JWL Weekly Student/Family Update
Week of 1/8/24
Taking Place this Week:
- Tues/Thurs: Raider Academy
- Friday Jan 12th - Half Day for Students (Staff Development) Bell Schedule link
- Friday Jan 12th 8th grade only- Brad Hurtig Assembly @ High School 9-10 am
Reminders for Students
- While breakfast is served until 9, students should not be excused from class to go get breakfast after advisory period.
- Students get ONE free breakfast/lunch. The cafeteria will begin cracking down on the students who are getting multilples.
- Please reminds students that from 2:30-3 they need to be with a teacher. At 3 they either need to be at Raider Academy or be picked up by a parent.
- Reminder that students should not let other students, nor parents into the building. All visitors must sign in at the front office.
Logistics for Friday
Below is the plan for the assembly:
- 8th graders and 8th grade advisory teachers will be called to the gym at 8:30/8:35 (get coats on the way)
- They will meet with their advisory group and each 8th grade advisor will take attendance at that time (you will need to bring your class rosters)
- Advisory groups will board the busses to the high school at 8:40/8:45
- Assembly is from 9-10
- Following the assembly students will board the busses with their advisories (attendance taken again on the bus)
- Students will return to JWL and proceed to period 10/11 depending on arrival time back to the building.
Upcoming dates/events
Look Ahead...Please put into your calendar
- Monday January 15th- NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)
- Wednesday January 17- Staff Mtg. 2:30
- CBT Simulation
- Thurs Jan 18th DURING ADVISORY
- Friday February 9- 1/2 Day (Staff Dev.)
- State testing dates
- ELA -April 17/18
- Math- May 13/14
- Sci- May 8 (8th grade only)
Photos from the week
Mrs. Reyes's Class Practicing Fractions using M&M's and Peardeck
About Us
Email: kquinlan@mcs.k12.ny.us
Website: https://jwjh.mcs.k12.ny.us/
Location: 1 School Street, Massena, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 764-3720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/812944242085434
Kendra Quinlan
Kendra is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters