Susie Dasher Elementary School
Week of October 2nd - Week #9
Level Up, Imagineers!
Level Up with PRIDE - Week #8🎮
Greetings, STEAM Family!
As we prepare for the upcoming Fall Break, I would just like to remind you of a few happenings this week. We’re excited to announce the celebration of Georgia’s Pre-K Week (October 2nd – 6th). Georgia Pre-K Week is an opportunity for legislators and leaders around the state to visit with and/or read a children’s book to students in Pre-K classrooms within their local communities. Throughout the week, our Pre-K classes will host some of our local community helpers to learn more about what they do and also listen to them read a book. At SDE, we know that even our young readers will be our future leaders!
Also, please be on the lookout for detailed information from your child’s teacher(s) regarding a date/time to schedule your child’s IN-PERSON Parent-Teacher Conference. We certainly appreciate the efforts of our parents to remain diligently engaged with your child’s academics and behavior via PBIS Rewards, weekly newsletters, calendars, emails, signed papers, etc. However, our district’s and school’s goal is to have 100% parent/guardian attendance and participation in our Fall Conferences, as we strongly believe in strengthening the family-home partnership through positive, person-to-person interactions. Conferences will take place Tuesday, October 10th – Friday, October 13th. First (1st) Nine Weeks Report Cards will be distributed during conferences, as well.
Finally, we will close out this week by hosting our PRIDE Café (#1) fundraiser for our STEAM Family on Thursday, October 5th! Students received a flyer last week announcing this event. Additionally, our scholars who’ve earned dressed down passes may redeem such on this Thursday, while students & staff may choose to purchase yummy treats such as sno cones, popcorn, and nachos (regular & super) in celebration of the highly anticipated Fall Break. Remember, all sales are PRE-ORDER and should be turned into HR teachers by this Wednesday, October 4th.
In the meantime, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's homeroom teacher and/or our administrative team at (478) 353-8250. Let's "Level Up" with another fantastic week!
WHO ARE WE???...😄
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Congratulations, Ms. Jordan & Mrs. Nunez!
The faculty and staff would like to "LEVEL UP" as we congratulate Ms. Rebecca Jordan (left) and Mrs. Erin Nunez (right) for being selected as our Teacher & Support Staff Members of the Month for September. Ms. Jordan diligently serves as our 4th grade Writing & Grammar Teacher, while Mrs. Nunez is our ever efficient MTSS Coordinator.
Great Job, Ladies!🙂🎮
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
PRIDE After School Program
As a gentle reminder, beginning this week, the P.R.I.D.E. Afterschool Program will resume for students in grades 2nd - 4th ONLY. Parents, thank you again, for your understanding and cooperation.
Daily Reminders for SDE:
ATTENDANCE MATTERS - Parents, please make sure your child maintains regular attendance and arrives to school in a timely manner. Students are tardy at 8:15 am. Five (5) tardies and/or early dismissals count as one (1) unexcused absence. Student attendance will be a part of criteria used to determine eligibility for school-wide celebrations. Remember, every minute really counts!
- Weekly grade level newsletters will be sent home each Monday, so please check your child's folder and/or book bag.
- The dress code will be enforced DAILY at SDE! Any "Dress Down" days will be communicated in advance. Repeated dress code violations will result in students becoming ineligible to participate in school-wide and/or classroom PRIDE celebrations and events! Please make sure your child adheres to the required dress code. Remember, the P in PRIDE stands for "Personal Responsibility".
District Theme 2023-2024
Monday, October 2nd - Friday, October 6th: Georgia Pre-K Week
Monday, October 2nd: School Environmental Specialists Appreciation Day
Tuesday, October 3rd: School-wide Coca Cola Fundraiser Begins
Thursday, October 5th: End of 1st Nine Weeks
Friday, October 6th - Monday, October 9th: DCS FALL BREAK (no school for students/staff)
Tuesday, October 10th: STAFF WORKDAY (no school for students)
Tuesday, October 10th - Friday, October 13th: PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES
Additional Information
Student Handbook & Code of Conduct 2023-2024
Use the QR code below to check out the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for 2023-2024.
Hard copies are available upon request. Please contact our office at 478-353-8250.
Dublin, Georgia 31021
(478) 353-8250