The Bobcat Blaze
May 10, 2024
+++We Are AC Moore STRONG+++
A.C. Moore Elementary School is committed to fostering productive citizens by ensuring all learners achieve their personal best in a supportive, creative, intellectual, and culturally diverse learning environment.
A.C. Moore Elementary School stakeholders will collaboratively use research-based, data-driven, and arts-infused instructional practices to empower and encourage all students to achieve their personal best.
Passion: Embracing and nurturing our school community
Intentionality: Purposeful, Present, & Prepared
Accountability: Growth Over Ego
Student Pillars of Leadership: PreK - 2
Student Pillars of Leadership: 3rd - 5th
Important Dates
- May 12th - Happy Mothers Day!
- May 14th - SC Ready Math ( 3rd - 5th Grade)
- May 16th - SC Ready Science (4th Grade Only)
- May 16th - PTO Picnic on the Playground - 530pm
- May 17th - Bobcat Chorus Carowinds Trip
- May 20th - PTO Meeting - Virtual - 530pm
- May 20th - SIC Meeting - Virtual - 6pm
- May 21st - SC Ready ELA Field Test (3rd - 5th Grade)
- May 22nd - Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony - 830am - Auditorium
- May 22nd - Literacy Publishing Party - 530pm
- May 23rd - Pre-K Promotion Ceremony - 1130am - Auditorium
- May 24th - Last Day for YMCA Afterschool Program
- May 27th - No School - Memorial Day
- May 29th - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony - Radius Church Southside - 830am
- May 31st - Last Day of School - Early Release - 11am
- May 31st - Report Cards Mailed Home
Principal's Message
Happy Friday Bobcat Families!
We have had another great week here in Bobcat Country. Thank you for all the love and appreciation shown to our Bobcat Staff this week in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week.
Field Day 2024 was an absolute blast on Friday! Please be sure to check out the photos from teachers and those on our social media outlets.
We finished up week one of SC Ready testing in our 3rd - 5th grade classrooms. We are already proud of how hard our Bobcats worked to show what they've learned this year. Please encourage them to continue to put forth their best efforts as we continue testing next week. Please make sure those students get a good night's rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive to school no later than 7:30am.
Please ensure you are checking students' take-home folders, Class Dojo, homeroom newsletters, and our school newsletter often. These are the methods in which we communicate pertinent information. There are many events and important dates approaching and we want to ensure you do not miss out.
Have a great weekend Bobcats!
Happy Mothers Day!
Reporting An Absence
Need to report an absence to Mrs. Thorpe? Use the following link:
Please note if you are using the form to notify Madolyn Thorpe of upcoming absences related to family trips, you must first email Principal Aldridge (laquana.aldridge@richlandone.org) for prior approval or the absences will be marked unexcused.
23 - 24 School Improvement Council Report to Parents
Flashback Friday
Our students and staff are treated daily to "The Bobcat Beat" which is our school's morning news program produced and anchored by AC Moore students alongside librarian Jessica Warren. One special part of Friday's news show is FLASHBACK FRIDAY where students get to see photos of themselves at work throughout the week. We will post each Friday's edition in The Bobcat Blaze. See if you can spot your Bobcat at work!
https://www.wevideo.com/view/3427712387 - May 3rd Edition
https://www.wevideo.com/view/3438664951- May 10th Edition
Spring Fling --- Give Us Feedback
Thank you to all our families who attended our Spring Fling event! We hope you enjoyed the evening and the time to gather and celebrate the arts at AC Moore. We value your feedback on both the successes and areas for improvement for future Spring Fling events. Please take a moment to share your honest opinions by clicking the survey link below. Your input will help in enhancing the success of our future events. We look forward to using your responses to refine our organization and planning of next year's Spring Fling. Thank you for your valuable contribution!
Parent Engagement Program Survey
Dear Parents,
Please complete the Evaluation Survey using the link below.
Mrs. Sylvia K. Rogers, M.Ed.
Parent and Family Engagement Specialist
Bus Rider App Info - UPDATE
Richland One Parents,
In January, our Student Transportation Services department rolled out the My Ride 360 mobile app. The free secure app, provided by the South Carolina Department of Education, allows parents or guardians to have instant access to their children’s school bus transportation information through a real-time GPS tracker.
Please be advised that improvements have been made to the My Ride 360 app, and it is transitioning to a new platform called My Ride K-12. If you downloaded the My Ride 360 app, you will need to download the new My Ride K-12 app from the App Store (Apple iOS) or Google Play (Android). You must transition to the new app by Wednesday, May 1, 2024. After May 1, you will need to create a new account.
With the new app, you will use the same user name and password you used to log into the My Ride 360 app. Once you have downloaded the new My Ride K-12 app, please make sure that your children’s information has transferred over from the old app. If it is not there, delete the My Ride K-12 app and download it again. When you see your children’s information in the My Ride K-12 app, delete the old My Ride 360 app.
Note: Do not delete the old My Ride 360 app before downloading the new My Ride K-12 app.
Additional information is posted on the Student Transportation Services page on the district’s website (www.RichlandOne.org). Click on the Departments tab and go to Student Transportation Services; you will see the My Ride K-12 link on the left side of the page.
If you have any questions, contact Student Transportation Services at (803) 231-7002.
Thank you and have a good evening.
Karen E. York
Executive Director of Communications
Richland County School District One
District Art Show Winners
Congratulations to our winners at the 2023 - 2024 Richland One Student Art Show!
Permanent Art Collection Winner
Lucy Rankin
Fifth Grade Winners
First Place: Gabriella Banks
Second Place: Kalani Scales-Inabinet
Third Place: Reet Modgill
Honorable Mention
Saunders Linden
Valery Bautista Pineda
Rosemary Filipe Cabrera
Hiram Rudell
Fourth Grade Winners
First Place: Hooper Wallace
Second Place: Jah'farious Joyner
Third Place: Hank Fields
Honorable Mention
Trinity Williams
Ben Greytak
Camden McCauley
Drew Pordes
Shanchuan Ning
Cora Shealey
Jorgan Stefik
Third Grade Winners
First Place: Ona Rudell
Second Place: Mariha Abdussalam
Third Place: Praise Chea
Honorable Mention
Luke Horton
Second Grade Winners
First Place: Logan Stefik
Second Place: Lily Lethco
Third Place: Gray Shealey
Honorable Mention
Eli Calhoun
First Grade Winners
First Place: Scarleth Ayala Maldonado
Second Place: Driscol Lindenberg
Third Place: Annabelle Horton
Attention Rising 6th Graders
Camp Hornet Registration Form Link: https://forms.office.com/r/ERPCYrPJLY
Paws and Pages - From Mrs. Warren
Summer Book Club @ All Good Books
It’s back! Mrs. Warren is hosting the second AGB Kids’ Summer Book Club and has chosen a fantastic book for each month of summer. Join in the summer reading fun each month as we meet and chat about each book. Book club is free to join and open to kids 7 and up. Participate in one or all three - whatever works for your busy summer schedule. Let's dive into a summer full of reading fun!
If you're interested in joining in any or all of our book clubs, please click the link below to reserve your spot, order your books, and get more information.
End of the Year Reminders for Library
It's hard to believe that we are quickly approaching the end of the 2023-2024 school year! Please be mindful of the following dates for library.
May 6-10: Last week to check out books from the Library
May 17: All books due back to the library for the year
Mrs. Warren will be sending notices home for overdue books. Please help your student locate any missing books so they can be returned by the final due date. Thank you!
Spring Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who supported our Spring Book Fair last week! We hit our $5,000 dollar goal which will go a long way in supporting the purchase of materials and resources for our library and school!
Blazers Needed for News Crew
Did you know that ACM has a daily news show for students called the "Bobcat Beat?" I am lucky to have the opportunity to work with 4 crews of talented 5th graders who meet me on their scheduled week to record the news show which is then sent out to our teachers to view with their class each day.
I would love to enhance the professional quality of our news broadcasts and need your help! Our news crew would greatly benefit from the donation of gently used, clean blazers for our recording sessions. These blazers will not only add a polished touch to our broadcasts but also instill a sense of professionalism among our students. If you have any small blazers that are no longer in use but still in good condition, we would be incredibly grateful for your donation. Please send any donations with your student to the attention of Mrs. Warren. Your generosity will contribute to the success of our news program and provide valuable opportunities for our students to develop essential skills. Thank you!
Note: You can view each Friday's edition of the Bobcat Beat (with our special "Flashback Friday" segment) linked in the Blaze. Be sure to check it out each week!
Community Literacy Opportunities
There are many opportunities to engage in literacy outside of school. Here are a few things coming up!
All Good Books Storytime:
Every Saturday at 10am
During the month of May each Storytime will celebrate AAPI Heritage Month! Local AAPI representatives from the Columbia community will be reading from their favorite children’s books.
Richland Public Library:
There are many events that you can take part in throughout the month at all locations of the library. Click the link below for a full calendar of events. you can filter the results by location and/or audience to see what's available near you!
Parent Engagement Newsletter - May
Arts In Action: Art Room News
Please see the flyer regarding needs for our new metal sculpture collaboration project!
2024 - 2025 Academic Calendar
Attached is the approved academic calendar for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Soccer Camp
Calling ALL Bobcats! Registration is now open for Dreher's youth soccer camp!
All students, Pre-K through rising 6th graders, boys and girls, are invited to attend!
Camp will be held at Memorial Stadium! Come play soccer with the Lady Blue Devils!
YMCA News & YMCA Summer Info
Hello AC Moore families,
Please see the attached newsletter for Y-Club in April. We look forward to a great final few weeks.
A few reminders:
The final day of Y-Club Afterschool is Friday, May 24th. We do not have Y-Club the final week of school in order to properly train our counselors and prepare for summer camp.
Summer Camp Registration is open! All of our downtown locations currently have space, but are filling up. Secure your spot by registering here!
The closest camp location is South Kilbourne.
Registration for next school year will open in late May. Be on the lookout for an email from me regarding an exact date.
Catie Young
Youth Development Director
Downtown YMCA & Jeep Rogers YMCA
(P) (803) 683-2308
Community Event
The Vista Night Rotary Club is hosting their annual Putt-Putt Palooza fundraiser. This is a family friendly version of a Golf Tournament. The cost is $15.00 and they will have a lot of great prizes to include a Duo one year membership to the Columbia Art Museum, four tickets for a grand day out at the Zoo with all rides and attractions included, four first class tickets to a Firefly’s game, four tickets to the 2024 State Fair and several other prizes in the form of gift cards to local businesses. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
SAVE THE DATE - 5th Grade Meet-Up
Connect with Us
Website: www.richlandone.org/Domain/26
Location: 333 Etiwan Avenue, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: (803) 343-2910
Facebook: www.facebook.com/acmooreelementary
Twitter: @ACMooreBobcats