McPherson's STEM Lab
Project Lead the Way
Kinder students are acting as scientists to learn more about the structure and function of their hands and fingers. They work in teams to ask questions, and make predictions before collecting data. Then they share their findings with their classmates and make conclusions.
Why So Many Bones?
Design a Cast
1st Grade
First grade students are learning how plants and animals adapt to be able to survive in five different environments. Their final task for this module includes collaborating to decide how to best prepare a fictional traveler for a trip of a lifetime into different environments.
World Traveler
Human Adaptations
Traveling Shoes
2nd Grade
Second graders are investigating different kinds of materials by their observable properties, including color, texture, and heat conduction. They know that engineers and designers create new products or improve existing products and technology to meet human needs and wants.
States of Matter
The Heat is On
Save the Ice Pops!
3rd Grade
Third grade students are learning all about the forces involved in flight as well as Newton's Laws of Motion. They can describe how the major parts of a glider affect the overall balance of an airplane during flight.
Parts of a Glider
Experimentally Gliding
4th Grade
Fourth grade students are comparing the computer system to a human brain by focusing on input, processing, and output. Students are collecting data and will learn how to represent it visually using programming.
Pass the Input
Input, Processing, and Output
Alien Tilt Game
5th Grade
Infection: Modeling and Simulation
Pair Programming
Dodgeball Game
6th Grade
6th grade students are using the design process to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. They work in teams and use tools such as mathematics software, computer-aided design programs, and engineering notebooks to design, model, and build objects.
Accuracy and Precision
Building Blocks
McPherson Magnet School
Location: 333 South Prospect Street, Orange, CA, United States
Phone: 714-997-6384
Twitter: @McPhersonMagnet