OC MAS Secondary Newsletter - May 3
Your Bi-Weekly Newsletter for Grades 5-9

A Message From Your Principal - Mr. Boshart
Hello there MAS Families,
Your students gave their all these last few days for state testing! We are about 95% done testing and have a few make-up tests to complete. Thank you for helping to ensure your students were here. We were able to offer a pizza party for the top floor on May 3 for all grade levels meeting our 95% goal for Monday-Wednesday and ALL GRADE LEVELS 5-9 MET THE GOAL!!! How awesome!
Next week we will also be RI testing to begin collecting data for the end of the year report cards. We will also have Interim Assessment testing in the week of the 13th so that report cards can go out the week of the 20th. Instruction will happen in all classes through May 24th and May 28th will be field day.
We appreciate your support and partnership this year and we are looking forward to a strong finish to the school year with your students! Thank you!
Mr. Boshart
OC Secondary School Leader
Field Day!
Feel free to join us at the park and have fun with your student. Students will be permitted to leave with you only when signed out at our "sign-out table." Students must be in uniform until they are signed out and must leave with parents at the end of the event.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 08:15 AM
1255 Old Coors Drive Southwest, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Update
Year to Date (YTD) ADA for each grade level is the following:
5th - 93%
6th - 92%
7th - 91%
8th - 91%
9th - 93%
All of Secondary - 92%
All grade levels are below our goal. Help your students to be present and on time EVERY day so they are ready for state testing! Ninth grade, remember that attendance affects credits to graduate!
We have begun a popsicle incentive for cohorts that have 95% attendance or better to help celebrate those cohorts that are meeting the mark!
5th Grade Scholar of the Week - Walter Saucedo
Walter is well behaved, respectful, and tries his best. Walter works really hard in math, even though he struggles at times. Walter is so very friendly and always greets people with a warm smile.
- Mian Pabustan, 5th Grade Mathematics
6th Grade Scholar of the Week - Mariana Ituarte
Mariana has been is an awesome student in 6th grade Eastern. She is always polite and respectful in class. She is focused and always trying her best. She bring joy into the classroom and has a great growth mindset when faced with challenges.
- Martin Overfield, 6th Grade Mathematics
7th Grade Scholar of the Week - Janell Luna
Janell Luna is an exemplary MAS scholar. She works diligently and always asks for help if she needs it. She is also kind, respectful, and courteous to peers, educators, and staff. Finally, I would like to nominate Janell for the extraordinary effort she also puts forth helping at home to care for her younger siblings.
- Aaron Cuffee, 7th Grade Test Prep
8th Grade Scholar of the Week - Caleb Rosendo
I would gladly nominate Caleb Rosendo, 8th grade Highlands.
As his ELA teacher he has demonstrated such determination and I have seen a lot of growth in his work . He is extremely respectful and does not require any re-directions. Caleb is working very hard in improving the areas he is not strong in. He is an exemplar student.
- Ceema Guyadeen, 8th Grade English Language Arts
9th Grade Scholar of the Week - Rayanna Romero
I want to nominate Rayanna Romero. She is an excellent example of the MAS standards. She never gets out of her seat without permission, she keeps her area clean, tidy, and organized, she completes 100% of her work 100% of the time and takes exceptional notes. She also got straight A's last quarter.
- Misha Lockamy, 9th Grade Algebra 1 and Biology
Other Important Dates
Graduation (Seniors at Yale)
* May 4
Q4 RI Testing
* May 9
Last Day of Academics
* May 24
Memorial Day (No School)
* May 27
Field Day (Last Day of School)
* May 28
How to Reach Your Educational Team
5th Grade Team:
ELA - Casie Perkins casie.perkins@mascharterschool.com
Janie Mae Pelien janiemae.pelien@mascharterschool.com
Math - Mian Pabustan mian.pabustan@mascharterschool.com
Jonathan Ashe jonathan.ashe@mascharterschool.com
Science - Analie Abella analie.abella@mascharterschool.com
PE - Victor Carrillo victor.carrillo@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep - Abraham Rimbert abraham.rimbert@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep Intervention - Gabriel Little gabriel.little@mascharterschool.com
6th Grade Team:
ELA - Liz Garcia liz.garcia@mascharterschool.com
Kyle McGraw kyle.mcgraw@mascharterschool.com
Math - Martin Overfield martin.overfield@mascharterschool.com
Jesse Valdez jesse.valdez@mascharterschool.com
Science - Jelford Teves jelford.teves@mascharterschool.com
PE - Victor Carrillo victor.carrillo@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep - Abraham Rimbert abraham.rimbert@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep Intervention - Gabriel Little gabriel.little@mascharterschool.com
7th Grade Team:
ELA - Brendan Lewiecki brendan.lewiecki@mascharterschool.com
Jacob Ladd jacob.ladd@mascharterschool.com
Math - Jamal Molina jamal.molina@mascharterschool.com
Ms. Carolina mona.elhabash@mascharterschool.com
Science - Savannah LaRosa-LoPresti savannah.lopresti@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep - Aaron Cuffee aaron.cuffee@mascharterschool.com
Andrew Gottshall andrew.gottshall@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep Intervention - Gabriel Little gabriel.little@mascharterschool.com
8th Grade Team:
ELA - Ceema Guyadeen ceema.guyadeen@mascharterschool.com
Devon Myers devon.myers@mascharterschool.com
Math - Eric Brown eric.brown@mascharterschool.com
Michael Carrasco michael.carrasco@mascharterschool.com
Science - Dr. Ryan Mangold ryan.mangold@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep - Melanie Rosario melanie.rosario@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep Intervention - Gabriel Little gabriel.little@mascharterschool.com
ELA -Andrew Gottshall andrew.gottshall@mascharterschool.com
Math - Misha Lockamy misha.lockamy@mascharterschool.com
Carl Essary carl.essary@mascharterschool.com
Science - Misha Lockamy misha.lockamy@mascharterschool.com
Carl Essary carl.essary@mascharterschool.com
Health - Gabriel Triviz gabriel.triviz@mascharterschool.com
Test Prep Intervention - Gabriel Little gabriel.little@mascharterschool.com