Pleasant Valley Family Newsletter
September 6, 2024

Dear PV Families,
We've had another fantastic week! Below are some pictures highlighting our students' activities. A few quick announcements and reminders:
Open House
We will be hosting our Open House from 6:00-7:30 PM:
- 6:00-6:30 PM: Principal's Presentation
- 6:30-7:00 PM: Classroom Presentations (Session 1)
- 7:00-7:30 PM: Classroom Presentations (Session 2, repeat of Session 1)
If you attended the K-2 Open House, you can skip the Principal’s Presentation and arrive for the teacher sessions at 6:30 or 7:00, depending on whether you need to attend one or both sessions.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety
Thank you for your patience during drop-offs and pick-ups. However, we have a few reminders to ensure everyone's safety:
- Pull up to the flagpole if you are the first car in line.
- Stay in your car.
- Students must exit from the passenger (right) side onto the school pavement.
- Do not overtake other cars.
- If parking, you must walk your child to the crosswalk and wait for the signal to cross.
- Walkers should be true walkers—please do not park to pick them up.
- Stay in your car and drive slowly as you enter and exit.
- Do not overtake other cars, and avoid getting out of your vehicle.
Your cooperation helps keep everyone safe, and I truly appreciate it!
Safety Drills
As part of our safety protocol, we conduct regular fire and lockdown drills. After our successful fire drill last week, we will hold our first lockdown drill next week. Normally, we don’t announce drills, but given recent national events, we wanted to keep you informed.
PTO Update
Thank you to all who attended our first PTO meeting! We discussed two upcoming events: our Fall Book Fair will be from Oct 22 to Oct 25th and Bingo Night on November 8th, 5:30-8:30pm. For more details, visit the PTO website (link at the bottom of the newsletter).Additionally, the Room Parent Chair is happy to report that most classrooms now have room parents, with only two remaining. If you're interested in becoming a room parent, please reach out to Julianne Guarnieri at dance.guarnieri@gmail.com.
Thank you all for your continued support in making PV a special place for our students and staff. Have a wonderful weekend!
Esther and Jenna
Pics of the week...
End of Day Pick Up Process/Car Rider Tags
If you would like to pick your child up at dismissal time, please email both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Strom or call the office at 860-610-0291 NO LATER THAN 2:00 PM.
Please indicate:
1. student name
2. teacher name
3. tag number
We will not be able to accommodate requests that come in after 2:00 PM.
Dropping Off Items for Your Student
If you need to drop off items for your child during the school day, you will be asked to leave them in the vestibule outside the main office. Please be sure to write your child's name and teacher's name on the items and notify your teacher via SeeSaw that they have been dropped off.
If your child is going to be absent, please log in to your Parent Portal and fill out the Attendance Monitor prior to the start of the school day. It is very important that the office be aware of your child's absence. Attendance Monitor Instructions can be found under Important Links, below.
If you would like to pick your child up early, please email both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Strom or call the office at 860-610-0291.
Note From the Nurse's Office
Kindly take a moment to review our upcoming events and important links below. Your participation and volunteer efforts with the PTO are highly encouraged as they play a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition into the school year and in fostering a strong community connection. The links provided include essential information about arrival and dismissal procedures, FAQs, PTO details, and a link to our school website.
September 3, 2024 (Grades K-2)
September 10, 2024 (Grades 3-5)
Open House 6:00-7:30
- 6:00-6:30 PM: Principal's Presentation
- 6:30-7:00 PM: Classroom Presentations Session 1
- 7:00-7:30 PM: Classroom Presentations Session 2 (repeat of Session 1)
This event is for parents/guardians/caregivers only.