October Parent Newsletter
Dr. Malinda McKillip, Principal
Title I Universal Screening
At the end of September, the French Creek Title 1 Intervention Team conducted building-wide universal screenings to assess students' needs in the areas of reading and mathematics. This data was used to help us identify students who qualify for additional support in the areas of reading and/or mathematics, including those students who qualify for Title 1 services. Families of students eligible for Title 1 reading and/or math intervention have received notification by email and "Backpack Express". It is important to note that even if students did not meet the criteria for Title 1 (Tier III) services, they may still be eligible to receive district reading and/or math support (Tier II). As always, we are committed to providing assistance to all students who may qualify for additional support.
National Custodian Appreciation Day (10/2)
First Friday Fun Day (OJR Pink Out)
K-Kids (Grades 4-6)
Please click here for information regarding K-Kids for students in Grades 4-6. If your child is interested, please register by October 7th via School Pay.
OJR Make A Difference Day
Please help OJR fill an entire school bus with donated items to support the Coventry Food Panty October 14th-October 25th. Please click on the flyer below for more information. All items can be dropped off in our main lobby.
Storybook Pumpkin Painting Contest
REA Safe Trick or Treat Night
PTA October Family Newsletter
Click here for the FCVPTA Spirit Wear Store. Shop online from October 1st through October 22nd.
Click here to sign up for Drama Club (Grades 5 & 6).
Click here for for Karate Club registration.
PTA General Membership Mtg.
Elementary Fun Run at Warwick County Park
Calling all 4th, 5th and 6th grade students! Join us for the annual Elementary Fun Run at Warwick Park on Tuesday, October 22nd. Sign up by Friday, October 18th via School Pay. Click on the flyer below for more information.
Yearbook Cover Contest
Attention French Creek Artists! It's time to show us your talent for this year's French Creek Yearbook Cover Contest! Attached you will find the guidelines that are necessary when creating the yearbook cover. All covers are due by Friday, October, 25th. Voting will determine a back cover winner from K-3 and a front cover winner from 4-6. Please email Mrs. Torres (ttorres@ojrsd.net) or Mrs. Troutman (kristatroutman@ojrsd.net) with any questions.
PTA Halloween Toy Bingo
Now that after school activities are underway, it is very important for parents to enter their child's after school plans into Pick Up Patrol as soon as possible. Please enter club days as an afterschool activity and be sure to list the club name in the notes. If your child is signed up for two activities on one day, please indicate which activity they should attend.
Additionally, if your child will not be attending the after school activity on a club date, please list his/her dismissal plan as a plan change and note that they won't be attending the club that day. This way we can ensure that all students are dismissed as quickly and efficiently as possible.
If you are picking your child up on a day when he/she is not on the Pick Up Patrol list prior to 3:00 PM, please plan to park in the Visitor Lot and then report to the main office to sign your child out of school.
Annual French Creek Halloween Parade
Visitors are welcome to join us for our annual Halloween parade on Thursday, October 31st. The parade will begin promptly at 1:50 PM in the front of the building. During the parade, students will be seated in the center of the blacktop area with their homeroom class. Each grade will complete one lap around the loop for visitors to take pictures and for students to view the costumes of other students. Visitors should stand behind the curb on the sidewalk or grass. Please keep any younger children off of the playground equipment for their safety. Please refer to the map below. As always, parking will be limited so carpooling is recommended. We look forward to seeing you at the parade!
*AM Kindergarten teachers will communicate morning parade information in their upcoming weekly newsletter.
Please see additional information below:
Students are invited to bring/wear costumes to school on the 31st provided that they are appropriate and comfortable. Any student needing to put on their costume may do so between 1:25-1:40 PM.
Costumes must be school appropriate. No weapons, blood, or gore!