our office staff.
Library Book Wishlist
Our lovely Librarian, Stephanie Draper, has put together a wishlist of texts that we'd love to offer in our school library. Please consider making a donation of any of these excited books to be added to our shelves for checkout.
Parent/Guardian Input Requested
Are you a Lineweaver parent or legal guardian? Are you interested in providing feedback about our school's family and community engagement? Consider joining a focus group where you will meet with Principal Walls to provide input from our school's Family Engagement goals and survey results. RSVP by emailing Principal Walls.
March Calendar of Events
March 4-8 // Nat'l School Social Work Week (Thank you, Ms. Elizabeth Jaquez!)
March 4-17 // TUSD Math Weeks
March 7 // Rubio's Family Dinner Night Out
March 8 // Grading Day, No School for Students
March 11-15 // SPRING BREAK
March 18 // LWPTO mtg 6pm via zoom
March 20 // TUSD PD Day, No School for Students
March 21 // LWPTO Read-a-Thon Pledge Money Due (for prize eligibility) // Regional Track & Field Meet
March 22 // Q3 Awards Ceremony (by invitation)
March 23 // Spring Campus Beautification Day 9-12noon
March 26 // 5th grade AZ Science state test // 3:15pm Site Council mtg
March 27 // 5th grade AZ Science state test // Portillo's Family Dinner Night Out
March 28 // Spring Photos // Read-a-Thon Prize Day
March 29 // Spring Holiday, No School