Principal Lima's Eagle News

Dear Families and Students,
This week at DES, we hope many of you were able to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences. If you were unable to attend and would like an update on your student’s progress, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their teacher if you haven't done so already.
Just a reminder: next Wednesday is a half day, with dismissal at 12:20 PM, and there will be no school on Thursday or Friday. Classes will resume on Monday, December 2nd. Additionally, report cards will be available on the Aspen Portal on Friday, December 6th, at noon.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Katelyn Lima, Principal (klima@drregional.org)
Mrs. Christina McGourty, Assistant Principal (cmcgourty@drregional.org)
Feinstein Golden Ticket
This Weeks Photos
Grade 4 Rm M3
Mrs. Grillo's Grade 4 class wrapped up their earth science unit by classifying rock samples they collected from around the school grounds. The kids were very excited to put their rock through a series of tests. M3 is a bunch of geologists in training!
Thanksgiving Donations
Thank you everyone who donated to the Thanksgiving food drive. Items will be shared this weekend with Dighton residents in need. Thank you to Mrs. Castonguay for coordinating this event again this year.
A message from the Nurse
Respiratory Illnesses
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As the weather turns colder, we tend to see a rise in respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of pneumonia early is crucial for ensuring proper treatment and preventing its spread. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) has reported a significant increase in cases of respiratory illnesses caused by Mycoplasma pneumonia.
What is Pneumonia?
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. It can range from mild to severe and is more common during the fall and winter months.
Signs and Symptoms to Watch For:
Cough: Often producing phlegm or mucus. Prolonged cough.
Fever or Chills: Persistent or recurring.
Shortness of Breath: Especially during physical activity.
Chest Pain: That worsens with breathing or coughing.
Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or weak.
Rapid Breathing or Wheezing: Especially in children.
Loss of Appetite: Particularly in younger children.
What You Can Do:
Keep an Eye on Symptoms: If your child has symptoms consistent with pneumonia, consult your pediatrician promptly.
Encourage Rest and Fluids: This can help your child recover faster.
Practice Good Hygiene: Teach your child to wash their hands frequently and cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing. “Cough or sneeze into elbow please” is a reminder to cover your mouth and nose with the crook of your elbow when you cough or sneeze
When to Notify the School Nurse:.
Please inform me if your child:
Has been diagnosed with pneumonia.
Is experiencing symptoms such as persistent cough, fever, or difficulty breathing. If they are, it is recommended to keep them at home to rest.
Has been exposed to someone diagnosed with pneumonia.
Preventing the Spread of Illness
To help prevent the spread of illness, please keep your child at home if they are sick until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. Additionally, ensure that your child’s vaccinations, including the flu shot, are up to date.
By working together, we can keep our school community healthy. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school nurse, Mrs. Alberto.
Kindergarten Fingerprinting Tuesday November 26th
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Dighton School District in conjunction with Dighton Police Department is sponsoring a Child Safety Day for all Dighton Elementary kindergarten students on Tuesday, November 26st.
The program is intended to produce a child identification (ID) kit containing vital information that may aid law authorities in the case of a lost child. If a child is missing, law enforcement authorities can use the completed ID Kit to scan the child's fingerprints into the National Crime Information Center database. The fingerprints can be used to help locate the child in a variety of ways.
This ID kit is for parents only and will be given to the guardian to keep at home. Your child’s fingerprints will NOT be shared or entered into any database. It is recommended guardians store this material with their family’s important documents and share with local authorities only in the case of an emergency. There is no cost for this program.
If you would like your child to participate in the program, please complete the attached permission form and return it to your child’s teacher by Monday, November 25th. Your child will not be fingerprinted without signed consent.
I give permission for my child_____________________________________________________________
to have his/her fingerprinting completed by Dighton police department.
I am aware that all information is for my personal use only.
Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________________________
Date __________________________________________________________________________________________
Upcoming Events
- Early Release Day: November 27th (12:20pm dismissal)
- No School: November 28th and 29th
- Dighton Lights On: November 30th
- First Trimester Ends: December 3rd
- Report Cards Posted: December 6th
- DES Chorus Concert: December 11th 7pm at DRRHS
- Grade K Bingo Night: December 12th at 6pm at DES
- Early Release Day: December 20th Dismissal at 12:20pm Dismissal
- No School Winter Break: December 23rd through January 1st
- School Resumes: January 2nd
Central Office
PTO News
Communication Links
Dighton Elementary School
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District
Website: https://des.drregional.org/
Location: 1250 Somerset Ave, Dighton MA 02715
Phone: 508 669-4245 FAX 508-669-4248
Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other legally protected group