June 2024
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Falcon Families,
As we visit classrooms and talk with students, we are so impressed by how much our students have grown throughout the year. They are not only learning to read, write, and think critically, they are becoming amazing people who have strong character and find ways to serve others. This growth could not happen without your continued support at home, the countless hours our volunteers have dedicated, and our collaborative effort to make Victor Falls a great place to learn. On behalf of the Blue Crew, thank you for your support and the wonderful gifts and notes of appreciation in May.
As you will see throughout the newsletter, we are entering a time of celebration and transition. Art Night, one of our favorite events of the year, is this Friday. We hope you and your family can help us celebrate the creativity of our Falcons. Please help us kick off our support of Good Roots NW Kids Food Drive by donating granola bars and fruit bars at the door.
June is a short event-filled month with a lot of learning still to come. Encourage your students to finish the year well—help them come to school on time and prepared to learn each day.
Make it a great day to be a Falcon!
Adam Uhler, Principal & Wade Jerdee, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
Music & Art Night 5/31
VFE Spirit Week and Food Drive 6/3-6/7
5th Grade Events
Student Tours of Middle School 6/3
This year we will be adding school day student tours to our transition activities. All students will travel with their elementary classmates to their assigned middle school for tour guided by our 8th grade student leaders.
Victor Falls students will tour on June 3rd. The field trip information and permission forms have been sent home. Please make sure that your students have turned those in by 5/31.
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
The fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony and Field trip will be on June 13th. Permission slips will be going home soon. The ceremony is scheduled to begin at 9:10 in the MPR. More information will be sent home with your 5th grade student by 6/3.
Field Day 6/14
Can you believe it? We are already nearing the end of the year and that means.....Field Day! This fun end of the year celebration is not possible without the help of lots of volunteers- we need you! :) Field Day will take place on Friday, June 14. We will have two sessions, one in the morning for our primary students (K-2) and one in the afternoon for our intermediate students (3-5). Please click the link to sign up to help! Thank you!
Spring Literary Journal
This Spring, Tiffany Wehr opened up Victor Falls' very first Spring Writing and Art Competition! Third, fourth, and fifth graders were given the opportunity to submit creative works of writing and/or art to be considered for publication in Mrs. Wehr's Literary Journal. Over forty submissions were made! From these submissions a group of teacher-judges got together and collaborated about which works best represented the journal's Spring theme. Take a moment to read and enjoy the selected works of some incredibly talented Falcons using the link below! You may even know some of the artists and authors!
Kindergarten Moving up Ceremony 6/18
The kindergarten Moving Up ceremony will be held 6/18 beginning at 10am. Kindergarten parents, more information will be sent home soon. Check with your child's teacher if you haven't received information by June 3rd.
Last Day of School 6/18
The last day of school is 6/18. Students will be released at 11:40am. Lunches will NOT be served that day.
Welcome Class of 2037! It's time to register for Kindergarten!
We still have Kindergarten spots available! Please help spread the word!
Registration for the 24-25 school year is OPEN! Please visit SBLSD Enrollment and follow the steps to access online enrollment through family access.
Preschool Program
One of the core values in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District is a commitment to early learning and development. Registration for Preschool is now open through emailing Pam_Stoner@sumnersd.org with days, times and school of choice. Please also include your child's address, first and last name and birth date. If you are able to secure a spot, a registration form will be sent to you over email, registration forms completed online cannot be used to register for Part Day Preschool.
Music Updates
I would like to thank each of you for the incredible support you showed our young Music Makers during their concerts this year. Your enthusiasm, encouragement, and presence made a world of difference to our musicians, and I am deeply appreciative of your commitment to their musical journey.
Again, thank you for your continued support and for being such an integral part of our musical falcon family. I look forward to seeing you again next year, or if this is your final year at VFE, I look forward to seeing your child continue making music at the next level.
Ryan Payne
PTO Events & Information
General PTO Meeting
The General PTO Meeting will be held on 6/10 at 4:15pm in the VFE Library. All parents and families are encouraged to attend!
Lost & Found
Our lost and found is once again Overflowing! Please ask your student to check the lost and found for missing items or parents can come look through before or after school. All unclaimed items will be donated by 6/25.
Health Room Updates
With warmer temperatures, please be sure that your student has a water bottle with them daily.
If you have a child in Kindergarten or 1st grade, please ensure they have an extra pair of clothing in their backpack.
School District Information
Being at school, on time, every day is critical for students' success. Our teachers have planned engaging and important work for the school days and it is important for your child's social-emotional, and academic success that they are here as much as possible.
Our goal is 95% daily attendance. That means students missing 9 of less days in the year. Studies show that this leads to greater student success later in life.
Child Nutrition
We are encouraging all families to apply for free/reduced lunch. Please use the link below to apply. If you would prefer a paper copy, please call the office at 253-891-4700.
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
If you have questions regarding school lunches or student lunch accounts, please visit the child nutrition webpage on our district website or call 253-891-6450.
Families and Student Support
Student and Family Assistance
If your family needs support anytime throughout the year, please email our school counselor at kaitlyn_garrison@sumnersd.org There are resources to support families in their time of need.
Power Packs for Students
The Market provides weekend food bags called Power Packs. If you are interested in more information about the Power Packs, please email our counselor at Kaitlyn_garrison@sumnersd.org or Cindy Orcutt at cindy@bonneylakefoodbank.org.
Key Dates
Key Dates
Please check our website for updates.
Victor Falls Elementary
Email: VFE@sumnersd.org
Website: sumnersd.org/vfe
Location: 11401 188th Ave Ct E, Bonney Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4700
Twitter: @VictorFallsEle1
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