Chopps Chat
May 2021
Headteacher's Comment
As things progress it is looking more and more likely that COVID is going to be less of a worry as Summer term progresses. As of yet we are not sure what that may mean for school and how we operate. So until we are told otherwise we will continue with our staggered starts and mask wearing. We know this is a pain for everyone, us included, but once we have guidance from the government and NCC we will communicate any future changes.
We are back up and running at full pace with after school clubs, breakfast club, swimming lessons and Assertive Mentoring meetings with the hope of closing some of the gaps that have developed during the latest lockdown. If you have not met with your class teacher, please make sure you make contact so you know how you can help us with your child's learning.
We are in the process of making plans for the rest of the year and for the start of the next academic year with a few changes, some of which are detailed below. We expect to continue providing holiday provision for those children that would like it, more details will follow soon.
Mr D. Nelson
Online Safety at Home
Please click the link, below, to provide ideas for how to keep your child safe on line whilst at home. This page is from our Safeguarding Consultant and is full of links and information to help you and your families.
Please watch this video for more information on Keeping Children Safe Online
Forest School Area
I will message out via Class Dojo to let you know when we are looking to carry out this work.
School Dog
We will send out this information individually during this half term to get parental consents.
School Uniform
From September 2021 we are making some changes to our uniform for the children. The school uniform will be (see images below):
maroon/grey (Y6) sweatshirt
light blue polo t-shirt
plain black leggings/joggers
maroon hoodie
The reason for this slight change is due to the increase in active/outdoor activities we are planning for the children from September 2021.
To help with costs school will be providing every child with a PE kit - light blue t-shirt, maroon shorts and a bag. This will be kept in school at all times, with school washing them regularly.
Parent's Forum
The first meeting will be Thursday 20th May @ 9am, in Old Early Years building - please make sure you bring your mask.
After School Clubs
Diary Dates
- Parent's Forum - Thursday 20th May @ 9am
- Half Term holiday - Thursday 27th May
- Staff Training Day - Friday 28th May
- Return to school - Monday 7th June
- School Photographer - Friday 25th June
- PTFA Summer Fair - Friday 2nd July
About us
Location: Choppington Primary School, Eastgate, Scotland Gate, Choppington, UK
Phone: 01670 823197
Twitter: @choppingtonps