Vowles Newsletter
September 6, 2024
Calendar of Events
Sept. 9th- NWEA Reading and Math Testing
Sept. 17th- Picture Day for Preschool and JK-2nd
Sept. 17th- Constitution Day
Sept. 23rd- No School; Staff Professional Development Day
Sept. 30th- Orange Shirt Day
Sept. 30- Oct. 4th- MPPS Homecoming Week
Oct. 4th- MPPS Homecoming Parade @ 4:30
MPPS Homecoming Spirit Week
Orange Shirt Day
MPPS Homecoming Parade
Staff Shout Outs
Let us know how our staff is doing and help us to recognize them by completing our Staff Shout Out. You can recognize an amazing teacher by filling out a few questions in the link below. We will present them with a Shout Out Certificate that tells what they were recognized for and by who.
Transportation Department
To Request for Transportation, use the form linked here:
Other forms linked on the Transportation website:
- Permission to Leave Along
- In City Busing Reduction
If your child is riding a MP School Bus, a driver will reach out to you the week before school starts to share route pick up and drop off times.
School Supplies
Tidbits for the Beginning of the Year
1) Label Everything~ Become the queen/king of a permanent marker. Label your child's name on lunchboxes, school supplies, backpacks, water bottles, child's clothes (utilize the inside tags of sweatshirts, jackets, shoes, and snowpants).
2) Send an extra pair of clothes to stay in your child's locker. Put in a ziplock and label with your child's name.
3) Water bottle- send your child to school with a water bottle to have.
4) Have a regular after school transportation plan.
5) Utilize the School Agenda for writing in transportation changes.
Before and After School Care
Before and After School Care Information
PEAK (after school): https://www.mtpleasantschools.net/page/peak-program
SACC (before school)- School Aged Child Care (Before School Program)- 775-2340
Transportation Information
If you have moved or are a NEW rider for the 2024-2025 school year, please sign up for transportation using the link below:
We are very excited to be using a new software this year with our transportation dept. Students will be scanning when arriving and departing from the bus. Parents will also be able to track the bus location using a new app. New and exciting things at MPPS!
Download the App called My Ride K-12. Select our District.
You will need your child's Power School Identification number. You can call us at 989-775-2280 for it.
Nutrition Club
MPPS Nutrition Club is a unique community support that provides supplemental, weekend food twice a month to participating students.
If your son or daughter qualifies for free or reduced school meals and this nutritional support is needed, he or she is welcome to be enrolled and participate in the MPPS – Nutrition Club.
MPPS - Nutrition Club is made possible through an amazing partnership with the Community Compassion Network and Greater Lansing Food Bank. Financial support is provided by generous donations from many community members and organizations including Mount Pleasant City Women’s Club, Mount Pleasant Area Community Foundation, First United Methodist Church and many other local businesses and groups. In addition there is a multitude of volunteers who donate their time to make this program happen.
To enroll your son or daughter in the MPPS - Nutrition Club, simply complete the following enrollment form. You must also complete the Free & Reduced Lunch Application, which can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1keAoTS3rmP_WAq4wIblJ__s_9WxuIGdq/view
CARE Solace Information- How to ask for help
Preschool Enrollment for 2024-2025
Applications are open for the 2024-2025 School Year. If you have a student that may be eligible for Preschool for the 2024-2025 school year, please apply at this website below:
Please have any interested families call us at 989-775-2280 or email kbishop@mp.edzone.net
Students will need to be 4 years of age by Dec. 1st, 2024.
Final Forms
We need to make sure we have all forms completed before your student goes on their next field trip.
Please log-in https://mtpleasant-mi.finalforms.com/
You do not need to enroll your student if they already go here, log in as current student.
Be sure to sign each enrollment form, even Nutrition Club & Educational Benefits form even if you aren't requesting or completing the entire form, just scroll to bottom and sign.
If you have never got an email please email our secretary anelson@mp.edzone.net so we can make sure we have your correct email on file.
Morning Arrival and Dismissal
We would like our families to remember the following about Arrival and Dismissal as we know that parents have other school drop offs or places to be in the morning and we are encouraging safe procedures for students as well:
- Please use the circle drive only if your child is ready to go. Children should be able to get out on their own. It is meant to be a quick drop and release.
- Parents should stay in their vehicle if the circle drive is utilized.
- If kids still have things to gather, a parking spot should be utilized.
- For their safety, students should exit their vehicle on the south side (closest to the sidewalk and fence)
- If you are walking students up to the school or picking them up from the teacher at dismissal, for everyone's safety, please use the Crosswalk and do not cross in-between traffic.
Thank you for your support in making Arrival and Dismissal a smoother transition.
Resources for Families
Student Attendance
Student Attendance is important to us. If your child is sick, please call the school Office at 775-2280 before 10:00 each morning to let us know.
For safety reasons, families will soon begin receiving a phone call by 10:20 am for any student that is marked as Absent each morning in Power School. You can deter getting that call from our system by calling us in the morning to let us know of your child's absence and their reason for the absence.
Our codes we use for absences are:
UA-Unexcused Absence
Any absence that has not been reported by a parent or guardian and/or any absence that is not listed as an Excused Absence in Board Policy.
AV-Verified Absence
An absence that the parent verifies or explains. Example: (1) The student doesn’t feel well, and is staying home, but is not visiting the doctor. (2) The family is taking an extra long weekend, vacation, etc.
EA-Excused Absence
Absences that meet the definition of an Excused Absence based on MPPS Board Policy.
*Illness or professional appointments with a doctors note *Death of a relative
*Observance of Religious Holidays
Below are images to our attendance policy but it can also be found in the front of your child's Agenda....
Remind Text App
All our JK-2nd grade classrooms as well as our Preschool Program will be using the Remind App for their classroom communications. This is a great way for them to communicate reminders, easy building or district information, and pictures of learning. Please view your teacher's classroom code in their most recent newsletter, welcome letter, or flyer that may have been sent home.
Popcorn Fridays
Each Friday we will sell Popcorn for $.50/bag. Students can bring their coins or dollar bills in sandwich baggies or put in the back of their agenda in the clear pocket or a safe zipper. Teachers will collect popcorn in the morning and place the order.