Panther Newsletter

Friday, December 6, 2024
Trimester 1 Report Cards
Trimester 1 Report Cards will be posted via ParentVue on December 11. Unfamiliar with ParentVue? Click here to learn more. Please call the Palmer Lake front office with any questions!
Vision and Hearing Screenings
Winter Break
There will be no school for students from December 23 through January 3. We will see students back at school on January 6! Hoping everyone has a safe and enjoyable winter break.
Looking Ahead
December 23-January 3: Winter Break
January 15: Panther Den Parent Meeting (5-6pm)
January 17: Asynchronous Learning Day
January 20: No School (MLK Day)
January 24 and 27: Vision and Hearing Screenings
January 28: Family Science and Engineering Night (5:30-7pm)
February 17: No School (President's Day)
Fun with Art Class and After School Adventures!
Aladdin at Palmer Lake
Students in grades 2-5 will have the opportunity after winter break to be part of our first ever musical. During After School Adventures, students will work with teachers and actors from Hennepin Theater Trust to learn the songs, dances, and acting. Students can also design and create the set and promotion materials. Forms were sent home with students in grades 2-5, in addition to an email to parents.
Donations or Business Partners
We are looking to expand our partnership with local businesses. Partnership could include:
- prize donations for Family bingo
- monetary donation for field trips, guess speakers, family events, supplies, etc
- volunteering with students or preparing classroom materials
- donation of meals for teachers during conference nights
- donation of treats, meals, etc for Teacher Appreciation Week
If you have a connection with a local business who might want to sponsor Palmer Lake, please reach out to:
Sarah Schmidt @ schmidtsarah@district279.org or 763-561-1930 OR
Jen Zipf @ zipfj@district279.org or 763-561-1930
Classroom Snacks
As in previous years, some teachers will have snack time during the day and others will not. New this year, any class that has snack time will have community-provided snack only; no individual snacks from home. Teachers may ask families for snack donations for the whole class. Candy, cookies, chips and soda are not allowed. Watch for communication from your child's teacher at the beginning of the year.
SmartWatches/Cell Phones
We suggest that cell phones and other non-district devices not be brought to Palmer Lake. If brought to school, cell phones and SmartWatches should not be seen or heard in the school building, or when outside. Staff will collect cell phones at the beginning of the day, lock them in a secure place, and return them at dismissal time.
If a staff member sees or hears a phone or SmartWatch, it may be taken from the student. The first time a phone or SmartWatch is taken, parents will be notified and the device will be returned at the end of the school day. Any occurrences after that, parents will be notified and an adult will need to come pick up the device. If it becomes a chronic concern, PL staff will work with the student and parents to make a plan. Any device brought to school is the responsibility of the student. Palmer Lake will not be involved if a cell phone, SmartWatch or non-district device is lost or stolen.
If a parent ever needs to send a message to their child(ren) during the school day, please call the office and we will communicate the message to your student. Thank you in advance for partnering with us to ensure students are focused on their learning rather than distracted by their device.
Parent Pick-Up at Dismissal
Our #1 job is to ensure the safety of everyone at Palmer Lake. If your child will be picked up by a parent or other adult at dismissal, please follow the Parent Pick Up expectations.
- Students will be dismissed for pick up at 3:15pm. Please be on time and ensure students are picked up by 3:30pm at the absolute latest.
- Drive slowly and pay attention!
- Cross at the cross walk. Wait for the adult to signal it is your turn to cross.
- Handicap parking spaces are only for drivers who have a valid handicap permit. The permit MUST be easily visible each time you park there.
- Parents are encouraged to pick up their student(s) at the fence along the sidewalk in front of the building. You may also park and meet your child near the cross walk.
- Follow the expectations on the Parent Drop Off/Pick Up map (below and linked). Drivers who do not follow the expectations create unsafe situations and/or back up traffic.
School Hours
Dismissal of students who are walkers or parent pick up is at 3:15pm. Students who ride a bus are dismissed at approximately 3:20pm.
AM VPK: 8:35am-11:20am
PM VPK: 12:50pm-3:20pm
Back to School Forms
It is very important that we have accurate information for all students, especially phone numbers for parents and emergency contacts. Please take a few minutes before school starts to update Back to School Forms. They are available online through ParentVue.
Unfamiliar with ParentVue? Please click the link to get started: https://mn-oas-psv.edupoint.com/PXP2_Login_Parent.aspx?regenerateSessionId=True
Parents/Visitors at School
Safety is our number one priority. ANY person wishing to enter Palmer Lake will be expected to wait in the vestibule and speak with office staff via doorbell camera and microphone. Please have your ID ready for office staff to scan. Forgotten items (lunch boxes, instruments, etc.) can be left on the table in the vestibule for a more efficient drop off. Again, ANY person wishing to enter Palmer Lake will be expected to wait in the vestibule and speak with office staff via doorbell camera and microphone.
If you would like to speak with an administrator or teacher, you are strongly encouraged to call ahead to schedule an appointment.
Important Dates for the Year
Winter break: 12/23-1/3
Panther Den parent meeting: 15 (5:00pm-6:00pm)
Family Science and Engineering Night: 28 (5:30pm-7:00pm)
Spring parent/teacher conferences: 19, 25, 27*
Spring break: 24-28
Panther Den parent meeting: 22 (5:00pm-6:00pm)
All school BBQ: 9
Multicultural Celebration: 15 (5:00pm-7:00pm)
*Conferences will be scheduled by your student’s teacher on one of the above conference dates for each season.
Educational Benefits
Why should I fill out the Educational Benefits Application if my child(ren) now automatically qualify for free meals?
Families who qualify may be eligible for a variety of other benefits. These include free or discounted prices for the following:
- Field trips
- Some Community Education programs
- Clubs, activities, and athletics
- Instrument rentals
- Fees, including for AP testing, graduation and more
- Device protection plans on school-provided devices
- Comcast internet for home
- Xcel Energy account assistance for electricity bills
Additionally, the state of Minnesota uses a school district’s percentage of qualifying students from applications completed and approved prior to October 1 each year to calculate each district’s funding level. This is incredibly important for Palmer Lake. School district funding impacts every student:
- Class sizes
- Number of support staff the district can hire to help scholars (counselors, social workers)
- Extra programming opportunities
Please fill out the Educational Benefits Application today to make sure your family can take advantage of these and other benefits!
From the Health Office
As you are preparing for your student(s) to start school, please make sure immunization records are up to date. If your child will need to have medicine administered during the school day, please contact our nursing staff (contact information below) and/or complete the correct district form below.
School nurse:
Tammy Bauer, RN
Palmer Lake Website
Transportation Office: 763-391-7244
Office hours-
School in Session: 6:00am-5:00pm
Non-Student Days: 6:00am-4:30pm