Frog Pond Elementary
Volume 4 24 -25
Happy New Year, Frog Pond Family!
Welcome to 2025! I hope you all had a chance to relax and enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones. As the cold weather settles in, we’re excited to continue offering enriching opportunities here at Frog Pond, including our thriving After School Drama Club.
A quick reminder: School will be closed on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Morning Drop-Off Reminder
Timely arrival is key to starting the school day on the right foot. Please review the following procedures for morning drop-off:
Morning Parent Drop-Off
- Timing: Parents may drop off students between 8:05 AM and 8:20 AM at the front of the school.
- Parking Lot Access: The front parking lot is closed to parents from 8:20 AM until buses have departed. Parents arriving after 8:20 AM should park on Frog Pond Road and remain in their vehicles until the parking lot reopens. Students should not exit the vehicle on Frog Pond Road.
Morning Bus Arrival
- Timing: Buses arrive and park in the front parking lot at approximately 8:20 AM, and students enter the building from there.
- Parking Lot Access: The front parking lot remains closed to parents until buses have departed.
- Drop-Off: For safety reasons, students cannot be dropped off on Frog Pond Road.
- Late Arrivals: Any student arriving after 8:35 AM will be marked as late.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the main office.
Wishing you all a wonderful start to the year!
Thomas P. Denning
🌟 Students of the Month 🌟
Students Research Holidays Around the World
Klements HR researched holidays around the world and made holiday crafts. Fun times happening in December!
Fourth Grade Book Club
Students and their families in 4 Dancisin/ Mousaw/ Pirchio were invited to join an "At Home Book Club." Students read the novel Out of my Mind. Along the way they answered check in questions and completed optional activities regarding the novel. Students and their families then joined after school for a movie viewing! We highly recommend reading the book and watching the movie.
📰 Frog Pond Press.....coming soon 📰
The 6th grade STEP classes have been hard at work creating and digitally publishing the first issue of the Frog Pond Press! Enjoy their hard work here:
Holiday Mug Exchange
Miss Litterio's class participated in a holiday mug exchange! Students participated in a lesson about giving back and what it means to be grateful. Each student created a poster with what they are grateful for this holiday season and received a new mug!
🎵 FPE Chorus and Band 🎵
The chorus and band had their holiday concert on Wednesday, December 11. The 120-member chorus performed 6 pieces, featuring the different grade levels in addition to the full chorus. One song, Round and Round, featured students on xylophones and triangles. Robbie Kozlowski helped accompany the 6th grade chorus on his guitar while they sang Carol of the Bells. The beginner band students had their first concert where they got to showcase some of the different pieces and exercises they have learned on their instruments. The 60-member beginner band featured each section on a song, and ended the concert with the well-known Hot Cross Buns. The advanced band performed 3 pieces and even welcomed a guest elf in their Diary of a Grumpy Elf piece. They ended the concert with a medley of holiday songs in Holiday Rock. Mrs. Dreher and Mrs. Hewitt would like to congratulate the students on a job well done! We look forward to your next performance in the spring!
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Dreher ( for chorus, and Mrs. Hewitt ( for band!
🐾 Thank you for the Donations 🐾
Thank you everyone who contributed to the Southern Ocean County Animal Shelter. It was a huge success. There will be some very happy animals this Christmas!
Congratulations to our Door Decorating Contestants
Thank you to all the classes who participated in the door decorating contest before the holiday break! A special thank you to Mr. Denning for stepping in and watching the main office while the secretaries judged the doors. We appreciate everyone's creativity and enthusiasm!
Here are our winners!
3rd grade:
Mrs. Wyckoff
Mrs. Covone
5th grade:
Mr. Schmidt
Mrs. Klements
6th grade:
Mr. Manzer
Mrs. Beck
Multi-Level Rooms:
Mrs. Saunders
Mrs. Vezos
Special Area/Pull-out:
Mrs. Randall
Mrs. Gaguski
🧥 Lost and Found 🧥
Please remind your students to look for their lost items!
📅 Dates to Remember 📅
January 2nd
Return from Winter Break
January 14th
7:00 pm
January 20th
No School
Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. Day
📷 Order Your Yearbook Today 📷
Lifetouch Coupon Code
Please Remember to Download Pikmykid
Little Egg Harbor Mission Statement
Through open and collaborative communication among students, staff, parents, and the community, the Little Egg Harbor School District will provide modern facilities that support a culture of high expectations for individual achievement for all students. Students and staff will practice the value of good stewardship of resources by maintaining a sustainable environment for learning. A robust system of support, intervention, and enrichment will include a diverse range of experiences through access to supportive technology, after school programs, township agencies, and health and wellness initiatives that encourages, institutes, and rewards lifelong learning in our students.
Little Egg Harbor Board of Education
Office of the Superintendent
307 Frog Pond Road
Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087
Phone: 609-296-1719 ext. 1010
Fax: 609-296-3225
District Office Administrators
Dr. Lisa Antunes, Superintendent of Schools
Robert Green, Business Administrator
Kelly Lindenfelser, Director of Special Services
Melissa Gallagher, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Jacqueline Truzzolino, Director of Personnel, Planning, and Evaluation
Board Members
Laura Erber, President
Abby Martin, Vice President
Dr. Christine S. Snyder
Chris Filiciello
Greg Leszega
Allison Laurence
John Ciccone