Principal's Newsletter
November 4, 2024

Principal's Message
Dear Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion families
I hope everyone is well. We have had a very busy last few weeks of school with the Finding Nemo Kids play, Trunk or Treat, and the Día De Los Muertos celebration.
I want to thank all of the students, parents, staff, alumni, and community members that helped make the Finding Nemo Kids production a resounding success!. In addition to building technical abilities like site reading and dance technique, our actors engaged in fun theater games and character exercises to learn valuable performance and life skills like self-confidence, creativity, focus, and collaboration. We are thankful for the partnership with San Carlos Children's Theater and the Director Caitlin Berka. We are also very GRATEFUL for our amazing producers Jacob and Kerianna Creedon!! A big Shout Out to: Danny G for the choreography, chorus director Lidia Orduñez, and technical director Elanor Dougherty! I also want to acknowledge and thank all of the amazing parent volunteers on the Production Team who spent countless hours on costumes, set design and props, the set crew, makeup, programs, concessions, tickets, and more!! Your creative spirit made the underwater world of Finding Nemo Kids come to life.
Thank you to the 46 Trunk or Treat Volunteers and Jose Luna for coordinating another successful community event and providing a memorable experience for our students. We had some very creative and fun decorated trunks this year! Enjoy the Canva Video of Trunk or Treat 2024 Photos HERE.
Our Día De Los Muertos community celebration went very well and I want to THANK Kelly Coyne for coordinating and ALL of the parent and student volunteers (incuding 20 Woodside High School volunteers)that made the event a success! Additonally, I want to thank all of the parent volunteers that helped to set up the classroom Día De Los Muertos altars. Enjoy the Canva Video presentation of Día De Los Muertos 2024 photos and short videos HERE
Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders voted for the Student Council President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer today in the homeroom classrooms. Students put up posters and were actively campaigning for the last few weeks. They each recorded a speech that was shown and then all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students were able to vote. We will announce the winners on Thursday, but I want to thank and acknowledge ALL of the students that stepped up and participated in the election this year!!
A reminder that our school district has launched the Budget Renewal Initiative in preparation for necessary budget adjustments for the 2025-26 school year. These changes are prompted by the upcoming expiration of one-time federal and state funds that supported additional student services in the aftermath of the pandemic.The district is committed to a transparent and community-driven process and is seeking input from the entire community. Here is the LINK to the Budget Renewal Initiative Committee Work for ongoing updates.
Parents we are in need of a crossing guard for our school if you or anyone you know is interested have them use this LINK to apply for the job!
Please be aware that TK/Kindergarten Registration/School Of Choice and School Tours for the 2025/2026 School year begins this week(see the paragraph below for more information)!
Our 1st Trimester comes to a close this Friday, November 8th. We will be sending home report cards with students on Friday, November 15th.
TK/Kindergarten Registration/School Of Choice 2025/26 And Tours
New TK/Kindergarten Registration 2025/26 and Tours
The School District Enrollment and School of Choice for 2025/26 TK/Kindergarten opens on November 15th at 9:00am and continues through Friday, January 17th at 3:00pm. It is important that both the Registration/Enrollment Form for your home school(based on your address) and the School of Choice Form for Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion must be completed by January 19th. Current PreSchool students here on our campus and siblings of students who are currently enrolled here and at Kennedy in the Spanish immersion strand have priority acceptance as long as the forms are completed on time by January 19th. Please complete this Adelante Selby Sibling 2025/26 Form so we can alert the District to prioritize your acceptance for next year.
Please help get the word out to family, friends, and neighbors about our weekly informational TK/Kindergarten Tours that meet in person at the school office every Thursday at 8:40AM and the tours will continue through the end of January. Please register for a TK/Kindergarten Tour with this form: TK/Kindergarten Tour Registration. Promoting our school by "word of mouth" from parents and community members is the best way to "market" our school and immersion program to prospective new parents. When promoting our school, keep in mind that mastering two or more languages has enormous benefits for our students, both native speakers of English and native speakers of the target language(Spanish) at a dual language immersion school. Other talking points when talking about our school are that research has confirmed the benefits of biliteracy and bilingualism that are demonstrated as brain and cognitive functioning, academic, economic, and social advantages, as well as cross-cultural competency and supporting a stronger family cohesion and connection to their family heritage.
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
On Thursday, November 14, 2024 Adelante Selby will join schools throughout the country in celebrating Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. Families are encouraged to walk to school, or to the bus stop, or park a block or two away and walk onto campus. Pick up a purple flag from the school office next week that you can use on your walk to school. Students are also encouraged to make handmade signs and wear purple to help commemorate the day. Parents and caregivers are invited to gather, if you can, at any entrance before school begins on November 14th to help welcome the students with words of love and encouragement to start the day.
Background of Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day:
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day honors the legacy of Ruby Bridges, civil rights icon who helped to desegregate schools in the United States. The day was recognized by the California State Legislature to honor the courageous legacy of Ruby Bridges, who at age six in 1960 became the first Black child to integrate an all-white school in New Orleans. Ruby and her mother were escorted daily by U.S. Marshalls to school, where a crowd of people yelled at her. Every day, despite many threats and protests, Ruby bravely walked to school and did not miss a day of school.
Ruby’s courage helped make it possible for children all over the country to choose the schools they attend no matter the color of their skin. Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day began here in San Mateo County in 2018 when students at Martin Elementary in South San Francisco asked, “Why isn’t there a day for Ruby?” The day has expanded to a national movement of over 340,000 participating students across 1,400 schools.
Join Us to Walk to School: Come meet us at one of the following rally points and walk together with us:
7:45am - Meet @ Woodside Plaza along Massachusetts Ave. in front of the Wells Fargo. Contact: Casia Ravi, (650) 450-8221
7:55am - Meet @ Beresford & Himmel. Contact: Chris Cahill, (209) 405-1492
4th-5th Grade Dance Performances-Wednesday, November 20th!
Dance Tickets are On Sale Now!
Tickets for the 4th and 5th grade dance performance on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30pm … are on sale now!
This year we are returning to Carrington Hall at Sequoia High School for the culminating dance performances. Come and enjoy the hard work your 4th and 5th graders have been putting in for the last trimester. Watch as they show off their awesome moves and incredible stage presence!
To buy tickets, go to unidospto.org/dance!
Volunteers: As always, we will need volunteers for the night of the performance. Please stay tuned for a sign up sheet, or email dance@unidospto.org if you’re interested.
Unidos PTO
Monthly PTO Meeting Date Change
We know everyone reading this message is excited for the November PTO meeting. We are too! But we want to make sure voting is as easy as possible, so we’ve moved the meeting by a week to November 12. Meetings are open to the public and loads of fun. Learn what’s going on, get involved, or just enjoy the snacks. Child care is even provided! Join us at 5:30 in the library.
Walk-A-Thon 2024!
The Walk-A-Thon is an annual school fundraiser taking place on Friday, November 22nd. This year's theme is “United We Walk, United We Learn”. Students will have the opportunity to raise money for their favorite activities including dance with Danny G, Garden, and STEAM by reaching out to family and friends and collecting donations. Every student will receive a Walk-A-Thon t-shirt, class prizes are given and most importantly, students get exercise dancing, skipping, or walking laps to their favorite tunes while parents, faculty, and the Alebrije cheer them on – it’s a great community event!
The fundraiser will run from October 28th through November 29th. This year donations can be made for a set amount or per lap completed. We are off to a great start and have raised over $7,000 so far! Keep it up and help us reach our goal.
How to make an Online Donation:
You’ve already received an email from 99Pledges with a link to your child’s individual page. Simply click the link and donate directly through their page. Share your child’s page with family and friends via email, text, social media, etc. If you didn’t receive it or can’t find it, Click on this link and search for your child’s name.
How to Make a Donation by Cash or Check: Please place your cash or check donation in an envelope with your child's name, grade, and teacher's name written on it (so they get credit for it), and drop it off in the Unidos PTO mailbox in the office. Please ask the office staff if you need an envelope for a cash/check payment.
Unidos PTO is aiming for 100% student fundraising participation, so please know that no amount is too small! Any class with 100% participation earns a Free Dress Day!
What to plan for this year’s Walk-A-Thon:
- The 3 classrooms that earn the most donations will receive $100 towards their teacher's Amazon Wish List and a movie party with popcorn!
- The 3 classrooms that complete the most laps will win a fruit popsicle party.
- All classes that have 100% participation will earn a Free Dress Day!
- Parents and family members are invited to cheer on our students in the afternoon on November 22nd! Be on the lookout for the schedule and volunteer opportunities.
Questions? Please email walkathon@unidospto.org
Thank you for your continued support of our school,
– Unidos PTO and Adelante SelbyWalk-A-Thon 2024!!!
Walk-A-Thon 2023!
5th Grade Families Sign Up To Visit Outdoor Education: Sunday, November 17th
Our 5th Grade Outdoor Education Trip will not be until the week of April 21-25, but 5th Grade families are invited to visit San Mateo Outdoor Education, located at YMCA Camp Jones Gulch in La Honda (Map Here). Bring your families and share in the magic of Outdoor Education. The event runs from 2-4pm on Sunday, November 17th. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/fFHooopzATsFe5Pb6
Parent Education Series/Parent Venture
The Teen Brain: A Conversation with Filmmaker Tiffany Shlain
Tiffany Shlain, Artist, Emmy-Nominated Filmmaker, Founder of Webby Awards
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Virtual Event (Live)
Register: https://tiffanyshlain2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
Join us for a conversation and film screening with Emmy-nominated filmmaker Tiffany Shlain. Her short film, The Teen Brain, explores what's happening in the teenage brain, illuminating that teenagers are super-learners with brains that are undergoing rapid and significant remodeling and development.
Fostering Mathematical and STEM Brilliance in All Students
Christa Jackson, PhD, Professor of Mathematics, Science, and STEM Education, Saint Louis University
Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Virtual Event (Live)
Register: https://christajackson2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
According to Christa Jackson, PhD, Professor of Mathematics, Science, and STEM Education at Saint Louis University, parents and educators need to consider mathematical and STEM experts who embody the social identities of the learners they guide/teach.
Parents/caregivers, students, educators, health professionals, and community members welcome! Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available. Free admission.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library: Sign Up For A Free Book Each Month!
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is dedicated to inspiring a love of reading by gifting books free of charge to children from birth to age five, through funding shared by Dolly Parton and local community partners in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Republic of Ireland
Redwood City families are eligible for this great opportunity. Parents just need to sign up. The program will mail out a free book each month until the child turns five.
Our district works hard to create balanced lunches that include whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables. As such, please do not bring sugary treats to school to celebrate your child's birthday(e.g, cupcakes). You are welcome to send healthy alternatives or non-edible items such as pencils, erasers or fidget toys. Typically, teachers will take the last Friday of the month to celebrate students birthdays for the entire month.
4th/5th Grade Girls Volleyball Team! Way to Go Alebrijes!! Thanks Jessica &Jenny
After School Programs for 2024/25
If interested in more information about after school programs please contact the following coordinators via email:
- REACH enrolling over 200 students in K-5th grades: Contact: kjimenez@redwoodcity.org
- Siena Youth Center with 80 students in 1st-5th grades: Contact: mrtenorio@stfrancisrwc.org
- YMCA with 40 students TK- 2nd grades: Contact: Eliana.Gonzalez@ymcasv.org
Additionally, Casa Círculo provides after school classes and opportunities for many of our students
Office Hours
Our school office hours are 8:00-4:00pm. All visitors to our school during school hours (not for Drop Off or Pick Up times) must come through and sign in at the school office.
Helpful Information Can Be Found In The Links Below:
Director Warren
Calendar: Important November Dates
Important November Dates
- Monday, November 4: Student Council Elections in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classrooms
- Monday, November 11: No School: Veteran's Day
- Tuesday, November 12: Unidos PTO Parent Meeting, 5:30-7:30pm in the Library(rescheduled due to Presidential Election on November 5th)
- Thursday, November 14: Ruby Bridges Walk To School Day! Wear Purple!
- Thursday, November 14: Food Distribution from 2:45pm-4:45pm: Front Lot: ALL ARE WELCOME!
- Friday, November 15: 1st Trimester Report Cards Sent Home with students
- Friday, November 15: Sports Jersey Spirit Dress Theme or follow dress code(3rd Friday of month)
- Friday, November 15: 1st Trimester Award Assemblies([parents will receive invitation for the students receiving certificates with time of the assembly).
- Tuesday, November 17: Dine Out Fundraiser at Lazy DOG Restaurant in San Mateo: Use Code 40UYA
- Monday, November 18: ELAC, 8:45am: STEAM LAB
- Wednesday, November 20: Picture Make Up Day with Dorian(if students were absent or you want to have retake)
- Wednesday, November 20: School Site Council Meeting, 3:00pm: Library
- Wednesday, November 20: 4th and 5th Grade Danny G Dance Recital Carrington Hall, Sequoia High School : students dropped off at 5:15pm, and doors open for show at 6:00pm. Show starts at 6:30pm.
- Friday, November 22: Walkathon!!! Afternoon TK/K 1:10-1:30; 1st-2nd gr 1:35-1:55; 3-5th 2:00-2:20pm on the field (weather permitting)
- Friday, November 22: Free Dress Day(last Friday of the month)
- Monday, November 25: Super Minimum Day dismissal TK: 11:30am; K: 11:40am; 1st-5th: 11:45am
- Tuesday, November 26: Early Dismissal: 1:25pm
- Thuesday, November 26: Food Distribution from 2:45pm-4:45pm: Front Lot: ALL ARE WELCOME!
- Wednesday-Friday November 27-29: No School: Thanksgiving Holiday