Gateway College Prep Newsletter
January 21, 2025
Gator Families,
We hope you are all staying warm and have enjoyed this beautiful snow day! Thank you for a wonderful start to this semester as well as for a successful completion to the fall semester. As you know, the spring semester gets incredibly busy and is usually packed with lots of events happening on our campus. To speak of one such event, APEX kicks off for our MS and Elementary students tomorrow. This PTO fundraising event is one that we are all looking forward to! Be sure to ask your child about the leadership lessons they learn each day during APEX.
Last week, we sent out our “Save the Dates” for the spring semester. As you can tell, we have lots to look forward to over the next several months; I have also added that information in a section below for your reference. Please review those items as well as this newsletter and let us know if you have any questions. In case you overlooked it, please pay special attention to the notation for the month of April...we will be a closed campus (for all grades K-12) due to state assessments happening throughout that month. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
Again, we thank you deeply for your partnership and support. I personally want to thank our parents who have extended their gratitude to our staff. It means so much to our teachers to hear your appreciation, so thank you; education is a partnership, and we look forward to partnering with each of you!
Thank you for all you do and for helping us make this the BEST school around!
In partnership,
Donna Weirich
Front Office News
A few reminders as we get back into the swing of things this semester:
We require an ID everytime you come to sign in for lunch, class parties, volunteer or pick-up your student etc. Please be sure and bring it with you each time you visit campus even if you have been here before.
If you are sending an email to the office, particularly to the front desk (gcps.frontdesk@orendaeducation.org), please be aware that it may take at least one hour for us to see your email and verify that the email has come from a listed email in your students Frontline contacts, if needed. We will acknowledge your email once we have the information confirmed. Thank you in advance.
Lunches: If you are bringing a lunch for your student, please deliver it at least 1 hour in advance. Please notify your student you will be bringing food and to pick up in the student union between classes or at their lunch time. We cannot call students out of class to eat lunch.
Attendance: Students receive 3 parent notes per semester. They do not carry over at semester end. Absence submissions must be made within 5 days of the absence and include appropriate documentation in order to be changed or the absence will remain unexcused. You may submit the absence on the school website, school app, email to attendance@orendaeducation.org or send a note to the front office. Elementary students may not be signed out after 2:45pm. Secondary students may not be signed out after 3:30pm.
Upcoming Dates:
20th - No School/Orenda Board Meeting
21st - SNOW DAY!!
22nd - APEX Pep Rally Kick Off (Students/Staff)
27th - Gator Bites
29th - Science Fair/MS Math and Science Night
30th - APEX Finale - Fun Run/Color war
31st - Student ½ day Instruction, ½ day PD
Spring Semester Events/Save the Dates
22nd - HS Eng I Benchmark (dates have been altered due to the snow day)
23rd - HS Eng ll Benchmark (dates have been altered due to the snow day)
24th - HS Eng l and ll Benchmark make-ups (dates have been altered due to the snow day)
27th - Gator Bites
29th - Science Fair/MS Math and Science Night (6-7:30pm, AUX gym)
31st - Student ½ day Instruction
3rd - Gator Bites
4th - MS ELAR Benchmark
5th - HS Biology Benchmark
6th - 3rd and 4th Grade ELAR Benchmark
6th - HS US History Benchmark
6th - MS Social Studies Benchmarks
7th - MS Spring Fling Dance
7th - HS Biology and US History Benchmark Make-Ups
7th - MS ELAR and Social Studies Makeups
7th - 3rd and 4th ELAR and Math Makeups
11th - HS Alg l Benchmark
11th - MS Math Benchmark
12th - Campus Blood Drive
13th - MS and HS Math Benchmark Make-ups
17th - Student Holiday/ PD Day
20th - MS Science Benchmarks
21st - MS Science Benchmark Make-ups
3rd - Gator Bites
6th - 3rd and 4th Math Benchmark
7th -3rd and 4th Math Benchmark Make-ups
17th to 21st - Spring Break
24th - Student Holiday
26th/27th - Spring Portraits
*Campus will be closed to visitors for the month of April due to testing*
4th - OAP Public Performance
7th - Gator Bites
8th - 3rd and 4th ELAR STAAR
8th - 7th Grade ELAR STAAR
8th - HS Eng l EOC
10th - 8th Grade ELAR STAAR
10th - HS Eng ll EOC
12th - JR/SR Prom
12th - Spring Dance Show
15th - 5th and 6th Grade ELAR STAAR
15th - HS US History EOC
16th - HS Biology EOC
16th - 8th Grade Social Studies STAAR
17th-Easter Egg Hunt (K-4 @ Specials) *more details to come
18th - No School
22nd - 8th Grade Science STAAR
23rd - 5th and 6th Grade Math STAAR
24th - 7th and 8th Grade Math STAAR
24th - Algebra l EOC
30th - 3rd and 4th Grade Math STAAR
1st - 3rd/4th Grade Spring Shows
5th to 9th - Spring Book Fair
5th - Gator Bites
6th - Secondary Choir Concert
7th - NLI Signing Day
8th - Elementary Math and Science Night/K to 12 Art Show
19th - 4th Grade Field Trip
22nd - Last Day of School! ½ day Student instruction/ Kinder Graduation
24th - GCPS HS Graduation
APEX - PTO Fundraiser
We wanted to share some information with you all regarding PTO's upcoming APEX fundraiser. This fundraiser will be for our Elementary and Middle School students.
January 22nd (formerly scheduled for Jan. 21st): APEX kicks off with their pep rallies in the gym! Pep Rally times are as follows:
Grades K-4: 9 - 9:45am
Grades 5-8: 10-10:45am
APEX will push into classrooms teaching students lessons about leadership habits and focusing on positive attributes of future leaders. The daily leadership lessons will be as follows (due to the snow day, dates/lessons could be altered):
January 22nd: Habit 1: Future Leaders are GRATEFUL.
January 23rd: Habit 2: Future Leaders SHOW RESPECT.
January 24th: Habit 3: Future Leaders PRACTICE KINDNESS.
*Weekend "Send-Off"*
January 27th: Habit 4: Future Leaders DO WHAT'S RIGHT.
January 28th: Habit 5: Future Leaders STICK WITH IT.
January 29th: Habit 6: Future Leaders START TODAY.
January 30th: EVENT DAY
*Both events will take place on the soccer field at the following times:
7:45 am - 8:35 am--4th Grade
8:40 am - 9:30 am--2nd Grade
9:35 am -10:25 am--3rd Grade
10:40 am -11:30 am--Kinder
11:55 am -12:45 pm--1st Grade
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm--grades 5-8
All Middle School students will be dismissed from the courtyard on Jan. 30th after their Color War. They will be covered in colored powder and will not be allowed to go back into the building. (MS Parents, please be aware that your child will be covered in colored powder and might need to sit on a towel or blanket in your vehicle when you pick them up from school that day.) Therefore, we will conduct their dismissal from the courtyard (specific details will come later). Sibling Pick-Up will be held on the back porch (the seating area outside of the cafeteria) that day as well. All MS students will exit the courtyard via the side gate (between the K8 and HS building) as they head to their vehicles for dismissal. Sibling Pick Up will exit the courtyard as normal and walk around the gym to wait on their parents outside of the gym.
We are looking forward to the fun & excitement of APEX!
Elementary News
Dear Families,
Welcome Back and Happy New Year! We hope you had a happy, healthy, and safe holiday break!
As we return for the spring semester, we are thrilled to welcome Ms. Leslie Autry as our elementary Instructional Coach and High School Cheer Coach! Ms. Autry has been instructing elementary and middle school students for over 10 years, most recently teaching Math, Science, PE and Art. Ms. Autry graduated with a Masters degree in Educational Leadership (2023) fromTexas A&M Central Texas University. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Studies from Texas A&M Central Texas University (2013). Her studies include a major in English, a minor in Psychology and gaining NASM personal fitness certification. Ms. Autry was honored to receive recognition as the Elementary Teacher of the Year for Orenda Education in 2023. We are delighted to have her and her boys as Gateway Gators!
Elementary students are currently completing their Middle-Of-Year assessments. We look forward to seeing the amount of growth they’ll show with their results. You can help by making sure students get a good night’s rest each night, come to school every day and on time, and have a good breakfast. Third and fourth grade students will be taking the Reading/Language Arts STAAR test on April 8, 2025, and the Math STAAR test on April 30, 2025. Please help them be successful by not scheduling doctor or dentist appointments on these dates. You will receive additional information as we get closer.
Soon, your student will be bringing home information about our upcoming APEX leadership program and fundraiser. This is an exciting program in which students learn about leadership and great character while they raise money for the school by gathering pledges for each lap they run in the fun run. Please click here to view the APEX newsletter with more information, and watch for information from your child’s teacher.
As always, I look forward to working with you for the success of your child. Please reach out to beth.henrichs@orendaeducation.org if you ever have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Mrs. Henrichs
Middle School News
Thank you so much for your continued support as we progress through this school year. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Kawana McCloud
High School News
It is astonishing to think that we are already in the second semester of our school year. The first semester has truly flown by! I want to take this moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you—parents, students, and staff—for your unwavering positivity and commitment to finding solutions throughout this time.Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
I am thrilled to witness the remarkable developments on our campus already this semester.
I am incredibly excited by what I see: hands-on and project-based learning experiences are taking place in every department. Our teachers are not only passionate about their content but are also genuinely invested in their students’ success. It brings me great joy to observe such enthusiasm in our educational environment.
As we move forward, I eagerly anticipate what the rest of this semester has in store for us. Together, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with renewed vigor and determination.
Colby Blackwell
Special Programs Message
As the Dean of Special Programs, I have enjoyed working with many of you and look forward to meeting many of you soon. In my role, I assist with 504, Special Education and Emergent Bilingual Students, so if you need assistance with any special programs for your child, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Go Gators!
Millie Blackwell