Hyatt Elementary School
Welcome Back!
First Day of School: Tuesday, September 3rd
Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
Students are to be dropped off in the front loop no earlier than 8:20 am until school begins at 8:34 am. Please do not park your car in the one-way front loop; this is for moving traffic only. If you choose to walk your child into the building, please park in the parking lot and use the cross walk to the front of the school. The entrance on Stan Eaton is the farthest entrance near Linden Road. The exit is the exit closest exit near Hyatt Lane.
Student dismissal is at 3:42 pm. There are two options for students not riding the bus (see routes below)
Car Pick Up - Students walk out of the west hall doors at the end of the kindergarten wing. We ask that parents/guardians in pick up line stay in their cars. This is for your convenience and helps us create an efficient traffic flow. School staff will personally greet you and help your child get in your car.
Cafeteria Pick Up - For those of you who would rather meet your child in the school, you are welcome to wait in the cafeteria and meet them after the bell. Please do not park your car in the one-way front loop, and remember to use the cross walk.