January 10
Contact Ozaukee High School
Kristin Petersen - Secretary
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. M-F
Email: kpetersen@nosd.edu
Website: www.nosd.edu
Location: 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia, WI
Phone: 262-692-2453 ext. 400
Dates to Remember
- January 14 - Jostens pick up of Graduation order forms
- January 16 - End of Semester
- January 17 - No School/Records Day
- January 20 - Term 3 Begins
- February 14 - No school students and staff
- March 24-31st - Spring Break
- April 12 - NOSSF Fundraiser (Billy Joel Tribute)
- April 18 - No School for students and staff
If Your Student is Absent From School:
A parent or guardian must call 262-692-2453, Ext. 400, to report the absence. Voicemail messages may be left 24 hours a day.
- For your student’s safety, non-reported absences will be followed up by a call home made by school office personnel.
- In order to participate in or attend a game, event or practice, the student must be in school for the entire school day, unless excused in advance by the principal.
Illness During the School Day:
Students who become ill during the school day are to report to the high school office.A health room is available in the office for use by students.A student will be allowed 20 minutes in the health room. After 20 minutes the student will be required to return to class or be sent home with parent/guardian permission. Students should not call home to be picked up without first reporting to the office.
Pre-planned Excused Absence
When circumstances require that a student miss school for a pre-planned absence, (hunting, vacations, family business, etc.) please notify the office 48 hours prior to the absence by having your student complete and return a Pre-planned Excused Absence Form. These forms are available in the OHS office.
Senior Attendance Letter
January 9, 2025
Dear Parent/Guardian of 2025 Graduates:
It has been an amazing end to the 2nd quarter! Our Senior Class is heading steadfast into their LAST semester of High School in the Northern Ozaukee School District. Our Seniors have shown hard work, persistence, and commitment to finishing their academic career in school at a high level. In order to finish the year in good standing and in the best manner possible, I am asking that you talk with your student about our attendance requirements for the 2nd Semester of their “final act” here at OHS.
This is a reminder that, per NOSD Board Policy, Ozaukee High School has an attendance requirement for seniors wishing to participate in the graduation ceremony. Every senior must attend 90% of class time during his or her final semester of school. This means that no more than 8 days or 32 class periods may be missed during the second semester of the 2024-25 school year.
Please note, only medical appointments, court dates and college visits are excluded in this 10% of allowable absences and then only with documentation of the visit from the official institution. If there are any other rare circumstances for missing school, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Graduation is a special ceremony for the students and their families. It is my sincere wish to be able to include your son or daughter in this memorable celebration, therefore I am sending out this letter to ensure that nobody is surprised by this Ozaukee Board of Education requirement. Please team up with us to ensure the best possible attendance for your senior student.
Matt Zavada
Ozaukee High School
We need your help!
Cold and flu season is here and we have gone through almost all of our tissue. If you could donate any boxes of tissue it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping us stay healthy!
OHS Cellphone Policy 2024-2025
Unacceptable uses of electronic devices
Per state statute 175.22 (2013 through Act 380), cell phones are NOT allowed in restrooms and locker rooms at any time.
Personal electronic devices are not allowed in class or during class time including Resource time. Phones are not to be seen or heard in the classroom.
Consequences - There will be no warnings issued.
1st offense - The personal electronic device is taken and placed in the office by the staff member that confiscated the device. The device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
2nd offense - The personal electronic device is taken and placed in the OHS office and will be returned to the student at the end of the school day after parent contact is made. A detention is then issued.
3rd offense - The personal electronic device is taken and placed in the OHS office until the student’s parent or guardian picks up the device. Two detentions will be issued.
4th offense and subsequent offenses - will result in a meeting between parents, students, and administration and other consequences including the possible revocation of electronic device privileges and code of conduct violations, including consequences up to suspension.
In all cases, staff will fill out a technology violation slip when they bring the device into the office. Office staff will enter the violation into skyward.
***Students who are uncooperative in relinquishing their phones will immediately report to the office for an in-school suspension for the remainder of the day.
***Administration reserves the right to suspend electronic device privileges indefinitely for repeat offenders at his/her discretion.
Join The Waubedonia Soccer Club on January 18th for a Milwaukee Wave Game. Players will have a chance to get on the field at the game. The club will get a small percentage of ticket sales that will go towards our end-of-the-year party in May. We hope you can join us! Get ticket info here: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Waubedoniasoccer2
Athletics Information
Mark your calendar and join us for NOSD's first Ozaukee Young Entrepreneurs Market. On February 23rd from 1-4 pm NOSD students will be set up in the NOSD Atrium honing in their entrepreneurial skills and selling their items and promoting their services.
NOSD Students consider signing up TODAY to participate in this event. Do you have items you enjoy creating and selling? If so, this is the event for you. It is open to all students at NOSD. Click the link to sign up. Space is limited so sign up early! Click here to register.
To find more information about the event click here to view the Facebook Event.
🦊Family Nature Club in West Bend🦊
Wednesday, January 22 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Minz Park Stonebridge Rd West Bend, Wisconsin 53095
Family Nature Club is a free offering to our community designed for kids, teens, and their families. We facilitate outdoor, environmental-education based experiences for families to enjoy together.
Minz Park is a natural park area with trail access on Stonebridge Road. The nature trails wander through scenic prairie and beautiful wooded area, with a small creek that runs along the south end.
Pre-registration is required by January 21 at 11:55 pm.
🌲Family Nature Club in Glendale🌲
Tuesday, January 28 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Kletzsch Park 6560 N Milwaukee River Pkwy Glendale, Wisconsin 53209
Family Nature Club is a free offering to our community designed for kids, teens, and their families. We facilitate outdoor, environmental-education based experiences for families to enjoy together.
Kletzsch Park boasts the Oak Leaf Trail, an archery area, sand volleyball, soccer fields, disc golf, a sledding hill, softball diamonds, an exceptional native plant community, and great Salmon fishing.
All ages are welcome! Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Pre-registration is required by January 27 at 11:55 pm.
Family Nature Club is a free offering to our community designed for kids, teens, and their families.
All ages are welcome! Children must be accompanied by an adult.
We facilitate outdoor, environmental-education based experiences for families to enjoy together.
This is led by Riveredge Nature Center Environmental Educators and the Riveredge Scientist in Residence at Northern Ozaukee School District.
This program is free to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated!
- Tuesday, February 4, 2025⋅5:00 – 7:00pm Free Family Nature Club in Grafton - Lime Kiln
- Thursday, February 20, 2025⋅5:00 – 7:00pm Free Family Nature Club in Port Washington- Sauk Creek Nature Preserve
How to obtain a work permit
The Department of Workforce Development's Equal Rights Division has developed a new online work permit application tool. The application improves accessibility for minors who live in rural or underserved areas and eliminates the difficult logistics involved in working parents having to take off work to make a trip to a work permit office.
The application is live now. A parent can access the site using these instructions. Payment is made directly to the department through the application, using a credit or debit card or by ACH direct withdrawal. Once the permit application process is complete, the Department mails a paper copy of the permit directly to the employer.
In addition, they have reorganized the employment of minors web pages. The information you may need is linked, including a guide to hazardous and prohibited work, the hours and times of day restrictions for minors, and links to the appropriate statutes and codes.
Food Service Information
Taher Food Service Updates/Pricing
Health News and Information
Vaccine Requirement Changes
As of May 20th 2024, Wisconsin Department of Health Services has updated the vaccine requirements for the 2024-2025 school year. For this upcoming school year, incoming 7th graders will now be required to have 1 MenACWY-containing (meningococcal) vaccine and incoming 12th graders will be required to have 1 MenACWY-containing booster (2nd dose in series). Please do your best to have your child up-to-date on ALL vaccines prior to the upcoming school year so they are healthy and ready to learn come September! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Nurse Alli
262-692-2401 x204