St. George Parish School Update
May 26, 2020 - Our 8th Grade Promotion Edition
Happy Summer Everyone! See you in August!
Pentecost Sunday is on May 31, 2020
You are invited to pray the Pentecost Novena with Bishop Cotta and the Diocese of Stockton everyday at 12pm at this link.
Here is a special message from Bishop Cotta:
My Dear People of God,
This season of Easter continues to unfold before us as we move toward the great Solemnity of Pentecost. This season of “new life” offers to us gifts of mercy and special graces. The question is: “Are we aware of, and attentive to, these spiritual gifts?” If we are, then the Holy Spirit will assist us in facing the present challenges of prolonged distress, suffering and death, all initiated due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
The origin of these gifts are given to us by way of the Holy Spirit. One traditional way to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost is by praying a novena. I encourage all of us to prepare our hearts for the outpouring of the “gifts and fruits” of the Holy Spirit. May the gift of patience, which finds its origin in Spirit, help us during these trying times.
May the Day of Pentecost heal and deliver us from the darkness of this pandemic. The Holy Spirit, our Advocate and Defender, will empower and protect us. He, the Comforter, will defend us from the wiles of the Enemy - the Adversary and Accuser who has used this health crisis to pull us down with fear and the threat of suffering and death. Together, as we pray the “Novena of Pentecost,” may the “fire” of the Holy Spirit inflame within us hope, as we anticipate God’s powerful intervention!
In the Peace of Christ,
Bishop Cotta
Please contact your child's teacher if your child is going to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Communion, or Confirmation.
COVID and Enrollment for 2020/2021 School Year
In light of the COVID pandemic, we are preparing our daily protocols to open in August, as scheduled, in a full-day (regular) program as long as health regulations allow. We have the ability to keep our school open for the entire day because we are a small school.
We are still accepting applications for most grades and will stop accepting enrollment when we reach the class size limit as dictated by San Joaquin County Health Officials. If you are a returning student, I encourage you to re-enroll as soon as possible by using your ParentsWeb account and selecting "Enroll/Re-enroll."