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Cougar News
From classrooms to the cafeteria and everywhere in between, our custodial team keep our campus shiny and clean!! (L to R) Maria Padron, Jordan Hernandez, Ramon Bravo Meza,
Maria Adam Escobar, Alonzo Aguilar, and Michael Bradley.
Social Studies
The Social Studies department at Dobie loves to bring history to life! We have a passion for creating engaging and interactive lessons that aim to help students develop skills and knowledge reflecting our core values of respect, character, and civic responsibility and engagement. We hope to encourage our students to learn about the past, engage in the present and shape the future! Huzzah! (Pictured L to R) Mr. Joyner, Mrs. Muha, Ms. Grobe, Ms. Jordiin, Mr. Clark, Mr. Ridge, Mr. Porter, Mr. Wetz, and Mr. Rumbut.
Morning announcement leaders, A. Williams and S. Wells
Athletic Stand-Outs
7th grade Volleyball teammates Z. Ruglass and A. Rodriguez.
8th grade Volleyball players S. Cummings and S. Coleman.
Football Players of Kickoff Week. (L to R) B. Fitzgerald - B team scout player of the week, D. Diaz- Defensive lineman, E. Lockwood- Offensive skills, J.- Defensive skills, S. Jackson- Offensive lineman,
C. Ibarra- Headhunter, A. Booker- B team Cougar of the week.
We send out newsletters and post information on Parent Square, the Dobie FB page and our Campus website. This information is linked to the email address and phone number that you provided when registering your student in Skyward (please keep this information current).
The 24-25 school year is off to a great start! Ms. Witherspoon, Ms. Stackhouse, and Mrs. Stinson are excited to be back and look forward to continuing the growth of the Dobie Counseling Program and helping students become the best version of themselves!
One way we can ensure we are providing the best services to your student is by hearing your voice and input. Please visit THIS LINK to fill out a brief survey about our school counseling program.
We look forward to partnering with our Cougar families for another successful year.
September Guidance Lessons
This month we will visit students through their Language Arts classes to provide information regarding mental health and suicide prevention.
After the lesson, students will understand why suicide prevention is important, what the warning signs are, and how they can get help for themselves or for someone else.
Dates to Note
Counselor Convos - Friday, September 13 - 9-10 AM - In-Person & Virtual
Topic: Teen Mental Health and Suicide PreventionIf attending in-person, please have your ID ready in order to sign in with the front office.
Zoom Link to attend virtually.
National Suicide Prevention Week - September 8-14
Let’s create awareness of this leading cause of death, and inspire more and more people to learn how they can play a role in their communities in helping to save lives.Monday, Sept 9: Wear purple to remind us that it is okay to not be okay.
Tuesday, Sept 10: Wear teal or blue as a reminder to Ask our friends how they are doing.
Wednesday, Sept 11: Wear yellow because Cougars stand united together.
Thursday, Sept 12: Wear orange to be the light to others who may be struggling.
Friday, Sept 13: Wear green for mental health awareness!
Hispanic Heritage Month - September 15 - October 15
We will celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.
Upcoming Sessions In September
- I'm a Head Start Policy Council Rep. Now What?
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 // 9am-11am
In-Person Session # 102376 // Virtual session # 103364 - AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life
In-Person Session # 102377 // Virtual session # 103365
- Knowing the Process Behind Your Child’s IEP
In-Person Session # 101150 // Virtual session # 103366
What Every Family Should Know About Autism
Thursday, September 12, 2024 // 9am-11am
In-Person Session # 101151 // Virtual session # 103367Navigating Special Education Through The Legal Framework
In-Person Session # 101152 // Virtual session # 103368
Parent Cafés: Protective Factor--Resilience
Thursday, September 19, 2024 // 9am - 11:30am
In-Person Session # 101155 (In-person only)Supporting Parents in the IEP Process
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 // 9am-11am
In-Person Session # 101156 // Virtual session # 103369Positive Behavior Supports in the Home
Thursday, September 26, 2024 // 9am-11am
In-Person Session # 101157 // Virtual session # 103372
Counseling Resources & Groups
Absence Notes must be submitted upon return to school or within 3 days of the absence. Notes received after this time will be filed, but the absence coding may not be updated.
Absence Notes may be submitted by one of the following:
completing the online Absence Form found here: https://www.scucisd.org/o/dobie/page/attendance
faxing the appropriate documentation 210-619-4142
emailing the appropriate documentation to the attendance clerk: dobieattendance@scucisd.org
dropping the appropriate documentation off at Dobie when the student returns
Questions Regarding Attendance/Attendance Corrections
Through Skyward Family Access and Skyward Student Access, parents and students can monitor student attendance. We strongly encourage you to closely monitor your student’s attendance. Should you notice an attendance error, you should first contact the teacher regarding the attendance in question.
MySchoolBucks is used for payments for school meals. You can add money to your child's account, view account balances and recent purchases, and set up notifications for upcoming payments - from the convenience of your home, office, or on-the-go with the mobile app.
Visit https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action?clientKey=&requestAction= to get started.
Cafeteria menus can be viewed here.
To apply for free/reduced meals, please review the requirements and submit your application here.
Now on MSB!
Stuco's first meeting is the September 4th
FCCLA applications are due Sept 30th . A slideshow with more info can be found at: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGO-f3H_OM/aXu66YD2IbGYsVHD7lTATA/edit
- Tue 9/03, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm • Open House
- Wed 9/04, 4:30/6:00 pm • 8th grade football vs Kirby (away); 7th grade football vs Kirby (home)
- Thu 9/05, 5:00/6:15 pm • 7th grade volleyball vs Kitty Hawk (home); 8th grade volleyball vs Kitty Hawk (away)
- Wed 9/11, 4:30/6:00 pm • 7th grade football vs Legacy (away); 8th grade football vs Legacy (home)
- Thu 9/12, 5:00/6:15 pm • 7th grade volleyball vs Woodlake (away); 8th grade volleyball vs Woodlake (home)
- Fri 9/13, 5:30 pm • Cross Country meet; Band fundraiser kick off
- Sat 9/14, 8:30/9:30 am • 7th girls Volleyball vs Kirby (away @ Heritage); 8th girls Volleyball vs Kirby (away @ Legacy)
- Thu 9/19, 5:00/6:15 pm • 7th grade volleyball vs Legacy (away); 8th grade volleyball vs Legacy (home)
- Sat 9/21, 9:00 am • Cross Country meet
- Mon 9/23 - Tue 9/24 • GT Field Day
- Wed 9/25 • Panda Express Spirit Night
- Wed 9/25, 4:30/6:00 pm • 8th grade football vs Kitty Hawk (away); 7th grade football vs Kitty Hawk (home)
- Thu 9/26, 5:00/6:15 pm • 8th grade volleyball vs Heritage (away); 7th grade volleyball vs Heritage (home)
- Sat 9/28, 9:15 am • Cross Country meet
I am the Communities In Schools (CIS) Site Coordinator for Dobie Junior High. Referrals to CIS can be initiated by students, parents, counselor, administration, or teachers/staff using the QR code here. If you have any questions or need to make a referral, please contact Mrs. Goode at 210-619-4122.
CIS is a local, non-profit organization, which is part of a nation-wide "stay-in-school" network. On campus, CIS works closely with families, teachers, principals, and other school staff to help students be successful. Our goal is to help children learn, stay in school, make positive life choices, and create a support system for students by reducing barriers to a successful education and prepare students for fun-filled days of learning!
Activities provided by CIS are designed to help students improve self-confidence, behavior, attendance, and academics.
For students, CIS can provide:
Counseling and Support
Academic Assistance
Group Activities to address social skills, character development, career awareness, and self-esteem
Behavior and Mental Health Support
Basic Needs Assistance (daily snacks, school supplies, clothing, food backpacks, etc.)
For parents, CIS can provide:
Parental Support and Guidance
Referrals to community agencies for counseling/mental health support
Employment information
Basic Needs Assistance
We believe that EVERY CHILD needs and deserves:
A one-on-one relationship with a caring adult.
A safe place to learn and grow.
A healthy start and a healthy future.
A marketable skill to use upon graduation.
A chance to give back to peers and the community
For more information about Communities in Schools,
Carmen Goode, MSW, M.S.
Site Coordinator
Communities In Schools of South Central Texas
J. Frank Dobie JHS | Cibolo, Texas 78108
210-619-4122 | cgoode@scuc.txed.net
- Students can not be signed out any later than 2:50pm.
- Delivery services (Favor, Uber Eats, Door Dash, etc.) are not allowed to bring food for students
- Skyward gives you 24/7 access to your students' attendance, assignment grades, and cycle grades. Please use the SCUC specific link, not Google
- Attendance changes can made within 7 calendar days of the absence only. Please allow 48-72 hours for absences to be corrected. Calling in a student's absence does not excuse the absence
Witness Statements and Parent Concern forms are available at our front desk to report concerns including on-campus bullying, cyberbullying, threats, and/or lost/stolen items. Forms are investigated in a timely manner by our Assistant Principals and SRO, if necessary
J. Frank Dobie Jr. High
Website: https://www.scucisd.org/o/Dobie
Location: 395 West Borgfeld Road, Cibolo, TX, USA
Phone: 210-619-4100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dobiejhs
Twitter: @DobieJunior