December Edition

December Edition
K - 2nd Elementary Schools
3rd -5th Elementary Schools
High Schools 2nd & 3rd Place
Important Dates:
Early Release December 19 & 20, 2024
Winter Break: December 23 - January 6, 2025
Quarter 3 Begins: January 7, 2025
Academically and Intellectually Gifted
Rebecca Bishop - Academically & Intellectually Gifted Coordinator
- AIG Advisory Board meets virtually on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Access the meeting HERE.
Exceptional Children
Suzanne Cotterman - Senior Director of Exceptional Children Program
EC Teacher of Excellence
Ms. Crystal Jones, Northern Granville Middle School
Congratulations to Ms. Crystal Jones who was honored on November 14th at the 73RD Exceptional Children's Conference. Ms. Jones was honored by DPI and her peers along with other NC nominees as a Teacher of Excellence based on her awesome work with special education students, her support of staff, and her selfless giving to her GCPS peers and the community. Way to go Ms. Jones!
Family Academy
December 17 at 6-7pm via Meet
Emotional and Mental Health
Stephanie Humphrey - Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator
I would like to send a special thank you to the volunteers, GCPS staff members, community and state organizations and agencies, businesses, law enforcement, NC McKinney-Vento team members, students, parents, and individual donors who donated to and/or contributed in some way to the 2nd Annual GCPS McKinney-Vento STOP & Drop off Hope donation drive and the Inaugural GCPS McKinney-Vento Housing and Community Resource Fair during the 2024 National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week #HHWeek. Your contributions to Granville County students and families in transition made both events a huge success !!!
Christian Faith Center
Strong Arm Baking Company
Tru Soul Food Kitchen
Don Murray BBQ2Go
Georges Restaurant
Family Diner
Daisy Garden Club
Oxford Housing Authority
Harbor House
Hope House
North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness
North Carolina Homeless Education Program
Masonic Home for Children at Oxford - Community Support Center
Area Congregations in Ministry (ACIM)
GCPS Early Childhood Program and Cradle to Class
FGV - N.C. Smart Start
Church and Community Ministries (CCM)
Granville County DSS
Granville-Vance Public Health
Granville County Coalition to End Homelessness
Oxford Police Department
Masonic Home for Children at Oxford - Community Support Center
Ms. Niki Taylor - "Resiliency" Guest Speaker
McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness: a child or youth is homeless who lacks a fixed, regular, or adequate night-time residence.
The following living situations "may" allow someone to qualify under McKinney-Vento law:
Living temporarily for economic reasons due to a natural disaster or fire.
Living with a friend, relative or with someone else because they lost their home or because of some other hardship.
Staying in a motel or hotel due to a lack of housing.
Living in an emergency transitional shelter or domestic violence shelter.
Staying in substandard housing.
Living in a car, park or public place, abandoned building or bus station.
Living in a campground or an inadequate trailer home.
Living in a runaway or homeless youth shelter.
Youth living on their own or with someone who is not the parent/guardian due to challenging circumstances.
For information about McKinney-Vento federal legislation, please see the link below:
MKV Contact Information:
If you suspect that a GCPS child or youth is unhoused or if you and your family are unhoused and in transition, please contact the individuals below for more information about the GCPS McKinney-Vento program:
MKV School Points of Contacts:
Christy Currin, School Social Worker Lead: 252-430-9416
MKV Liaison:
Teresa Hicks, PMC, MA, NCC - 252-425-9368
Here Comes The Bus uses global positioning system (GPS) technology to locate and track your child's school bus. It is powered by software from Synovia Solutions and uses data uploaded every evening from our TIMS Department. If your student has been assigned to the bus, you can download the free app to your phone and get notifications when the bus is near to your residence or to the school your student attends. You will need your student's ID number and the school code 82346. You can get started by clicking on the following link: